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Awesome thread everyone ... thanks for the comments and tips. It's a battle isn't it ... especially here in Ontario, where Federally approved substances, that can be safely used if directions followed, or a professional does the deed, are banned. I've had good success by cutting the lawn regularly, but very high 4inches at least. Still, last year the chinch bugs hit me, sucking the life out of the nice thick, green grass. lots of bare spots, and not very happy. Well its been a long long cold winter, and a very wet spring, so not good for chinch bugs; however, the dandelions and thistles love it. we've only had the odd dandelion before this year, which we've dug out by hand, and if on the edge of the driveway also spray household vinegar in the hole that remains to ensure it doesn't regenerate in that spot. But his spring there's dozens every morning ... never ever had it like this. We're doing our best to NOT use the Ortho Weed-B-Gone, or similar substance... legal most places but not in the we-know-whats-best-for-you world of our decade OLD provincial government. I think a limited dandelion, creeping charlie, thistle, clover, etc etc CULL is long overdue. Tried everything else, so what the heck... might as well go for it, right! oh, and while I'm on the subject ... and being a Fishing related forum mostly, howz about a decent CULL of those d*mmed, ugly, black walleye n perch vacuum cleaning Cormorants on Lake Nipissing. Long overdue, imho!
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
JimC replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
In answer to your question, and in the spirit I think you intended, Gerritt .... YES, I think I would. It's an area of Great importance to the folks here, including myself. My dad took me fishing on Lake Nipissing, 60yrs ago, and I've been hooked (no pun intended) ever since. I've tried to expose my son and daughter to this great sport as well, and we've actually had 33 wonderful family vacations at a Lake Nipissing Camp, since them. So yeah, I'd definitely vote for the person/party that would commit to preserving our stressed fisheries, and wildlife. If someone comes a knocking between now and June 12th, I will raise this subject with them. Now without getting overly political, this video is just too funny, and too well done, not to share. Speakers ON. -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
JimC replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
good point ... I'm done! I do hope that whomever forms the next government will do what is needed to protect the critical fishing resource we have enjoyed, and our families have enjoyed during our lifetime. It IS important, and all we can do is fight the good fight. Now ... let's GO FISHIN -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
JimC replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
mosquito, this is just so 'on the money' that I'm re-quoting it. Very well said, and you covered all the bases. -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
JimC replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Great story, Ironmaker ... your MPP, PC Toby Barrett is a shining example of what we wish all our elected representatives would be like. Sadly, not always the case. Regarding the subject of this thread, I truly believe there is hope for a renewed and more effective OMNR, IF the Progressive Conservatives are able to win a majority. Why? Because Tim Hudak's right-hand-man, Vic Fedeli (MPP-Nipissing) will personally champion this cause. The ineffective OMNR has been on his radar screen for a long long time, and he definitely has the leader's ear. I also believe Vic would be a front runner to lead the party, if and when Mr. Hudak steps aside. Regarding the famous 100,000 job "cuts" ....the shrill protests we hear daily from the Libs and their buddies, the public sector union bosses [aka Working Families], and the usual Conservative hating mainstream media types, never acknowledge that Hudak has said time and time again that these 'cuts' will almost entirely be made up of attrition by NOT replacing redundant, civil servants, many of which are middle management positions. Few, if any will actually lose their jobs. What will be lost is some future Union Dues, and no one wants to see that happen, right?! I say, give Hudak ONE chance to turn this Ontario Titantic around; that's what my wife and I plan to do. I just hope its not too late. -
I took my time to slowly read through this thread, and was looking for the 'c' word, but not till this final comment did I see it. Why does this subject get (mostly) ignored. I've recently read that this invasive species of bird, NOT native to this area, now takes 100,000kg of game fish per year, which is way more than NFN and Sport anglers combined. Based on 3,000++ nests now estimated to be on Lake Nipissing, the math most probably supports this. I realize that even if it was 'open season' on Cormorants, which it isn't, getting rid of these da*med "fish vacuums" would not be an easy task, but not impossible. Folks, these are ocean going birds, that have found their way to inland lakes, where the pickings are ...well, easier. Most significantly, in the ultra shallow waters of Lake Nipissing, its WAY easier .... the Cormorants, don't even have to work up a sweat to eat their body weight in a day, day after day, in Walleye and other game fish. In recent years, I've seen first hand a seemingly endless black ribbon of Cormorants arriving in the spring, to feast on the distressed Walleye. I read that Perch are flourishing ... well not in the West Arm, Cache Bay area where I've spent vacation $$$ for over 35 years. Since the Cormorants population in that area began to expand exponentially within the last 7+ years, we don't see the 'keeper' Perch in that area anymore. Walleye is way down too, of course. I call on these folks http://www.nfn.ca/council_members.php to lead an initiative to "Cull the Cormorants" before their numbers escalate to 1,000,000 ++++ on Lake Nipissing. These birds are smart, and communicate in the off-season you know. Chief Couchie, as you so often remind us, 'by treaty you have the right to hunt and fish'. I have no problem with that. You definitely have the 'fishing' part down pat ... how about doing yourselves, NFN, native North Bay-ites (like me), surrounding communities, and others who respect the resource Lake Nipissing has been, a HUGE favour, and take action against this extremely harmful, invasive species in order to help preserve the diminishing Walleye resource. You can do it. There are ways. You know where they nest. Make it uncomfortable for them. You have the treaty rights to act ... we do not. I believe this is important, and an essential step to restore the fishery to what we all want it to be ... what it was, but that's just me. oh, and Crosshairs ... Great comments.
What's the consensus for Lake Nipissing ? All time record record maybe safe, but what about beating 1996 - 97 ? http://ufrca.com/index.php?page=ice_out_dates
Very well said, moxie ... you covered all the key points that I would have made. to the '(why) so much anger' crowd I say, Darn right, I'm angry, and passionate, at the same time, about this ruse being forced down Ontario taxpayers throats. Those European countries that went all in, are backing away, knowing full well that the solar / wind industry cannot sustain itself without the ongoing, heavy subsidies they have been receiving. The same goes for here in Ontario. But so far, the lemmings keep re-electing the Ontario Liberals. $1.1Billion wasted on aborted gas plants! awe that's ok, didn't somebody apologize for that, and besides, I gotta get to work, and pick up the kids, and then there's the grocery shopping. Just too busy ... oh, and the subsidies are covered by the Liberal Government" anyway ... right?! Oh wait, that's us ... the TAXPAYER. Now we are selling lots of our Ontario electricity to the States, and other jurisdictions, right? ... so that must be good. What's that? We're selling it at a net LOSS? Why would we do that? oh never mind, I'm sure it's all good, and I'm so busy, busy, busy ... there's that phone again. Gah! Vote for a different party than the Ontario Liberals in the next election? why do that? They're all the same right ... fibers all of them. Now the Conservatives are on record as saying they would put a moratorium on further subsidies for solar / gas. But do we believe them? Well I for one, plan to give them ONE chance to prove themselves, cuz the status quo for the last decade in this province sure as h*ll has created a dark cloud for my kids, and grandkids financial, future. See, not too angry ... just passionate, and actually very worried about this Province. Let's Go Fishin!!
OFAH wants nippising gill nets pulled !!!!!
JimC replied to fishindevil's topic in General Discussion
Oh joy ... an MNR sponsored "new" 20 Year plan for Lake Nipissing ... I can't wait! That bunch has shown over and over they simply don't care about the sport fisherman or the local resort owners / operators trying to keep their businesses afloat. I look forward to reading everyone's thoughts and comments after these meetings conclude: http://www.nugget.ca/2013/04/28/lake-management-plan-underway -
I have taken the time to read each and every post on this thread and have learned some stuff, had some laughs, and respect everyone's right to say what's on their mind. As a North Bay born person, my Dad took me fishing at an early age, and though I now reside in S.Ont. I have returned to a lodge on Lake Nipissing for over 30 yrs, bringing my wife and kids since they were 1 yr old. My daughter and husband now have a 3yr old son, and they join us annually for our family vacation. This preamble is meant to indicate my deep concern for the future of the Walleye fishery, and therefore the viability of the lodge we consider our 2nd home, and other similar, well managed businesses around the Lake. I also make an early spring trip for 15yrs with friends to same place, but have noticed business is slipping big time in recent years. The latest move by MNR to cut daily catch (and by extension, total possesion) limits to TWO is just another nail in the coffin for some folks who have sunk possibly their life savings into what is their dream to operate a family vacation destination on Lake Nipissing. What about them? and what about my kids, and now, my Grandson, who may miss the chance to enjoy a beautiful week fishing on Lake Nipissinhg, in the years ahead? My main point here, and subject of this thread, is that I cannot understand why MNR has refused to allow knowledgeable volunteers to initiate and manage a restocking program, with so much evidence of success stories, per links on this very thread, plus the methods to do it, ie. gather eggs and sperm from native Walleye, thus allowing the fry to grow some before being released, and increase survival rate. For sure It is only part of a needed solution to a very complex problem; however, I think it is totally irresponsible of the MNR to veto the offer made by Stewardship council and others. Not sure where NFN stands on this, maybe its in this thread, and I missed it? Perhaps Crosshairs can shed some light (btw, I really enjoy reading your perpective). If there is any sanity left in MNR brain trust, I urge them to reconsider ... especially with knowledge that Yellow Walleye are a stocked species to Lake Nipissing in the first place.
Stories Of Close Encounters With Dangerous Game?
JimC replied to michigander fisherman's topic in General Discussion
man, that would be a scary encounter for sure; but the most amazing thing is that he didn't take a big swat at you, when you were weighing him. -
I've had my Playbook for a year now, and like you, have an android phone, which as ccmt said is an independent device. Those that use Blackberry smartphones, get some extra goodies and functionality, and really will when BB10 if fully implemented; but as a stand alone wifi device the Blackberry Playbook is excellent, imho. It has a really nice camera and clear display for video; also the Video Chat is simple and easy to use with other Playbook owners. There are so many wifi hotspots out there now (eg. Timmies, McD's etc) its a nice portable device to bring along to kill some time while there. Enjoy!
reading 'headhunter' and 'LNSA' ... funny how Great things happen when ALL the stakeholders come together in a cooperative effort. The dollar investment mentioned ($68K) is not chump change, but geez, I spent that much myself at ONE lodge, bring my family, and fishing buddies there, over the years we've been enjoying Lake Nipissing. It's a multi-million dollar industry and definitely worth saving, for our kids and grandkids to enjoy, as we have. Please keep the pressure on the 'MNR' and Minister in charge to sanction a vibrant, full blown, Walleye restocking program, and a major cull of the invasive Cormorants. If this is done soon, I believe we will see a rebound of adult Walleye that can support a responsible NFN commercial fishery and sport fishing within the rules. Let's go Fishing !!!
yeah, I know ... it's going to be a total of only TWO Walleye per S-2 License in anyone's freezer at any point in time. I'm just frustrated that the Minister in charge is ignoring action on, what I, and others are convinced would improve the situation significantly, rather than just attack the casual angler, and make life even more miserable for honest small business folks, running their lodges, and trying to keep their heads above water in tough economic times. What I want to see positive action on are: 1. A Coordinated well managed, Mass Restocking Program to boost the Walleye population over time. It's how the Yellow Pickerel (ie Walleye) got into the Lake in the first place, and it sure worked then, so why not Now?! 2. A major cull of double-breasted Cormorants; Thousands upon thousands of these huge sea-going birds have infiltrated Lake Nipissing in recent years. I've watched them hunt; I believe they can eat their body weight in fish daily (correct me if I'm wrong); it does not surprise me at the large estimates of fish weight removed by this invasive species from the eco-system. Whether they are eating a 12" Walleye, or a small Perch, that removes feed from other game fish, the devastation continues. The only reason I can think of that this issue remains, is that the powers-to-be don't have what it takes to absorb a bit of flak from the activist lobby groups that hold all animal life sacred. You know who they are. I am not going to go on about the NFN commercial fishery. I believe if 1. and 2. happened, and there was NFN participation, as there should be, we would all benefit, as would future generations. C'mon Minister in charge ... let's get serious and do something positive ... for once in your mandate!
First wanted to thank Nipfisher for his detailed reply (last post on Page-8) ... it appears we see this the same way; however, based on what I've re quoted here from 'fishindevel' and 'Andy', and the fact they seem very sure of their interpretation, then we could not take (legally) take 3 or 4 walleye home, at week's end I'm so ticked off right now, on so many levels! Our group that has been spending big money each spring for the last 15 yrs, at a lodge on Lake Nipissing have always respected the limits, and the slot, to the extent that if a measurement at either end was even half way close, back it went. We did this even in those seasons where we were having a tough time scraping a meal together. We drive 1000 miles, spend big bucks supporting the local economy, and now another blow to my / our personal freedom. The max 4 fish to take home (which rarely happened btw), from our one trip/yr vacation, does no harm to the overall fishery, especially when compared to the story Andy tells here, and what I know many, but not all, "locals" do via their daily harvesting! hey, its easy when you live only minutes from the lake. I used to live in North Bay, so I've seen it happen. The last thing I'll say is that I think the way Nipfisher is interpreting the new rules is the Correct version, and that is what our group will be following. This year, I think we will involve the lodge owner, show them our daily catch, document the heck out of everything, and if we are lucky enough to have four Walleye at week's end to take home, so be it. We will take our chances, and have a clear conscience doing so. We will respect the new daily catch, and the slot as we always do, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I've had it!
thanks for the reply, Randy ... maybe I just don't understand your answer to my question? Sorry. So let me try this again. A buddy and I book into a lodge for one week. We each catch TWO Walleye, under the slot on Monday, against our S-2 licenses. No problem so far under the new rules. Filet and freeze them cuz we got chile thawed out we need to eat. Can we keep One or Two more each on Tuesday, or must we first consume the fish caught Monday (2 each)? If I catch and keep One poor scrawny 13" - 14" Walleye on each of Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Friday, freeze them, and want to take the four of them back home, so my wife and I can have one or two small meals of Walleye, over the winter, is that a violation? in this scenario, I only kept one per day, but wish to bring my POSSESSION LIMIT OF FOUR, home to share. Am I good to go? If I am in violation, in this scenario, then the law is badly flawed. A good law needs to make sense and be enforceable. I would wager you would be hard pressed to find very many, if any, locals who target Walleye regularly, and have only TWO Walleye (per valid S-2 license) in their possession, i.e. at home in the Freezer, during the height of fishing season. Anyone out there doubt that? So is it Daily Catch Limit of Two per S-2 license; Total Possession (at home, or returning home from vacation) limit Four (or Two). Again, I understand there is plenty of precedent for Daily Catch = 2; Total Possesion (in context above) = 4. Sorry to run on but wanted to be crystal clear what my question is; the answer is important, because it could end up being the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" as far as our annual spring fishing trip goes. There have been many years our lack of success meant we had zero Walleye to bring home to the family for a taste; however, when conditions were right, and we had some luck, and we are dropping $2,000-3,000 into the community, I like to think I am not a criminal if I bring Four small Walleye home with me. ok, I'm done now.
I am Soooooooooooo envious! Good going, and Great pics! thanks for sharing. ... on the other hand, I did get in 18 holes of golf (my other passion) on Friday, here in Kitchener, and didn't even freeze ... so that is good.
Do we know if the reduction in Walleye daily catch limit to S-2 also applies to "possession limit" ? I believe there are districts where Catch limit is 2, but possession limit is 4. Hoping someone with expertise in this area can provide an answer. Thanks.
As a long time, loyal supporter of Lake Nipissing Tourism, through my 30+ years of renting a cabin and boat n motor at an established, family oriented, Lodge ... I was shocked to see this knee-jerk reaction by the MNR, on this important and sensitive subject. I would be ok with this latest quota reduction, IF the Stakeholders ideas of 'significant restocking efforts', and 'Cormorant culling' had also been embraced with equal enthusiasm, by the MNR and the Hon Michael Gravelle, MPP, Minister in charge; however, the (apparent) total lack of a response by the Minister to those who are acting as good Stewards of the lake makes me wonder if this is just incompetence, or also political, given the loss to (PC) Vic Fedeli, in the last Ont. election? Hopefully not (political), but it sure makes ya go 'hmmmmmmm ... ' I hate the idea of gill netting, spearing in spawning beds, and so on as practised legally (or not) by NFN; however, given the world we live in, I feel that this is the reality, and it is better to take the high road and partner with like minded members of NFN who truly do care about the future Lake Nipissing Walleye fishery, in such a way that the renegades, WHO IGNORE THE RULES AND QUOTAS, will be shunned in their own community, and the community at large, and diminish in numbers over time. Of course there is no quick fix to declining Walleye stocks, but if we take the positive approach, write to the Hon. Minister (as hopeless as it may seem), letters to the editor, blogs, forums, whatever, hopefully, good things will eventually happen? or maybe I'm just being naive again? Lets Go Fishing!!
Very nice Walleye, Scooter ... Congrats in order for sure. I only fish Nip a couple times a year, and that 27" length is my personal best. As for what's happening overall ... that's a good question. My buddies and I go up every year around this time, and the last three years (prior to this) have been brutal, save for one good day two years ago when we boated 4 over slot fish, and two border line ones. We were there again last week, and after an amazing start on Sunday, with four 'hogs' 24.5 - 26in. and another 16 or so ... most around 18-22, but a few underslot keepers (14-15in), we thought we'd have a record breaker (for us) kinda week; however, similar to two years ago, the action dropped off on Monday, but we did manage a few more, then the wind howled unbelievable for two and a half days, most of which we couldn't even get out. Got a few more on the Friday and called it a week. Not bad overall with 30+ Walleye, and 50+ angry Pike ... never had such fighters consistently. btw, we fish the other end of the Lake out of Verner ... Cache Bay area. So enough about MY 'fishing report' what I have noticed is that the Perch are depleted (where we fish). We mostly use worm harnesses, and in years past ... say 5-8 years ago, we could easily go through a flat (40 doz) crawlers during the week, due to those pesky, but critically important, Perch sucking them off our spinners. I think we saw maybe a dozen perch of any size all week. What we DID see, and continue to see over the last several years are Large flocks of Cormorants, working the areas where we had caught so many perch in the past. To me, that is the biggest threat to the Lake's normal game fish, being that so much of it is shallow, and these darn large sea-faring birds can easily get to the bottom and devastate the baitfish. Eventually they will have to move on, or starve, but I think the toll on the fishery will become clear in the years ahead. Just my two cents worth. Guess I should post a pic too, so ya don't think I was Bull'ing about our Walleye adventure.
hey 'fish1812' ... now THAT is what I call a 'Fishing Report'!!!!! I had a Great time reading it and will be forwarding it to my fishing buddies for sure. Ironically my friends and I were fishing Lake Nipissing (Verner area) the same week you guys were in the Great White North. We thought we did pretty good catching 30+ Walleye, including quite a few 24-26in. specimens ['hogs' by Lake Nipissing standards], and 50+ feisty Pike [26-30" range]; heck you boys had that (Walleye count) before breakfast on DAY ONE! I know its not really comparing apples to apples relatively speaking, but what you guys experienced must have been quite the thrill ... especially for those in your group that love to eat fresh Walleye. I know I sure do. So thanks for the excellent report, pics, and videos. I am bookmarking this for posterity and to share with others down the road. Well Done.
Lake Nipissing? So whatz up this year guys n gals? Goin up last week of May
hey Irish .. looks like people do (wanna buy them), judging from some of the comments in this thread. Tis unfortunate that your moulding / tooling costs would be so extreme, but it is what it is. Howz about keeping this idea on the back burner, and plan to target 'TARGET' as they move into Canada. If you could get a toe-hold in there, or CTC, Walmart, Pro Bass etc. who knows. but I guess it comes down to funding the startup costs, eh? In the meantime ... I shall remain hopeful.
I would definitely be interested as well. hmmmm ... sounds like a business opportunity might be evolving.