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Late Post #3


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AHH the good of tresspassing on Private property to access a section of water


Well let me quantify that entire thing, anyone and I do mean anyone who chooses to tresspass on private property for the express purpose of targetting fish should be arrested, fined and hauled off. That sort of action is disgusting...


Other then a few specific sections of rivers and a few extremely small drainage ditches on the North Shore of Lake O there is no need but of course some just feel the need to find unpressured fish at any cost to boost the hero factor.


Here is what it does


It destroys relationships either potential, or existing with conservation groups, and the conservation authorities.....and the stakeholder/ landowner in proper context, a group might have worked for decades to develop a relationship with a landowner to plant his property and reduce thermal stress, or do hydrology work there to stabalize a bank that is causing habitat loss for 2km down stream, maybe it might be the future site of a bladder dam or electrobarrier thats there to assist these fish to access habitat...on and on and on...but a simple act of tresspass can ruin it all...


I cant tell you how many scenerio's I know of that important conservation work has been cancelled or tossed out the window because a land owner had a tresspass issue and now has cold feet.


Tresspassing also brings potential garbage, maybe some habitat destruction or even worse a few hundred tree saplings trampled and a property owner who I might add took ten yrs to get the trust to plant now all gone....why because some complete and utter idiot wanted to tresspass so he can get dialed in on some unpressured fish...


Several years ago I watched someone tresspass to only walk across a piece of stream bed and maybe 8 redds of fish, how many were lost well 8x6000 eggs can equal quite a few fish.


Here is where it all goes..

There is more then enough water on the North shore for all to fish....other then 5 pieces of property that do in fact own land and stream bed your free to do as you want within the legal limits of things, but when you hap hazardly walk across a stream bed killing a few redds ( maybe because you dont have a clue what they look like )and do they realize that pretty much 25 days those eggs need cant be disturbed or they DIE!!! or walk across a field that was worked on to restore a sensitive plant species or even better post reconizable locations of rivers so guys can dial in and go spear and gill net( yes I said spear and gill net ) these rainbows now, believe it or not every time you put a location or such hundreds of guys have been known to converge there, and all that while tresspassing on someones property to access a few unpressured fish.........well that person is a complete and utter idiot plain and simple. If your ok with it please please post your GPS co ordinates for all those 6lb smallies and 50 inch muskies please


See guys that steelhead fish are a unique breed of anglers but in the end no different that the many....they fish rivers where yes these fish are more sensitive then other species, maybe they dont explain it as it should but hey thats what a PM or email is about....


I ll leave you with the best example I can think of for tresspassing and its consequences


In the 70's someone chose to tresspass on the up river pond of a dam, sadly a child drown and as a result the property owner was completely against any single human accessing it ever..as a result this impassable dam was never worked on, this rivers steelhead run was supressed and dependant on stocking from the OMNR..a river capable of 20 000 rainbows a year had a mere thousand or so in it....so a bunch of conservation guys spent millions of bucks tree planting and close to 20 years of developing relationships with landowners and finally after years of developing this trust finally a passage is being designed as we speak......in the interm hundreds of thousands of man hours are spent because someone choose to tresspass on private property close to 35 yrs ago....


Plain and simple tresspassing on Private property to access a river by anyone is a crime and one that only an utter and complete idiot would do so personally when you see someone crossing a river, or tresspassing tell them so....and any one posting or creating a thread shouldnt be scolded of chastised but instead should be thanked because if the thread stops 1 idiot from tresspassing then the thread did its job

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Well, you've obviously contributed alot since then :rolleyes:



I obviously should if you guys don't think fishing on private property is not an issue! You kids having fun teaming up on me?

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AHH the good of tresspassing on Private property to access a section of water


Well let me quantify that entire thing, anyone and I do mean anyone who chooses to tresspass on private property for the express purpose of targetting fish should be arrested, fined and hauled off. That sort of action is disgusting...


Other then a few specific sections of rivers and a few extremely small drainage ditches on the North Shore of Lake O there is no need but of course some just feel the need to find unpressured fish at any cost to boost the hero factor.


Here is what it does


It destroys relationships either potential, or existing with conservation groups, and the conservation authorities.....and the stakeholder/ landowner in proper context, a group might have worked for decades to develop a relationship with a landowner to plant his property and reduce thermal stress, or do hydrology work there to stabalize a bank that is causing habitat loss for 2km down stream, maybe it might be the future site of a bladder dam or electrobarrier thats there to assist these fish to access habitat...on and on and on...but a simple act of tresspass can ruin it all...


I cant tell you how many scenerio's I know of that important conservation work has been cancelled or tossed out the window because a land owner had a tresspass issue and now has cold feet.


Tresspassing also brings potential garbage, maybe some habitat destruction or even worse a few hundred tree saplings trampled and a property owner who I might add took ten yrs to get the trust to plant now all gone....why because some complete and utter idiot wanted to tresspass so he can get dialed in on some unpressured fish...


Several years ago I watched someone tresspass to only walk across a piece of stream bed and maybe 8 redds of fish, how many were lost well 8x6000 eggs can equal quite a few fish.


Here is where it all goes..

There is more then enough water on the North shore for all to fish....other then 5 pieces of property that do in fact own land and stream bed your free to do as you want within the legal limits of things, but when you hap hazardly walk across a stream bed killing a few redds ( maybe because you dont have a clue what they look like )and do they realize that pretty much 25 days those eggs need cant be disturbed or they DIE!!! or walk across a field that was worked on to restore a sensitive plant species or even better post reconizable locations of rivers so guys can dial in and go spear and gill net( yes I said spear and gill net ) these rainbows now, believe it or not every time you put a location or such hundreds of guys have been known to converge there, and all that while tresspassing on someones property to access a few unpressured fish.........well that person is a complete and utter idiot plain and simple. If your ok with it please please post your GPS co ordinates for all those 6lb smallies and 50 inch muskies please


See guys that steelhead fish are a unique breed of anglers but in the end no different that the many....they fish rivers where yes these fish are more sensitive then other species, maybe they dont explain it as it should but hey thats what a PM or email is about....


I ll leave you with the best example I can think of for tresspassing and its consequences


In the 70's someone chose to tresspass on the up river pond of a dam, sadly a child drown and as a result the property owner was completely against any single human accessing it ever..as a result this impassable dam was never worked on, this rivers steelhead run was supressed and dependant on stocking from the OMNR..a river capable of 20 000 rainbows a year had a mere thousand or so in it....so a bunch of conservation guys spent millions of bucks tree planting and close to 20 years of developing relationships with landowners and finally after years of developing this trust finally a passage is being designed as we speak......in the interm hundreds of thousands of man hours are spent because someone choose to tresspass on private property close to 35 yrs ago....


Plain and simple tresspassing on Private property to access a river by anyone is a crime and one that only an utter and complete idiot would do so personally when you see someone crossing a river, or tresspassing tell them so....and any one posting or creating a thread shouldnt be scolded of chastised but instead should be thanked because if the thread stops 1 idiot from tresspassing then the thread did its job



you kids want to reply to this???

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Wayne no I got the entire context of the thread, know the poster and was told of the exact situation that lead to it and thats why I put the post up.........these internet boards should also serve the purpose of educating new anglers, something I have seen you 2 countless times with ppl and the reason I typed it out tonight


glad you agree..

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Well there are other ways to "Educate" Louis without someone ignoring board rules and "baiting" people. This is the second time Fishon has tried this tact (first being his post the other day ref Muddy Water) and as he's found it ain't gonna fly here.

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Well there are other ways to "Educate" Louis without someone ignoring board rules and "baiting" people. This is the second time Fishon has tried this tact (first being his post the other day ref Muddy Water) and as he's found it ain't gonna fly here.



Im aware of a pile of these issues but I guess as both you and I are only members its up to a moderator or beyond to lock the thread down if its content crosses the line and turns personal......we can all try and steer it back on course hope I did with my posting never know these days.....


We all have an opinion sadly I dont have a delete button on this site, some days though wish i did......

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You're really missing the context here Louis... other than that I understand exactly what you've typed and whole heartedly agree.



Can you PM me what you gather from this thread?


This thread can go on and on .. and lead to another topic like cyber bullying .. but i won't touch it i swear.


Purpose of this post:


To give a report after recongnizing a background from another members post.


Respect private property.. if you don't well there are consequences. Just a heads up for everyone !!!

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Im aware of a pile of these issues but I guess as both you and I are only members its up to a moderator or beyond to lock the thread down if its content crosses the line and turns personal......we can all try and steer it back on course hope I did with my posting never know these days.....


We all have an opinion sadly I dont have a delete button on this site, some days though wish i did......


I don't think there's a wheel on this one Louis to steer it. Mods did delete it twice.. so I think that says enough. Then they had to get on with their lives or left his third attempt up for vigilanty mediation. lol


And Fishon... sure I get what you're striving at, I wasn't born yesterday. Maybe it's an age/maturity issue with you... but you just need to find a little more tact in the way you go about it.


Now I remember why I stopped steelheading 20+ years ago...


..and just tell everyone Graham Creek is private property for Christ's sake and maybe it would have more usefullness/impact.

Edited by irishfield
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I had no idea what creek it was from Steve's thread....after reading yours I have an idea....if you were so against trespassing, why would you leave a clue like that...or was that your attempt at deception?



Some people may or may not realize the area they are fishing is private property and for those that know they are tresspassign ...well consider it as a heads up since the land lord is ready to call the cops and C/O.



Good enough reason for you?

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Some people may or may not realize the area they are fishing is private property and for those that know they are tresspassign ...well consider it as a heads up since the land lord is ready to call the cops and C/O.



Good enough reason for you?


I dont buy it....you mentioned Bowmanville in your other thread as well....I think you just like to stir up crap on here. You know that people are very protective about locations, yet you go ahead and post creek names in your reports.


Oh yeah...so mentioning a little known creek that holds lots of fish will reduce trespassers...not likely...

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I dont buy it....you mentioned Bowmanville in your other thread as well....I think you just like to stir up crap on here. You know that people are very protective about locations, yet you go ahead and post creek names in your reports.


Oh yeah...so mentioning a little known creek that holds lots of fish will reduce trespassers...not likely...



Hold on . ? Protective about locations? Why post pics with recongnizable backgrounds if you don't want people to know about it.... was it my fault for calling six of my friends and then posting my results? I sense a little jealousy !!! It must suck to not land any fish on outtings. :oops:

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ok this is getting dumb now


the creek is 10 feet wide at the most, in order to fish the only real pool on it you pretty much need to tresspass in order to fish it....fishing 10 ft wide creeks isnt steelheading LOL its an utter joke and to trespass to boot well I think q107 had something called tool of the day.....re read my post why tresspassing isnt a good thing

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I know each particular species raises the ire of some folk, but why does virtually every steelhead thread resort to name calling, belittling, and high and mighty posturing.....(I used to think musky anglers were the worst for this stuff ;) )


Back in the late 80's and early 90's, I used to do a tonne of steelheading. I still remember getting my Mom to drop me off at the Thickson Road bridge of the Oshawa creek, and pick me up some 8 hours later down at the Rossland Road junction. Those were the days - plenty of fish to be caught and never any issues....


I haven't picked up a noodle rod since then, and quite honestly, I don't want to. Same reason I gave up golf - became too much of an elitist sport for me, just like chasing trout has.


Nope, I'll stick to a shallow shoreline and a bunch of flipping jigs....never have to deal with the ridiculousness of fishing when in that element.


I'm all for being serious out on the boat, but do any of you steelheaders actually have a day of laughter and fun out there??? :huh:


As for tresspassing - that should just be common knowledge to folk.


Good Fishing,



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