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Love Price, i think he can be #1 in the futur but not right now


Huet for a 2nd rounder in '09, probbly be a crappy pick, washington will proably better again next year


i hope they needed the secon rounder for anohter trade

ex: Hossa Lehtonen vs. Ryder 2nd pick & ?????? (prospect or another pick possibly 1st)



how bout leafs tradin belak

nobody bled bluer than him

sad day in leafs nation



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Ya, I agree.

I think Price is the new franchise goalie for the Habs, but I think its a little to sudden.


The leafs....well thats par for the course.

Leafs management are a bunch of morons.


Keep Sundin, and McCabe, have two #1 goalies, trade away draft picks....... wow, I think I could do a better job.

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My jaw hit the floor when I heard the news. Montreal has had sucess using rookie goalies in he playoffs before. I hope this is the push Price needed to be a little better and hopefully it is not too much pressure for him. But Montreal is totally getting Hossa!

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True history has been in the Habs favour, I just hope that this doesnt kill Price's career if he isnt a hero like Dryden and Roy were.


I agree, I think Hossa is going to MTL for sure.

They have a decent shot at heading into the late stages of the playoffs if they pick him up!


Its going to be interesting, thats for sure.

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WOW, Penguins get Hossa.......


Hossa, Malkin, Crosby, Fleury....

Can you say Eastern Conference winners?????



We shall see!

The gave up a lot for Hossa, it will be interesting to see how the Penguins plan on fitting all these star players into the salary cap in a year or two.

I am glad Gainey did not give up the farm for Hossa apparently Waddell was asking for Higgins,A.Kostisyn,Latendresse and a first rounder which is ridiculous.


Personally I was a little shocked with the Huet deal but Price is Gaineys boy. You will recall at the start of the season Carboneau was planning on sending Price to Hamilton and Gainey but the brakes on that.

So the pressure is now on Price he has done it at the World Jr. and the AHL level lets see if he can do it at the NHL level.

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thank god they didn't get rid of higgins, kosteatsyn and latendresse! Even Ryder picked up the pace a little in the past few games. Huet was going in to one of his funks again. I am pretty sure he has never played more than 43 games in a season....and he may have been crap for the playoffs. We have the best rookie goalie (price) and now the best ahl goaile (halak) for the past two seasons. Go habs!!! Pitsburg looks tough now though

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Huet for a second round draft? Are you kidding me, that was a horrible trade especially when you look at what Mtl picks up in their Drafts. Huet could of and should of been the least, a number one draft pick for a team hurting for a Goalie. There was only one worst deal than that and that was what Pittsburg gave up for a rentle player like Hossa who will probably go as a free agent anyways. Im so glad Mtl didnt try to get him as it would of cost too much and hell probably be quiet anyways when they play the tougher Western teams.


Cluck ClucK Cluck Les Canadiens Les Canadians Les canadiens, Cluck ClucK Cluck Les Canadiens Les Canadians Les canadiens Hey Hey Goodbye

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Not sure what to think about it yet, but, thats the way it goes.


I personally dont think Price is quite ready yet.Oh well, doesnt matter what happens, what ever we do this year, is all GRAVY anyway!!!! :D



I am in total shock :dunno: I feel like we are on a detour with a very bumpy ride ahead.


I agree with Dan not sure Carey price was ready to be the number 1 goaltender in Montreal.


I listened to the radio on the way home tonight here in Montreal in English and French it really is the talk of the town where

hockey is like a religeon. The city is in shock the media is all over this

What I don't understand we have gained nothing from a player that has done well in the past .Yes he(Huet) has been shaky lately

but far to premature to trade him there is something we don't know about.


Well it doesn't affect my life cause I don't earn what they do.


Fishing comes first.


Wait till ya hear the Bla :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: in the media :Gonefishing:

Edited by Spiel
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looks like the leafs got more for hal gill than mtl did for huet...wow

price seems to play better in the big leagues than he does with the hamilton bulldogs. been to a few bulldogs games when price has been in net, looked WAY sharper playing with the canadiens. theres alot to be said for experience in dealing with pressure when it comes to the playoffs


we'll see how it turns out

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Huet for a second round draft? Are you kidding me, that was a horrible trade especially when you look at what Mtl picks up in their Drafts. Huet could of and should of been the least, a number one draft pick for a team hurting for a Goalie. There was only one worst deal than that and that was what Pittsburg gave up for a rentle player like Hossa who will probably go as a free agent anyways. Im so glad Mtl didnt try to get him as it would of cost too much and hell probably be quiet anyways when they play the tougher Western teams.


Cluck ClucK Cluck Les Canadiens Les Canadians Les canadiens, Cluck ClucK Cluck Les Canadiens Les Canadians Les canadiens Hey Hey Goodbye


What do you mean when you say look at what Montreal picks up with their drafts, you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about!( no surprise here)

Lets look at the number one picks of the last few years since management got their act together.


2001- Mike Komisarek

2002- Chris Higgins

2003- Andre Kosteatsyn

2004- Kyle Chipchura

2005-Carey Price


All but one is playing in the NHL and making major contributions.


Now add to that the following players from the 5 drafts that are playing with the big club,


Thomas Plekanec

Maxim Lapierre

Ryan O`Byrne

Jaroslav Halak

Mikhail Grabovsky

Mark Streit

Guillaume Latendresse

Sergi Kostistyn


Thats 12 players on the big club in those 5 drafts IMHO thats pretty damn good.


Now come back and tell me their no good because they are European or they played in Quebec!

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What do you mean when you say look at what Montreal picks up with their drafts, you obviously have no clue as to what you are talking about!( no surprise here)

Lets look at the number one picks of the last few years since management got their act together.


2001- Mike Komisarek

2002- Chris Higgins

2003- Andre Kosteatsyn

2004- Kyle Chipchura

2005-Carey Price


All but one is playing in the NHL and making major contributions.


Now add to that the following players from the 5 drafts that are playing with the big club,


Thomas Plekanec

Maxim Lapierre

Ryan O`Byrne

Jaroslav Halak

Mikhail Grabovsky

Mark Streit

Guillaume Latendresse

Sergi Kostistyn


Thats 12 players on the big club in those 5 drafts IMHO thats pretty damn good.


Now come back and tell me their no good because they are European or they played in Quebec!


Actually as of tonight, there all playing in the nhl :D

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The Huet move was a shock to me at first but after thinking about it and listening to the radio hacks, it does make some sense...


-Gainey may have made the trade to free up cap space for more trades... Hossa? Richards?

-Huet is as good as he will ever be. He's not a 22 yr old player getting better, he's 32 with little upside.

-Habs won't do any worse without him - unless Price is injured. There's the risk.


I think Gainey rolled the dice in anticipation of other moves and fortunately for Hab fans, he didn't beat the Pen's offer for the likes of Hossa.



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Keep Sundin, and McCabe, have two #1 goalies, trade away draft picks....... wow, I think I could do a better job.




What draft picks did Fletcher trade away?...I musta missed something.

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We shall see!

The gave up a lot for Hossa, it will be interesting to see how the Penguins plan on fitting all these star players into the salary cap in a year or two.




I don't think they do...Hossa is just a rental. He'll want at least 9 million come summer time, and no way Pittsburgh can afford that under the cap.


Makes for a great team short term...make a run at the cup...never a guarantee though.


I think all the GM's are still on a steep learning curve...trying to figure out how to build and maintain a good team for more than a year or two (or a few weeks) in a salary cap world.

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What draft picks did Fletcher trade away?...I musta missed something.


I was talking about the leafs management over the past few years.

They have traded away their top picks for the two goalies they have now.

And what is to show for those goalies...? Not too much.


But then again, why do they care? They are the biggest money making team in the league no matter how poopty they do.

Everyone on that team is making big bucks, even though most of them are horrible.


And these "no trade clauses" are the stupidest things I have ever seen.

I guess it works in the favour of a McCabe, because no one in their right mind would want him anyways.


After seeing the leafs basically not do anything yesterday, I hope they finish dead last in the league.

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