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I took the boat up Monday for the folks, but due to the weather they didn't get a chance to use it :( My mom enjoyed herself and said she found those she did meet to be very nice and fully understands why I enjoy going there so much. I arrived back on Wed. for breakfast and had a visit with my mom who was moving into my place to look after my zoo for the rest of the week.


When my mom went home I went fishing with Glen, but alas no fish were caught.


Thursday morning Beans and I headed out and he managed to put the first fish in the boat :thumbsup_anim:




A real good way to start off I'm thinking :D, I managed a smaller one that day. The rest of the fish caught were released boat side as they were just babies.


Friday we headed out again in the morning, managed again to pick up a couple of smaller pike, and I thought I was going to get my inline spinner snagged in the cabage weeds so I gave it a good tug and started to rip it back to the boat....that seemed to have excited a fish who grabbed it and took off. The fish put up the biggest fight I ever had, and I was thinking a real nice Pike. Manged to get it near the boat at one point only to discover it was a Muskie....my first ever...my net was no match for this fish.


It took off a couple more times, went around the boat, which showed me just how small my boat really is :w00t: The fish went airborn a couple of times and I thought it would throw the hook, but didn't. Managed to get her boatside, Beans grabbed the leader (second time he used gloves) I quickly snapped a couple of pictures then grabbed the pliers. When reaching down to grab the hook she shook again real good, and snapped the clasp on my leader and took of with my lure :(....all in all it was very exciting and I can certainly see the appeal for musky fishing.....I however will not be targetting them specifically for a while yet.


Not much to tell after that :P so I'll let the pictures do the reporting for me.


Monique, Shelly, TJ



Kelvin, Roy, Pete, Ed, Spiel, John






At the dogk



Bill Parker and Art




As you can see by these few pictures there was lots of smiles, and I have to say that as always the food and hopitality at Lakairwere great! and I'm already looking forward to next year :D



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Why is everybody photoshopping out my full head of hair???

It was nice to see you again Mo and congrat's on the muskie... those k-lakes guys have to get up to Nipissing or down to LSC for a shot at the really big 'ski's ;)


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Joe (daplumma's) Brollymobile



Cliff and Bly making a beeline to their boat...somone told them there was a fish in Nippissing...



JOEY !!!...(she gets better lookin' everytime I see her)...


Edited by Beans
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Guest Johnny Bass

Great Report. How long was that pike? You guys only took a picture of half of it!lol


A lot of cool pictures. You guys should put names to the pictures so we know who these people are!


Congrats on your first musky!

Edited by Johnny Bass
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It was great seeing you and Beans again! Congrats on the ski and the custom rod win! Some great pics there too!


Beans, thanks for adding your pics too....that one of bly and I...it does look like we are running....LOL.


See you guys again later!

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