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Fishing trip on Sunday morning........


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Hi everyone,


Well here is my report form our bass fishing trip I took north of Belleville with our employee Glen. The morning was great getting up at 4:00 am and starting out by going over to Glen's house and picking him up for 5:00 and off to Timmie's for a wake me upper. The morning sun was ready to peek up over the horizon and I knew that Glen and I would have a good day of fishing ahead of us with no one to bother us (that is why I left the cell phone off). Our first pic will show you the road that we were traveling on and enjoying the scenery and nature.



Very peaceful driveway along ways away from populated areas.



Had to stop and let this snowshoe bunny enjoy his breakfast.



Stopped by the first little lake and trouble started.



It was here that we could not backup in reverse and that a tire seemed to be flat. Upon inspection Glen said that your left tire is facing the wrong way. Not really what I wanted to hear being that we were at least an hour away from a service station and on a Sunday of a long weekend. I get out of the truck and yes the tierod gave out at the ball joint and we now have a major problem on our hands. I had Glen push the wheel back in line so that we were able to crawl slowly until we reached a tiny little spot that had about 10 homes in a small town and no one around to ask any questions as who can be of help to us. All of this time I was telling Glen that we will be stranded here for a couple of days and that we better be near a lake so that we can at least make the best of a bad situation. We finally ran into a gentleman walking up the raod on his morning walk and asked him if he knew of any mechanics in the area and he said that we are about an hour away from any mechanic shop and not until Tuesday will we run into a shop that is open. I know that a tow truck would be an outrageous amount of money so I was prepared to find accommodations for a few days until we can get our truck running again. The hiker then mentioned that there is a person up the road that may be of help as he drives the same truck as I do. I thought why not give him a try so he walked over to the next few homes and we crawled the truck in the same direction. To make along story short this fellow had a welder in his garage and we did sort of come up with an idea to weld a washer over the ball joint to hold the tie-rod together and hopefully we can make it back to Belleville. Well that worked and we were back running and driving slowly, I then turned to Glen and said hey we came here to go fishing so let's try it.


Glen was concerned because where we were launching the boat there was no boat ramp in the area and he was afraid that I was going to break the weld on the tie-rod.



We got the boat in the water and the truck held out okay.



The boat was empty and we need to get our gear down to it.



Glen then asked if we had everything we needed..well a dozen rods and food what else do we need?



Off we go to our little fishing hole with no one around.







Glen got a couple of small bass and then we decided to leave the area since we were late getting there and had to make a long trek home driving slowly to get there before dark and near the populated areas in case we get stranded.




After our adventure I realized that we have a great fishery right here in the Bay of Quinte and that our next outing would be around home hopefully with many more pics of fish. We still made a good day out of a bad situation and who knows where we will get stranded next time for a quick fishing hole.


Best regards,


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