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Botbot's first bass


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Well I finally got a chance to take my daughter,Botbot, fishing for smallmouth bass today.

It was windy as heck out and we were trying to float fish,but was difficulty working that method out with her.


So, I decided to introduce her to bottom bouncing.


She got really excited when she felt the first BUMP on the line. :whistling: She didn't give the pole a tug as she was sooo excited to feeel that fish. lol


We reeled it in to check the bait and then i cast it back out for her.


THIS time she is REEEEAAAAAADY! ...

nothing.. for a minute or two and she says her arm is getting sore holding the pole..lol


As she turns to look at where the noise behind her came from, she gets a hit! And this time she tugs it.


FISH ON DADDY! :clapping:


About a one lb smallie.. (nice eating size)


Two blue gills later and she is really getting to like the "bottom bouncing now". :Gonefishing:



And then, whammo,,



She is PUMPED.

This fish was slightly smaller but waaay scrappier than the one earlier.


And here she is with her first bass >>



Then she says: "Daddy, when can i go to the Maitland river to catch one like you did on Friday night"?



I say, FIVE more SLEEPS! :whistling:


Good luck sleeping Botbot. :whistling:


Splashhopper and Botbot


PS. Botbot = "pretty little girl" in Tagalo(Filipino)

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Very nice!Looks like she has got the fishin bug now!


yep, she has "the bug".


I am taking her up to the Maitland river next weekend for our first ever daddy and botbot ONLY weekend away together.


If the weather holds, we will be walking the river to 4-5 holes I know of and have some kind of a shore lunch. (even if it is the "surprise" hotdogs I will be sure to pack. lol)


She already has her camera ready and is telling her friends about it. :wallbash:


Let's hope the weather holds for her.



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Great to see!! There's no stopping her now!!


How's her wrist holding up?


Good luck next weekend....packing the hotdogs is a smart idea...hopefully you wont need them though...LOL. Have fun on your first daddy/daughter weekend together.

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