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Carp fishermen keep a close watch on your bollies


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I was out playing with my carp gear. Setting up my bank sticks along the shoreline. I set up the buzzers and was fishing with corn. I tied on a hair rig with corn. And I also had a hair rig set up with a small strawberry Bollie. Since the hair rigs weren't working I put the strawberry bollie rig on the grass. I tie on a single hook put 3 pieces corn on the hook and set the rod in the holders. Then I looked for my strawberry bollie tied to a hook. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. I thought to myslef it's bright red!! Where could it have gone?



I turned around cause I heard a noise behind me. I see a squirrel with a red thingy in it's mouth!! :w00t: He stopped and looked at me! I took a clsoer look and he's eating half of the bollie. Holding between both his front feet. I'm wondering where is the hook attached to that thing. So I walk slowly over to the squirrel he makes a dash for the trees. Because there's leaves everywhere... I lost sight of him. I heard the leaves on ground making noises ...... The squirrel has taken my bollie and burried it in the ground. :o And I saw him run up the tree. And never came back down. I tried to find the bollie but couldn't didn't know the exact spot. I even tried looking for a dark hole or wet soil marks. No luck.


I hope bollies are biodegradeable. Hate to see him or some other squirrel dig up a bollie and eat it and maybe getting hooked!! :( I know the hook will rust in the soil.

Well that's my story. I thought it was funny. Thought I 'd share it. :lol:



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