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Dog Bite NF

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Ok not fishing but something i have been fighting now for a few weeks...


A few weekends ago i was out in backyard with kids and friends having a few soda's and fire.

My nieghbour decided to pop over with his dog and was chatting with us, Then suddenly his dog turned on my youngest and started to attack him.

Right off the bat i threw and kick out to stop dog from further attacking my child............ wife jumped over and pick up the crying child.




He's the kicker.............. My neighbour flipped right out and is very bitter for kicking his dog....

He feels that was wrong ????????

I dont get it........... totally blows my mind.


Well yesterday .................. the dog came on my yard and i once again ............Kicked it........ very light kick at that.

Next thing happens................ neighbour comes running around corner yelling and shoves me.........???????


Now im early 30ish............ decent shape........... close to 200lbs.......

This guy is mid 60 or so............

I didnt thump him or anything........... but jesus.......

Dosent seem i can win with these people........


ruined my evening and ruining my day today :wallbash:

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I think you did well to not put him on his butt


and kicking the dog to stop it from attacking you child, I would have killed it right then and there

the dog comes back in my yard the next day, I would run because it's a ghost, I killed it the day before....LOL


ok really I would talk to your neighbour and say, your dog attacked my child, so you need to muzzle and tie up your dog, if it comes into by back yard again I will defend my family and I will call the police and dog pound

you may want to call them today anyways

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my wife has gone over there 3 times to try to talk to them......


They are rude to her and still maintain i shouldnt have kicked there dog.........


Going to call police today........... This is just unreal and dont need this crap.


They were also jerks to my folks that came down to go fishing ............and to my company that was here.


Looks like i can kill this dog if it comes on my yard and i feel threaten...........hmmmm

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Having 2 small kids of my own, instinctivly, that dog would be dead, not because i'm a mean jerk but because i am caring for my childs welfare. In my eyes you did the right thing and the owner is very lucky he wasn't bringing a bag and a shovel to get his dog. I have had dogs but if its a choice between my kids and a dog, i think you know the answer. What kind of dog was it? Moira, i think its a was the right thing you did, and i wouldn't waste my time with that guy apologizing or trying to reason to him, any "good" dog owner would have realized it was his mistake. Keep us posted as to what goes on. as for being attacked again, get the cops involved!

Edited by Tinman
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Call your local humane society and file a bite report. They can force your neighbour to properly contain the dog if he is aggressive. It is not the dog...it is the owner. Keep that in mind.


What Rick said above, call the Humane Society, or local animal control society.

The dog is off leash, most places nowadays have rules about proper animal control.


Yes, you can protect yourself from harm, or your family from harm, from non controlled animals, but killing your neighbours dog(s) should be a last resort.


Force the problem back on your neighbours.


I have neighbours on both sides of me who have dogs, they are always in my back yard, off leash, but with their owners paying attention to their whereabouts, and they are also nice dogs, play with them all the time.

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The dog is a KEESHOND.


There other dog is a mix mutt..........


The first time i was bit in the hand it drew blood.


When i told them they said "our dog dont bite"


I swear to god............. if this dog ever comes on my yard again when my kids are outside........




I dont believe in killing any animals...........but enough is enough.


police say if there is no injury............ not much can be done.......... but they will drop by and talk to them, and a report will be made.


I can defend my family and kill this dog without getting into trouble aswell... :)


The owner should be the one that is killed.............

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Killing the dog will only make matters much worse, it may even lead to your death!


Buy a paint ball or BB gun, when it comes in the yard crack open a window in the house and bounce one off its butt... quiet and stealthy!


It won't take long at all for the dog to learn not to come in your yard.

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I would have done just about anything to protect my family and my own dogs. Pet owners are totally responsible for keeping their pets under control. When we walk our dogs, outside our fenced in yard, they are always on a leash. A couple times dogs have come out after our dogs and will even cross streets. More than once I've man-handled or kicked another dog to keep it away from us or our dogs.


Even at Lakair, we knew Digger did not become friendly with our dogs, so when we walked past the lodge on the way to the boat, we had them leashed. Otherwise, they are good dogs and we let them run around. But they are our responsibility.


Regardless, as a pet owner, you are totally responsible for the actions of your pets. I'd say something to the neighbor to keep his dog under control or I'd have it reported as the others have said.


If your son was actually bitten, that should be a reportable event. Next time, it could be a whole lot worse or even someone else.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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My doberman bit someone a few years back. He has never bit someone since he was a puppy going through his teething stages. This was random. I don't know if the guy had food in his hands and was taunting him or what ever else. The guy punched my dog. I accepted why he hit my dog as it would have been my first thing to if someone elses dog bit me. Dogs can be very well trained but there can be that rare time it could do something it has been trained not to do.


next day my dog was all over the guy licking where he planted his teeth.


My Great Dane had yet to cause any harm. It knows better.


I hope your kid is doing all right. Hope he doesnt hate dogs now:(

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The dog is a KEESHOND.


There other dog is a mix mutt..........


The first time i was bit in the hand it drew blood.


When i told them they said "our dog dont bite"


I swear to god............. if this dog ever comes on my yard again when my kids are outside........




I dont believe in killing any animals...........but enough is enough.


police say if there is no injury............ not much can be done.......... but they will drop by and talk to them, and a report will be made.


I can defend my family and kill this dog without getting into trouble aswell... :)


The owner should be the one that is killed.............



Personally I wouldn't put this statement on the internet. Whatever happens now is premeditated and that changes the game completely.

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I'm not saying you shouldn't be concerned about your kid getting hurt, but look back at your other posts - you always seem to have it in for something or someone. No offence, but you're easily the most combative person on this site. Makes a person wonder how aggressive and in-your-face your kids must be.


I'm really concerned about your admission of at least 5 bites by multiple animals in a relatively short timespan. Dogs don't just go off for no reason, and they certainly don't bite without trying their best to warn you first. They have a surprisingly reasonable and structured set of behaviours. Something's drastically wrong if you're crossing the line and missing the message this often.


Stanley Coren wrote an excellent book that will help you, if you can look at this objectively. It's called "How To Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication," and there's a copy in stock at the Coles in Quinte Mall. It'll be the best $16 you've spent this year.


Teaching the kid "if it hurts you, we'll just kill it" isn't going to help them - unless you want to see them behind bars. You've got a great opportunity to give them some really useful life skills here. Don't blow it. Good luck.

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Guest lundboy
I'm not saying you shouldn't be concerned about your kid getting hurt, but look back at your other posts - you always seem to have it in for something or someone. No offence, but you're easily the most combative person on this site. Makes a person wonder how aggressive and in-your-face your kids must be.


I'm really concerned about your admission of at least 5 bites by multiple animals in a relatively short timespan. Dogs don't just go off for no reason, and they certainly don't bite without trying their best to warn you first. They have a surprisingly reasonable and structured set of behaviours. Something's drastically wrong if you're crossing the line and missing the message this often.


Stanley Coren wrote an excellent book that will help you, if you can look at this objectively. It's called "How To Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication," and there's a copy in stock at the Coles in Quinte Mall. It'll be the best $16 you've spent this year.


Teaching the kid "if it hurts you, we'll just kill it" isn't going to help them - unless you want to see them behind bars. You've got a great opportunity to give them some really useful life skills here. Don't blow it. Good luck.


I would tend to agree with the above. While any animal can become nasty if it feels threatened, many animals would rather shy away from an encounter. That particular breed KEESHON has the following temperament:




180px-Keeshond-Samurai-jumping-for-a-slice-of-cucumber-2439a.jpg magnify-clip.png a one year old male Keeshond Keeshonden tend to be very playful, with quick reflexes and strong jumping ability. They are quick learners and eager to please. Because Keeshonden are quick learners, they also learn the things you didn't necessarily wish to teach them - very quickly. However, Keeshonden make excellent agility and obedience dogs. So amenable to proper training is this bright, sturdy dog that Keeshonden have been successfully trained to serve as guide dogs for the blind; only their lack of size has prevented them from being more widely used in this role.


They love children and are excellent family dogs, preferring to be close to their humans whenever possible. They generally get along with other dogs as well and will enjoy a good chase around the yard. Keeshonden are very intuitive and empathic and are often used as comfort dogs. Most notably, at least one Keeshond, Tikva, was at Ground Zero on 9/11 to help comfort the rescue workers.[1] The breed has a tendency to become especially clingy towards their owners, even in comparison to other dogs. If their owner is out, or in another room behind a closed door, they may sit, waiting for their owner to reappear, even if there are other people nearby. Many have been referred to as their "owner's shadow," or "velcro dogs".



Did anyone ever hear of a hose?


I suspect that the dog may sense something in you or your kids that it doesn't like. Have you kicked it before perhaps? Done something to it it remembers?


The neighbours may have a for sale sign up for a reason.

Edited by lundboy
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The dog is very old...........

I have never done anything to either of there dogs........... actually use to buy them bones and let them crap on my yard.


i have lived beside these people for 7 years.......... and yes each bite did have a reason.


first bite the dog got spooked by sons powerwheels...... (on my yard)

Second and third bites were caused from pulling it off my dog........(on my yard)


For some strange reason......... this dog started attacking my dog outa the blue after my dog had a stroke and could no longer see.


Bottom line is ............ There dog is old and miserable........ and shouldnt be roaming my yard anymore since it does bite!


To say i always have problems with people is just funny.........

Yapping on the internet VS being a real life friend is totally different.....

Im very well respected in the neighbour hood and all other neighbours went over and told them to lock the dog up aswell......

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