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Posted (edited)

It's unfortunate that nobody could take Dave up on this offer....I even gave him a certain address to try this morning before he launched !


You OFC'rs need to get your priorities straight.... work is over rated !

Edited by irishfield
Guest gbfisher

Are ya sure she'd be receptive for 2 different fisherman only 2 days apart?


Friday is the day......lol....ya ya...Thats what I'm telling myself anyway.. :huh:

  irishfield said:
I even gave him a certain address to try this morning before he launched !


after reading this, 2r's post and few others i have to ask....


why do you always have to make it about you?

  irishfield said:
You OFC'rs need to get your priorities straight.... work is over rated !


You're so right Wayne, just wish my boss was an OFC'r too and understood


And largemouth, what is the problem :wallbash: - Wayne is good enough to give a fellow OFC'r somewhere to try that holds a trophy size fish and you have a problem with that??

Also, from what I have seen, Wayne is usually the first one in line when it comes to helping out. Just my .02 worth.

  Roy said:
Easy there LARGEmouth. Abide by the rules please.


:whistling: I wasn't aware I didn't abide, I thought I just asked a simple question about something I noticed. Thanks for your concern though, it is greatly appreciated. :rolleyes:


sure was a nice morning out there , no fish unfortunatly but...who cares.Took a ride out of the bay before I left it was so calm and sunny .saw only one other boat all morning


Wayne , wore a hole in the water at that CERTAIN SPOT of yours but no luck maybe next week.




Too bad Dave...at least you gave it a shot.... and thanks to this thread I've found at least one guy I'll never tell where there's a 50+ inch Musky living... or a school of minnows for that matter!

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