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How to entice kid to fish?


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can't force a kid to like what you like. How many kids do you know of who were forced to take piano lessons and how many still play after highschool? As much as a parent wants to see their kids head on a certain direction in life, eventually that child must be allowed to choose his own path. If not, we would all still be hunters and farmers living off the land in a little log cabin.

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i think that if you start them young, 4 or 5 they will always like it. When they get older, 12 13 they start thinking about other things, hanging with friends, playing video games. then high school and women are on there minds. Once they get by that stage i htink most kids start to do things that are fun to them again.


People go through phases in life. Fishing may or not fit into your life, key is let it be his/her decisoon



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Lot's of great advice here...which I am finding extremely helpful, so, thanks for starting this post! My little man is now 8 years old, and he has loved fishing since catching his first sunfish when he was barely 3 years old. HOWEVER...after trying way too hard, and expecting him to come along with me and be happy to fish for much longer than he wanted to, I am on the verge of ruining a really good thing. This year, he almost wants nothing to do with it. Tells me that he doesn't think he has the patience, just isn't something he is into. I know it's because I've put too much pressure on him, and, after a couple really crappy days ice-fishing, he's not too enamoured with the sport. Thankfully, he's 8, and thankfully, I've got a wonderful woman who is helping me take it easy with him. The other night, we just took the boat out. For a ride -- no fishing! I let him drive the boat (with supervision...an 8-horse on the tinny and small lake), and fishing was never mentioned. The next day, we went out for another ride...he didn't want to bring his rod, but didn't mind if Jessy and I brought ours. So, he drove some more, he picked a couple spots for us to fish, and, sure enough, once I was taking a few casts, I got the "Hey Dad, can I take a few casts with your rod?" Of course, I was praying like a madman that he would catch something right then and there, but he didn't, and that was okay too.

My new thing is NO pressure....take the opportunities when you get them, and hey -- it really is HIS decision. He knows he'll always have a fishing buddy if he wants to go. Good luck to all the parents...for fishing and all the other crap our kids are going to put us through :D

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I know that we have to adapt to our kid's personality, some kids can be push while others will retalite if we push them.


I am impress with Successful Athletes like Tiger Wood or Sharapova, their parents push them hard, IF you notice their background and history. Tiger wood, who is a Afican AMerican background, has a military background Dad, the Dad would try to distract him while he is Teeing off when he was being trained, and this makes him tough and distraction during play does not bother him, he can stay focus regardless of conditions. Sharapova Dads was so poor and gave up all his money so His daughter can be enrolled in a US Tennis Academy, Their upbringing and background makes them who they are today.


Today's kid has too many obstruction, TV Video, Games, Internet, Facebook. We overprotect them and they cannot be alone outside the streetfor fear of Kidnapping.


When we wear growing up , we were always on the street , we do not come home until it gets dark. We have our bike and we are gone, I got into plenty of mischief and has to learn from it, and yet we are more street smart then most of our younger generation. TV was not important for us then, We love the outdoor.


I got hook fishing for carp and Catfish when our local creek has them, and we have to go through swamp to find them , there were tons of bugs and mosquitoes, but we never heard of west nile as well, we got bitten but who cares as long as we can get fish , salamaner, snakes, frogs, cray fish, etc... It was fun.

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Wow, lots of good advice....love the beer and "mens" magazine comment LOL

My sons sometimes come out with me fishing, other times they are too busy playing video games

but getting my daughters to come is easy...I ask their boyfriends to come and they follow :whistling: and boyfriends just can't say no to the girlfriends mom ha ha


Other times I prefer they all stay back and let me have some peace !!!!!!!

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I know that we have to adapt to our kid's personality, some kids can be push while others will retalite if we push them.


I am impress with Successful Athletes like Tiger Wood or Sharapova, their parents push them hard, IF you notice their background and history. Tiger wood, who is a Afican AMerican background, has a military background Dad, the Dad would try to distract him while he is Teeing off when he was being trained, and this makes him tough and distraction during play does not bother him, he can stay focus regardless of conditions. Sharapova Dads was so poor and gave up all his money so His daughter can be enrolled in a US Tennis Academy, Their upbringing and background makes them who they are today.


I've heard that story about Tiger a few times, but the newsguys seem to forget that only a couple of years ago he was being criticized for having rabbit ears.



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If the boy dont wanna fish, dont take him fishing. Just fish without him. At some point in his life he'll either ask you to take him fishing again - and if that day never comes then I guess he was never cut out to be a fisherman.


Then again, I convinced my fiance to like fishing, and shes a VEGETARIAN!

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