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"An Inconvenient Truth"


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I am some what surprized that with so many concerned comments, not one of them examines the Canadian Government's position on carbon emissions. In November, environment minister (probably changed today) Rona Ambrose stated that "Canada remains strongly committed to Kyoto", but at a recent Senate committee meeting Abrose stated the government's intention to renege on a pledge to cut carbon emissions to 6 percent below 1990 levels by 2012. "We cannot meet the target. We have ample evidence that this is not feasible." The new plan delays any regulations on emissions until 2010 and then calls for cuts only in greenhouse gas intensity, which is a measure of the carbon produced per dollar of economic activity---a formula that allows total emissions to continue to rise as long as the economy is growing. There would be no absolute reduction in emissions until after 2020, then deeper cuts of 45 to 65 per cent around 2050. If you are really concerned about the likely reality of global warming....contact your local federal politician. Most of the world (except the US) is stunned by Canada's response to the Kyoto treaty.

On another point...do not confuse the "warmest winter" with the "warmest year". The 5 warmest YEARS on record have all occured since 2000.

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Guest Trophymuskie

I don't have time to read all of the replies but for what it's worth I think it's all bunk. Experts tells you about global warming and other experts tell you it doesn't exist. Who are we to believe. I personally think it's all politics just like the Quebec seperation deal, all talk and it will never happen. It sure keeps some people employed though.


The weather sure is changing through the times but who is really to blame?


Trust me I'm one to do all I can to protect our enviroment but I'm never going to believe is this bunk.

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I don't have time to read all of the replies but for what it's worth I think it's all bunk. Experts tells you about global warming and other experts tell you it doesn't exist. Who are we to believe. I personally think it's all politics just like the Quebec seperation deal, all talk and it will never happen. It sure keeps some people employed though.


The weather sure is changing through the times but who is really to blame?


Trust me I'm one to do all I can to protect our enviroment but I'm never going to believe is this bunk.



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Regardless of what you believe or don't beleive about global warming...cutting down pollution is just the right thing to do.


What I don't beleive is that democrats/liberals own the solution to this problem.


Democrat/Liberal friendly Hollywood types sure make lots of videos and movies casting Bush as the villain for every problem.


Meat loaf doesn't stick together? Bush's policies caused it !!!

A creak in your door? must have been Bush.

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I am some what surprized that with so many concerned comments, not one of them examines the Canadian Government's position on carbon emissions. In November, environment minister (probably changed today) Rona Ambrose stated that "Canada remains strongly committed to Kyoto", but at a recent Senate committee meeting Abrose stated the government's intention to renege on a pledge to cut carbon emissions to 6 percent below 1990 levels by 2012. "We cannot meet the target. We have ample evidence that this is not feasible." The new plan delays any regulations on emissions until 2010 and then calls for cuts only in greenhouse gas intensity, which is a measure of the carbon produced per dollar of economic activity---a formula that allows total emissions to continue to rise as long as the economy is growing. There would be no absolute reduction in emissions until after 2020, then deeper cuts of 45 to 65 per cent around 2050. If you are really concerned about the likely reality of global warming....contact your local federal politician. Most of the world (except the US) is stunned by Canada's response to the Kyoto treaty.

On another point...do not confuse the "warmest winter" with the "warmest year". The 5 warmest YEARS on record have all occured since 2000.


At least they do have a plan to eventually cut emissions. The Liberals made a big deal out of signing Kyoto, but they never actually implemented any plans to ever reduce emissions. The Kyoto accord will not lead to a reduction in emissions, (the two most populous contries in the world are allowed to polute as much as they want under the agreement) it would only lead to Canada paying large sums of money to other contries for not meeting the targets.


Everybody dumps on Bush for not signing Kyoto; but the US's emissions only increased by 16% while Canada's increased by 25%. And the per capita emission from the US were already lower than Canada's to begin with.


So much for the Liberals committment to the environment.

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Great thread Dan!

Exellent responses from many here, and totally unexpected-(welcomed)- intelligent banter on a topic everyone who calls this planet home, should not only have some education on but, actually, contributing to the betterment of our environment in some manner or another.

I've not seen this Gore Video....but I've read a little on the topic.

The pollutes we let into our environment, wether be it into the air, waterways or ground...100% Nasty and Negligent, as well Irresponsible!!!

I believe, that we people, most of us......are ruled by the almighty dollar and that is not going to change, therefore, dangerous emmisions and other pollutants will continue to be resulting from our required lifestyles.

I dont have a thought on what can be done.......

We recycle everything that comes into our household........is this necessarily a good thing when you consider the products that are being manufactured from the recycleables. specially when these products are what we generally see on our roadsides.

Who knows.........One thing for sure!

Mother Nature takes care of herself........in the end!

I was also around when when the threat was the comming iceage, before this global warming so who really knows?

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I just saw this movie on my dish and i was very impressed. For me to be impressed by an enviroment tree hugging film is one giant step for man kind. I'll admit i have never been that concerned. I never disrespected the enviroment but it was never on my radar.


I think in the past the tree huggers have ruined it with their way of presenting facts and harassing us on small scales. It always left a bad taste in my mouth when some little squeeker came up yelling at us about recycling and other things.


This movie impacted my thoughts and made me think about ways i should improve my own life and how those changes can impact the enviroment for the better. This movie just was the right type of information and a proper way to communicate that info with out attacking us as individuals.


anyhow. I think anyone would benefit from watching this. It isn't geeky. it's real life. They should be showing this in highschools accross the country. maybe even middle schools.


Al Gore doesn't seem like such a bad guy. Makes me think what the world might be like today if the States had him as President

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Wow very glad i found this thread , and on OFC of all places , where some of the brightest minds reside !!


I read some of the posts in this lengthy thread , and I decided to bring my opinion to the table , and i dont think anyone has mentioned it yet .


Ladies and gents , i truly believe this earth is millions of years old , no matter what religions tell us , each is entitled to their own beliefs . Before we humans arrived , there were other species living here , and they maintained a balance for many years , ice ages here , new species there , extinctions here , dinosaurs there , and then came humans .


Just like any species , we aren't eternal , and no matter what we do to this earth , we can't destroy it , because it is self regulating .


If we put too much pressure on the earth , it is going to get back at us with more severe storms , and other natural disasters that will bring the earth's population back down to a sustainable level, simple as that . Yes , we can say that it's a scary thought that some day we are all going to be in alot of suffering , but look at the greater picture , we are just another species , and just like all other animals , we have a beginnning , and we have an end .


I WHOLE HEARTEDLY agree that it sucks that our politicians don't care about this problem , but that's simply because we as the citizens aren't putting any pressure on them . If humanity as a whole realizes that we are in trouble , and wants to change something , i have no doubt in my mind a massive change will happen . We live in a liberal society , everybody cares about themselves , and information is SO readily available these days , EVERYBODY knows about global warming , and it's basic consequences.


I saw this movie , and although i wish we could stop the damage , we can't , there are just too many people on this earth , and our ecological footprint is too big .


When the earth feels that it's under too much pressure , it will tell us , and somewhere down the line , whether thousands or millions of years ahead , just like the gobies came into the great lakes , a new species will come and replace humans , simple as that .



KEEP FISHING , and do as much as you can . By can i mean , just enough that youre not suffering .

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saw it


very interesting


but truth be told. he showed charts that he had made and told a story..nothing more

he had nothing/no one to back up what he was saying to be fact....



I think he gave us a lot to think about, but that's it..

remember..he is the guy that tried to take credit for inventing the internet

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I have not seen this but I plan to.


I don't doubt that we are messing this planet up bad and a lot of what is in this video could very well be true but In the 80's it was Al Gores wife who created all those documentaries and fought against Hard rock & Heavy Metal music stating that it was the work of Satan himself and that if all of the kids in the world listened to it It too would be the end of civilization. I mean come on it's music. I grew up listening to it and I own a house a Trailer have a wife & 2 amazing kids and a job that more than pays my bills.


Again I have not seen this movie and I don't doubt for one second that everything we do here on earth has a serious impact one way or another but I think their religous beliefs etc hinder the actual facts.

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I've been following this post closely ... and personally, I love the fact that this has stirred comments and opinions on the topic that are wide and varied. Its clearly at topic that is close to everyone's heart and that isn't surprising given the fact that everyone that is a member of this forum is close to fishing and the nature/environment that surrounds it.


Whether we agree or disagree with the concept of 'global warming', I still feel that the indisputable fact is that we - as human beings - are damaging the balance of nature on this planet. To think otherwise is putting our heads in the sand.


Like I said in an earlier post, the movie is riddled with faults - the most glaring being the political slant of Al Gore. I am not an US citizen. I do will not be voting for Al Gore or any party he's involved with. And I don't think it's fruitful to even begin the discussion of Canadian politics on the topic in this forum. Politicians are politicians. But I honestly believe that that this is a topic that deserves the attention of all of us and as much as I hate to admit it - demands the attention of our elected leaders in Canada (and globally).


Forget the movie for moment - think about this issue. Stop and ask yourself how our fishing environment has changed in our lifespan and what the logical cause of that is. And then what we can (and must) do about it.


Trevor Butcher

(aka 'Sikku' - my beloved and recently departed Siberian Husky)

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