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A Speck-Tacular weekend


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Well, well, well. Great I caught a few moments to pop in while on holidays here in the valley.


Dan, all is still a go. I have to catch my flight to the arctic tomorrow but shall return next weekend to hit the road out to your neck of the woods. Seems my jigflies might be a little heavy :whistling: but I can't wait dood. Have your numbers, will call ya soon.


BTW.... reports like yours give me a full day long stiffy. :blush: Way to "keep it up."


Soopah-nice troots dood.

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Dan, those are some beautiful fish you had in those pics! I can only try to imagine what they looked in person.


The report was not something to be worried about, it was good to see you getting onto fish. I'll have to look into making a trip up there some time. Hopefully not too far into the future.


Look forward to seeing the next report be from you, MB or other party members. Sounds like it's gonna be a blast.





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Well, thanks so much for all of the nice comments people. You guys really made my day. It's nice to share my passion with folks that appreciate it.


Mike. Yes, all of the fish were caught on jig flies. They're really the ultimate Brook Trout lure for this type of fishing IMHO, and obviously, the Brookies love them. A 1/4 oz. jig fly is perfect in most lake situations.


BillM. Don't wait Bud. Start planning next years vacation right now. Time has a way of sneaking up on us.


ccmt. Thanks Man. I just hope you enjoyed my report as much as I enjoy yours. You're due for another by the way. I'm sure I'll be seeing it soon.


Sean. Sounds like a plan to me. For sure we'll have to hook up one of these days. And it won't be on the Kam!!


Musky or Specks. Sorry to hear that you couldn't make it up to paradise this year. Hopefully next year? I'll do my best to post another report or two before it's all over for another year.


camillj. We share the same passion along with very few others on OFC. It's something that only we can understand I suppose. Good luck on the ZEC trip. I'm looking forward to your report.


Roy. Thanks Bud. Have I not convinced you to come up here for a weekend yet??


Spiel, Spiel, Spiel. You know that we'll be sharing more than a few fishing trips together in the coming years. Once every three years is not enough though. The ball's in your court. See you next August??


Al (Guidofisherman). If you're looking for a good guide, I'll be happy to send you my rate sheet. :whistling:

All kidding aside, I hope to see you out there soon. We'll keep in touch.


reefrunner. Yes, the fish only get prettier as we get closer to the fall. Between Guidofisherman and I, You'll see what I mean in the next month or so.


Phil. Thanks for the comments Bud. We have to hook up some time!!


darren. lol.. Later in the year is the time to go. Hope to see you on the water some day..


Finally, I'll be doing another Brook Trout adventure in a couple of weeks, but I won't be doing a report on here.


Why??? You may ask?? Because I'll be hooking up with Moosebunk, and if you think that I'm going to try to out report him, then think again. I'll leave that to him. :whistling:


And with any luck, Irishfield may be joining us as well. I'm looking so forward to this trip.


Talk to you guys later..

Ummm.........Dan..................do you ever make a boring report, I think not.


Now hold it on one gall darn minute here....................DREW is going to be up(down) here, in our territory, wow, and Wayne maybe taqging along,,,,,,,,,


give me a heads up please, I may not make those meet and greets, but would appreciate the opportunity.

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