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Hi Y'all,


Went back to my bass haunt, this time my wife wanted to come with me. She does not fish very often, but likes being in the boat to read and catch some sun. She does however like fishing for Pike, so i promised her we would go for some.


We headed off at about 2pm, round the corner of our bay through the channel and into Mile Lake. It has almost become tradition for us to anchor up first in a little weedy bay at the entrance to this lake (not much weed there at the moment though) and have a few casts. Erika(my wife) has been secretly stocking up on Mepps spinners...lol....and produces a few before we left...saying she wants to try them...as the colors were so pretty.


Now I’m not going to be condescending about what could arguably be described as more ‘feminine’ lure color selection process, because it has proved to be a very effective technique in the past...for example....whilst in France a few years back, we ...or mostly me...were float(bobber) fishing for CHUB ....she chose a float because it was round, stubby and "cute", I was pretty mean at the time and scoffed dismissively.....but it was the float that worked best, lol...would she let me try it...not likely! serves me right.



We were in the little bay for half an hour...me with a topwater...and my wife with her new Mepps. Well after half an hour it was 3-0 to my wife...lol...she always does that.






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After that half hour it went very quiet, so she suggests we try for some of the bass i had been catching recently. I suggested we try Trap Lake behind Mile Lake connected by another weedy channel. I had been into there once this year, but it was pretty dead as far as the fishing went, but the water had warmed since my last visit and weeds are starting to grow. I had caught a few bass in there last year, and was eager to test the rocky shorelines in there as this is where thefish were holding up in numbers on Mile :Lake. I was very hopefull because Trap Lake has more of this shorelinde feature than the Lake we were on.


We headed off and started at a long stretch of rocky shallow shoreline....not a sniff in the first hour...but we persevered and were rewarded....Topwater lures were the hot lure...with shallow crank baits working well when we knew a fish was there but had hit the topwater a few times and was a bit spooked.



I am gonna use a cliche now and let pictures and video paint a thousand words...all in all non stop action...at least 30 fish in the 4 hours we were in there.





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all i can say is this was an awesome day!!! i. A lot of my buddies wife's give them 'the look' when they ask PERMISSION to go fishing...not my wife...she tells me its a thrill to watch me enjoy something i'm so passionate about...and that she will always know where i am....lol... feel blessed to be married to her.

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Great report Simon! those are some nice bass.

Hope to have a report to post on Monday as Dave and Sandy are coming down to stay this weekend at a cabin we rented

for the weekend.

Gonna have to get up there and fish with you this summer at least once.



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Looks like an awesome time. We spent about 40 hours on the lake this weekend ourselves, I pretty much had to drag Nicole in to shore kicking and screaming... It's awesome when you have a fishing partner!!!

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She's a keeper for sure. I think I'll start a thread on "how to find a fishing girlfriend/wife?" soon lol.


My girlfriend only likes trips where we pull in fish after fish ... haha.


Thanks for the report and some nice smallies there!

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Another great report! So, you think your wife will fish more with you now?? hehe.


As far as "pretty" lures are concerned, bly has a go to Walleye lure....and it has pink on it. Cant laugh at it though, because it caught her personal best walleye....a little guy at 15 pounds....LOL.

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