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Posting Pictures, How Does Everybody Else Do It?


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I'm not sure if different computers have different ways of handling photos . . . . hopefully I don't confuse anybody (I'm ALREADY confused about this?) further, but this is how I do mine. First, when I've deleted everything on my camera I don't want, I just plug the card in the computer and a pre-installed HP program called 'IMAGE ZONE' automatically puts them in a folder. I can then crop, lighten, darked and otherwise 'tweek' them into readiness to 'SAVE' in a folder I call 'MY PHOTOS,' created on my hard drive . . . . . I then take them into a little progran called 'IRFANVIEW,' (free download a la Beansie) where I downsize 'em to under 250K, then resave 'em.


Then I can go to OFC's 'MY CONTROLS' section, browse, and just bring 'em in from my hard drive. Why would using a place like 'PHOTOBUCKET,' or numerous other storage places be better that your own C-drive? Under 'MY PHOTOS' I have a whole raft of sub-folders, and even different sections in the sub folders. I hope I haven't cornfused anybody further . . . . but this SEEMS to work fine for me? But . . . . . there MUST be SOME advantage (???) to using an off-site storage place?


I only tried ONE, last winter . . . you actually got about TWO photos worth of space per month . . . . and after a certain amount of hits, you paid, even for them. I gave the guy who ran the site a rough estimation of how many pics, and 'hits' I expected to average . . . . I was quoted between $50 & $60 a month!!!!!! EEEEYOWTCH H H H!! How many can you use through 'PHOTOBUCKET' before some typa charge kicks in .... . I doubt if you can store & use UNLIMITED photos?


I'm REALLY curious about how everybody else posts & stores their pics, and why? ANYBODY??

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you store them on a place like photobucket because they "must" be uploaded to the internet to be linked to or to see seen as an attachment, which is still up loaded to OFC but doesn't need to be on a different website


and I have about 100 photos at photobucket free, if it filled up I would just join again and add a 1 to my name and use a different email address


and at photobucket there is no size restrictions like at OFC, so you just uplaod and they that care of the rest of the crap

Edited by Terry
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I use photobucket too... have lots of pics on there and no problems yet... is not yet full... I do it for another reason as well as it can be helpful to upload it on the net... it is not necessary though you can have it uploaded to the site from a hard drieve but photobucket automatically creates links which with if c+p on the site work perfect... as well photobucket also allows for resizing of pics in an easy step... thats why I use it ...

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With 149 pics totaling 18MB of space on a 1GB free account, I'm also at 1% of used space on Photobucket. It is so much quicker and easier to post pics here with Photobucket, just copy and paste the link you desire for each pick and viola!... there she is!


I just use the bucket for storing pics I might want to post on the web. I use other methods for personal storage.

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The other advantage of photobucket is to share your pictures. You can be at anybody's house or whatever and pull your pictures up to show them.

A buddy's son got married and he put up a site on photo bucket. He gave all that attended the password and they all posted their wedding pictures in a sub-folder under their name. Everybody could check everyone else's pictures and knew who to ask if they wanted the original full size picture sent to them.

We do the same thing with pictures from fishing trips. Everyone posts them to the same spot.

It works great!

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With 149 pics totaling 18MB of space on a 1GB free account, I'm also at 1% of used space on Photobucket. It is so much quicker and easier to post pics here with Photobucket, just copy and paste the link you desire for each pick and viola!... there she is!


I just use the bucket for storing pics I might want to post on the web. I use other methods for personal storage.









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Guest Trophymuskie

I have my own website so I just load pictures on my server and then link to them. I use microsoft picture it for cropping and lightening my pictures first.


When I started my website back in 2000 you could get free websites on places like netscape, MSN and Yahoo. Isn't that an option anymore? You can basically create one and use it just for picture storage. I know they restrict the amount of usage but all you need is to make your pictures 50kb and you can put a lot in a small space.

Edited by Trophymuskie
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Hm m m m m ?? Very interesting . . . . . although my system seems to work, there certainly appears to be a lot of advantages to 'PHOTOBUCKET.' But, I'm so unbelievably inept at 'puters, I only stopped using my manual to figure out how to turn it 'off' & 'on' last week! I think I'll hunt it up, and see if I can finger out how to get it on MY machine? Is there ANY 'disadvantage' I should know about? Do I still crop, resize & 'tweak' my pics, BEFORE saving 'em for the board, in 'PHOTOBUCKET?' And t'anks kindly for the input, everyone!

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