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Using marshmallows to catch steelhead....

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Maybe you should keep your morals to yourself.


Have you ever watched a marshmallow on a line in the current? It doesn't just sit out there flat and still, that thing is flapping in the current like a Pick handle beatin a garbage can 'Possum!!!... and for it to "ring" a fishes mouth without the fish grabbing it is highly unlikely!!!



I dont think I ll even touch the first one that means Im stopping to a lower level...purpose of this is to educate and if someone cant see beyond that well.........like I said Im not going there,


Actually saw video of it once....and yes it is lining a fish....or as the US good Ole Boys call it lifting and no disrepsct there green coach but I think my education curve on this goes a wee bit beyond yours sorry but its still lining a fish and is immoral and illegal.....but someone ince said you cant educate the ignorant, and not thats not a reference to anyone at all just a simple matter of fact

Edited by aniceguy
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I prefer to use styrofoam, it's more durable than marshmallows and just as effective. LOL! Immoral? It's legal, as long as it's hooked in the mouth. I guess we have immoral laws then. Some would argue that fishing is immoral. That's their opinion.


Is it more moral when the river-guys with their float gear using long leads snag them up-stream?


I've seen a guy catch a little rainbow in a stocked pond on a small white marshmallow. More than once. Do you think that you could line a 1 pound rainbow?

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There's no difference between drifting a roe bag on the end of a pin reels leader than a small marshmellow. Lets not lump the bait in use as "illegal" when possibly the method is what should be questioned. If you're not using a 6/0 treble and sight snagging.. then it's legal per the regs. No CO can charge you for throwing a marshmellow out on a #2 wide gap... 6 feet of line and a 1/2 ounce weight to hold it in the stream. Haven't done it in 23+ years... but it's still a legal means of fishing if the fish is caught with hook in mouth. It's no different than throwing a dead/live minnow out on a hook with the line running thru a sinker... like the Lindy Rig.


Also remember not all brands of marshmellows float !

Edited by irishfield
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The steelies i caught were with the mallow floating on the surface. They came up to get it.


I have never seen a steelhead pick even an eggsac off the surface, let alone a marshmallow at any depth... marshmallow is not a "go to" bait in any steelheaders arsenal that I know of lol... :rolleyes:


You just destroyed the theory that all fish are lined using marshmallows. End of debate.


I think I am done with this one anyway, it can only get worse :stretcher:


Burt ;)

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You just destroyed the theory that all fish are lined using marshmallows. End of debate.


Steelhead just like any other fish will strike at the oddest baits, marshmallows included, believe me I've seen some bizarre things happen over the years.


That doesn't mean that someone would actually want to fish with one of those oddball baits when there's so many other ones that are much more effective.


By and large aniceguy is 100% correct. Marshmallows are most commonly used by anglers still fishing in river mouths and estuaries.


The marshmallow floats up off the bottom, the fish run up the river and run into the line, the line runs along the fishes open mouth until the business end is reached. They're invariably hooked on the outside corner of the mouth. This is where the term "lining" comes from.

Anything that floats up off the bottom, cigarrette butts, styrofoam, etc., is just as effective.

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No CO can charge you for throwing a marshmellow out on a #2 wide gap... 6 feet of line and a 1/2 ounce weight to hold it in the stream. Haven't done it in 23+ years... but it's still a legal means of fishing if the fish is caught with hook in mouth. It's no different than throwing a dead/live minnow out on a hook with the line running thru a sinker... like the Lindy Rig.


Also remember not all brands of marshmellows float !



Saw a charge come out of that on Bowmanville a few years ago exact same method its not overly difficult to see it going on..and its a very different method then bottom bouncing ...Guess the particular CO was interpreting the regs that day I could debate the merits of running a lindy on the Detroit River as opposed to a small 10 M wide stream all day, and bottom boucing small streams vs the ver so popular float fishing but another time and place for sure..


Green coach...honestly unless I know something beyond reasonable doubt even Im not about to post it... and sometimes I do certainly make mistakes but buddy on this 1 I know without a shadow of a doubt purpose of my post was to educate the 100's of lurkers who have nothing to contribute, other then a mess on a river or a snagged fish on the shore....


Im out of this discussion its only going to go down hill from here...hope it educated someone because lately all Im seeing is fights and more when in some instances all a poster wanted to do was educate someone...

Edited by aniceguy
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I believe that lining with marshmallows is a myth created by the snobby "purist" river/stream anglers because it is so low tech. The snobs have thousands of dollars in equipment and has to struggle to catch a fish. While the lowly hayseed still fisherman comes down with a bag of mallows and proceeds to kick butt!


Like I said earlier, it's the action of the bait in the current that attracts and triggers the strike!

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I believe that lining with marshmallows is a myth created by the snobby "purist" river/stream anglers because it is so low tech. The snobs have thousands of dollars in equipment and has to struggle to catch a fish. While the lowly hayseed still fisherman comes down with a bag of mallows and proceeds to kick butt!


Like I said earlier, it's the action of the bait in the current that attracts and triggers the strike!


OK, I said that I was done with this one but to this I have to say &^(_)@##& &&@*(! *@&$# (*#!@!022 .... :thumbsup_anim:


(Yes I typed in those characters, I really wasn't using profanity, I just don't agree with the poster lol...)


Burt ;)


p.s. Now I am done :clapping:

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If salmon are lined with marshmallows how do people hook them with Roe using the same technique? Everyone becomes an expert and offers their two cents, im not trying to start anything but as for my .02, if theres no proof of a salmon getting lined with marshmallow how can you rule out the fact they hit them or not?

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What about those adding few of those tiny foams in roe bag to make it float?

Would this be any different ?

There are fake roe that floats too?

Salmon can not be lined when float fishing?

If a fish can't see or feel the line running through it's mouth it'll get hooked using any type of method right?

Just because there is a roe bag at the end of the line mean you're fishing properly. I think it just means you're using more popular lure/bait.


I am asking because I really don't know.

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I don't think that I need to be "educated" on this topic, nor am I "ignorant" or "immoral".


It's funny how anyone with an opinion different than the "self-proclaimed all-knowing" steelhead elitists are automatically labeled as being "uneducated" and "ignorant".


Nice bunch you guys are. Thanks for the education.


First you say that a rainbow will 100% never hit a marshmallow, then when someone says they caught them on the surface, then it's an "odd-ball" technique that no righteous steelheader would ever use. LOL come on, if it works, then why is it "odd-ball"? Just because they're not brainwashed into your cult-like group-think?


It's funny how you didn't respond to my point about the 1 pound rainbow. Facts are stubborn little things when they go against your argument.

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OK, I said that I was done with this one but to this I have to say &^(_)@##& &&@*(! *@&$# (*#!@!022 .... :thumbsup_anim:


(Yes I typed in those characters, I really wasn't using profanity, I just don't agree with the poster lol...)


Burt ;)


p.s. Now I am done :clapping:



... because you know I'm right! If fishing with marshmallows is lining fish, well then so is fishing with nymphs, streamers, and trout worms... you're just floating it right into the fishes mouth, same thing!!!


If the fish is hooked on the inside of the mouth, I don't see a problem with it!



... and yes, fishing with marshmallows in a "no bait" zone will get you cited.



I don't blame ya though, I'd be pretty whizzed off too if I spent all that money on equipment and then found out I could catch them on a $1 bag of marshmallows!!! :w00t:

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I don't think that I need to be "educated" on this topic, nor am I "ignorant" or "immoral".


It's funny how anyone with an opinion different than the "self-proclaimed all-knowing" steelhead elitists are automatically labeled as being "uneducated" and "ignorant".


Nice bunch you guys are. Thanks for the education.


First you say that a rainbow will 100% never hit a marshmallow, then when someone says they caught them on the surface, then it's an "odd-ball" technique that no righteous steelheader would ever use. LOL come on, if it works, then why is it "odd-ball"? Just because they're not brainwashed into your cult-like group-think?


It's funny how you didn't respond to my point about the 1 pound rainbow. Facts are stubborn little things when they go against your argument.


I agree. cheers :thumbsup_anim:

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didnt someone once say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it....


Some People no matter how hard you try to explain something in a fashion that makes sense just dont get it...

Let me say something that any normal angler will understand......there is a difference between a fish chraging and attacking a bait because it thinks its food as opposed to it running into its mouth and you drive the hook home....anyone who thinks that the latter is sport well they are just loose a few....


This has nothing to do with elitism, or snoobish attitudes or mentality, rather it has everything to do with something that is imoral and lacks a huge amount of ethics, any angler who cares is going to step up and try and educate others......again if you dont understand it then dont ad you person Bull in stead let this thread die and next time try and do some research on it before engaging foot in mouth..


It can be put into any type of context and with any type of fish...

No argument at all again the original post was to educate on the technique and Im sorry some cant get it through thier heads that potentially it just might be that way......Pretty Bush I say...


If you wish to enter a discussion on the merits of educating ppl on the right technique Im all ears but if you want to take it to some other level.............well I dont think so ........saw enough Bush this weekend for a while


On a side note I re read the initial response to the question asked....dont know where some of the comments came from, maybe someof you quaterbacks should answer it rather then jump on someone for actually answering the initial post...

Edited by aniceguy
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I am another who has witnessed fish coming to the surface to eat a marshmellow.


So to me there is nothing wrong with using it for bait. Those damn bass gotta stop swimming past my lures as well they might get it stuck in their mouths.

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Has anyone read any mention in the regs about marshmallows being an illegal bait? Or corn maybe? How about foam? The problem with the thread right now as far as I can see (I may certainly be wrong) is that someone mentioned the word "lining" and everyone and his dog who is a self proclaimed expert has chimed in. If you don't like the laws, get your act together and have them changed. In the meantime, don't get in someones face who asks a simple question about something that they read in a book about fishing.

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didnt someone once say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it....


Some People no matter how hard you try to explain something in a fashion that makes sense just dont get it...


I do get it. I think you're an :asshat: for trying to force your Bull on other people regarding something that is perfectly legal and doesn't require $1000 worth of steelhead gear to do. Sorry for not responding to the rest of your rant as I more than covered all of it in my previous post.


I will say this:


Is shooting a deer "sport"? Are hunters "loose a few" too? Because the last time I checked, the deer didn't "bite the bullet." no pun intended.

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I'm trying to figure what this means Luis.

"If you wish to enter a discussion on the merits of educating ppl on the right technique Im all ears but if you want to take it to some other level.............well I dont think so ........saw enough Bush this weekend for a while"

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Im an ass eh........nice on you way to step down to the level of bubbles and crew...Im not even going to say what I think


The technique of using a marshmellow is going to get you charged.....using a treble hook that has lead added when not treated as a gaff isnt illegal but its gonna get you chaged 100%


God some people are just that dense I guess


how can you put hunting in the same context as fishing LOL


Im done Now Mod's you have someone calling me a name how are you going to respond to that

Done here Roy I ll pm you the rest

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