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Wana go whole day for Stellhead.Need spot.


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Just ignore the jerks who don't want to help a new fisherman out. They were new to fishing once too, they seem to forget that. They should be encouraging new fishermen not tearing them down. :rolleyes:









thats tellin em.......lol

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Just ignore the jerks who don't want to help a new fisherman out. They were new to fishing once too, they seem to forget that. They should be encouraging new fishermen not tearing them down.


Maybe he should have approached it a little differently then, instead of saying I want to know the best spots to fish, asap.


"Hey everyone, I am new to the fishing thing, and was hoping to get out this weekend and try for some steelhead. I have never fished for them before, so I would like some advice on where I am able to fish for them right now."


Then maybe people would be a little more friendly.

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New Angler,


I would like to welcome you to the board and welcome to the sport of fishing! I see that your post is not getting the desired results, a few have commented on this and a few have added humour. I cannot imagine what you are thinking about all of this but please allow me to share what I have observed/learned about being a member here. I might normally have sent this to you via PM but this way might help some of our other new members.


You will generally receive a warm welcome and more helpful comments and tips if you FIRST introduce yourself to the community, tell us a little about who you are etc..


Steelheading threads of any kind seem to get much attention this time of year, not always positive, try not to take it personal.


Location requests are often viewed negatively. You tried to stress that you were not asking for anyone's secret/special spots and had more people realized that you are totally new to the sport, may have been more understanding. A suggestion for you regarding locations, get a copy of the regulations and a good map. Read them well. When I was "new", I read and reread those and spent many hours looking at maps, and driving to different locations to check for public access, parking and so forth. Many members have put a lot of effort into finding their fishing spots and are not eager to give them up. Get to know people around here though and you will be amazed....



Ok, all that being said, here is what I can offer in response to your original question. At this time, the waters I have been able to check East of Toronto are high, fast and mud. Saturday is not looking good. When the waters improve, you can fish the tribs south of the CNN Tracks to the Lake, at least the ones East of the GTA, have not fished any others so I am unsure of the regs.


I wish you luck!

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Well, first of all New Angler, you will find that most of the people on this board are very willing to help but because many of the productive spots are getting over crowded they tend to be a little defensive and don't usually post detailed information to just anyone who signs up and asks. In fact most won't post specific information openly on the board at all anymore because there are so many lurkers that offer nothing and take everything. Personally, I don't blame them at all!

Getting to know some of the people on the board is always a good start and the best way to do that is by introducing yourself, where are you from, what do you do,....... You will likely find someone on this board with common goals and intrests. Listen to some of the posts, topics, responses and you will start to learn about some of the personalaties. Some will fit with yours, some won't, that's OK! That's how friendships start and grow.


Try to get involved in some of the activities, there are usually a few things going on from the "fishing for Tyler" event (we are always looking for people to help out with getting prizes or donations or in what ever way they can). Or attend one of the G2G's and get to know some of the gang.


Unlike some of the fishing boards available, OFC isn't just about fishing, heck, OFC is about everything! I doubt there is a question that you could ask on this board that you wouldn't get an intellegent answer too (except where to fish LOL) within a few minutes at almost anytime of the day or night.


I always use to say fishing was our common bond but I'm not sure that is quite true anymore, I think it has now become a blend of fishing/family. It's funny but the bigger our family gets, the closer and stronger we are becoming.


So, I know this won't get you the answer you want right now but but not every trip results in fish either, why not back up a bit. Start a new thread and introduce yourself, tell us a little about what you do/like/have done/.... a bit of a bio. Listen, learn, get involved, build some friendships and the fishing will happen all by itself.

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seriously now...


I think the best thing that you could do if you want to get into steelheading is hook up with someone who knows the ins and outs and is willing to help you. Steelheading without a doubt is one of the toughest areas of fishing and also one of the most rewarding...once you have it figured out.


To be consistantly successful there is certain equiptment that you WILL need. This isnt fishing for bass or perch, and without sounding like an elitist a 6 foot rod with 10 lb test and roe bag on a size 6 hook might catch the odd fish but it REALLY is not the way to go about it. You need to talk to someone who fishes consistantly about gear that you can get into, Im sure someone here has some steelheading gear they would be willing to sell so you dont need to spend an arm and a leg. It would benefit you greatly to get out on the water with a vet of the steelheading sport, you will learn more on the water than you ever could here. Often my friends say "maybe ill head out steelheading one day" having no prior experience, and they always get their hackles up when I explain that it really isnt that easy. You need to know the regulations well, as standing 4 feet away could mean you are fishing illegally at times! You need to understand that you might go out three times in a row and catch NOTHING, or you might go out and get 10 fish the next day. It is a sport of patience, timing (HUGE) and the drive to get out there when its three below zero to catch that big chrome fish.


If you want any information on gear, send me a PM.

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Dang Bly, seems we are walking the same path just in different foot steps. You are just a much faster typest than I am LOL. Good post by the way, had I seen yours first, I wouldn't have bothered to post.



Thanks Big Cliff. Glad that you did post, helps give the newer members a hint of how nice we can be lol and I also thought that it was a nice way to highlight that OFC is more than just a fishing board.

Edited by bly
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For what it's worth this guy has pm'd me to ask me directly.

My take on this dude is he's a troll. Definitely something not kosher here :) .

(I could be wrong. If so I apologise and reccomend you contribute to the board a bit and allow people to get to know you before asking for spots)

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Like I said previously...your best bet would be the Niagara river. From the Glen to the Whirlpool area you have over 3km of shoreline to fish....many, many spots. Float fishing the niagara and hookin into a big steelie rivals any creek or small river anywhere.

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Just ignore the jerks who don't want to help a new fisherman out. They were new to fishing once too, they seem to forget that. They should be encouraging new fishermen not tearing them down


Now I have to reformat my hard drive thanks to :asshat:'s lovely bleeping link.


Man... which side of this guys fence do you plan on falling off........


...or are you talking Doug's harmless link to turdburgers?

Edited by irishfield
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Not going to give you a spot but maybe some advice to help you find your own.


First of all check out the regs, see what is open and where - Zone 15 year round, Zone 18 Year round, Zone 16 South of the CNR Bridge.


Secondly get a decent map book, decide how far you are willing to drive, etc.


If you can't go to far you can try Port Hope, if you are new to Stellies this is a great place to see what everyone else is doing, rods, reels, bait and colours. If you are a little more polite then your inital intro here, most people will stop and talk to you for a few minutes.

Once you have done this, you can head back to Port Hope after dark, a few less people and maybe find a spot of your own.


Once the water clears up, all the tribs along the East Shore of lake O, half the fun is getting out, going for a drive and exploring.


Like one other member said, Niagara is also a good place, if the water is a little off colour the fish will be more forgiving if you have less then ideal equipment.


Normally if you ask what the water clarity is like, how the fishing pressure is, etc. you will get a good repsponse. Asking where to fish, especially steelhead you are going to get exactly what just happened to you.


There is a tonne of pressure on the tribs around Toronto.


Finally, when you go out take your camera, everyone here loves pics. Even if you got nothing take some pics of the scenery, etc.

and if someone gaives you some tips, say thanks.

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i thank all who replied and gave me tips.i learned lots new things.i will go Port Hope tomorrow and will give my results.thank you very much.

Also in Port hope there is Ganaraska River.is that the place i am suppose to go.People replied about Ganny in Port Hope but i cannot find that on map.Can some1 help.thx

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i thank all who replied and gave me tips.i learned lots new things.i will go Port Hope tomorrow and will give my results.thank you very much.

Also in Port hope there is Ganaraska River.is that the place i am suppose to go.People replied about Ganny in Port Hope but i cannot find that on map.Can some1 help.thx

"Ganny" is just a short form for Ganaraska New Angler. Have fun and take pics.

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I can't believe how many of you guys this clown suckered in.

C'mon boys, he's not for real he's just playing with you :) .



Buddy i am not playing with any1.i am just learning from you knowledgeable people. thx to every1 who helped me.hope fully i will post some pic 2mmorow in afternoon.

thank you "4reel" & "kennyman" for the info

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