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Newbie report......

spinin jay

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Hi all,I've finally got out and got a couple pics to post a report.First off I've been around for awhile,read alot of info,seen alot of cool pics.I don't post much do to the fact I either dont know about the subject or it's already been said.

Anyhow great site to all....ok I know on with the report................



Sunday morning up at 5am,Dad's already waiting in the driveway and got the boat hooked up.Beauty morning.Quick drive(timmmy's first of course) and on the water bout 6.Ok game plan drift a few spots on the river,anchor a couple holes,troll a bit,,,,,,target walleye.Couple hours produced a small oos smallie,couple perch,,,couple decent taps(missed by screwing around not payin attention).Oh well weather's nice and were havin fun.


Just after 10 trollin up river Dad's rod takes a dive,hook set,,,"snagged???",,,,,,,,,,Nope "FISH ON",,,,"feels like a decent fish".By the time I got the boat shut down and made sure we werent gonna drift into anything,,I hear splash,splash,Dad's goin"beauty bow,,,right out the water,,,,tail dancin".I turn around and this fish is fightin like crazy.Heads right up to the boat"sh@# slack line,"Boom down to the bottom,Dad gets her back up to the boat,another run,back to the boat another run,,headshakin on top of the water 2 feet from the boat.This is one of the best scraps I've seen with a bow.I wasn't takin a chance on screwin this up with the net,,I waited,,Dad played her a bit more(still full of pee and vinegar for strength)finally we got er in the boat.A beauty for the bbq.

She hit a blue/silver 2 1/2 inch solid bodybait with a feather tail,,can't remember the make.






And yes I almost got skunked this was my catch of the day---Clam chowder anyone??



Now I'm coming up with the question part.When I cleaned the fish she was full of roe.Not in the skein,like falling out of the belly loose.June 8th 2008.

I'm not sure, but is this possible for a bow this late??The fish looks real clean,like just came in from the bay,,not like it's a fallback.

Maybe this isn't uncommon but I have never seen a bow with roe in june,,,I know I don't fish as much as some but just seems wierd.Anyone have any thoughts?

Also with the crazy fight,roe in june,the slender build of the fish,,,,,could this be a skamania???


Anyhow Dad and I had a good morning fishing and hangin out.If this is a skammie that's great for him if not she's a beauty for the bbq and I got some good roe.

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great report...to skinny for a skamania....looks as if you picked up a late run bow, that's all....I have caught spawning rainbows at the end of May-beginning of June in the beaver.....LOL , I call them smart bows !!! It's a lot wamer, they don't have ot fight for the gravel bed's , no roe bags hitting them in the head, and no trebles in the azz...clearly it had the right idea going until it hit your Dad's lure !!!

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