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Everything posted by ecxstriper

  1. What ever you DouG don't try and take her nose or belly button ( ask Bly for explaination) Way to go family your reports and making long for some warmer water and the spring run.
  2. or maybe you could start fishing from shore like the rest of real fisherman .
  3. Dude that fish Rocks .
  4. The bottom nose dolphin can reconize itself aswell in a mirror
  5. I want one
  6. Hey where are the fish pictures . I have seen enough snow shots I want some fish porn. Oh and when do you think she'll be ready for the sheet rock ?
  7. That was very funny. I would have done a fourth round and oredered the 5days 10 lbs program again .
  8. wow I know winter is almost over CC is posating chrome , Beauty fish and great report
  9. WOW Cliff you never Cease to amaze me !! I will be needing a copy of that for my collection, please?
  10. sad sad day I have always enjoyed his playing
  11. wow nice
  12. I know what you mean There GCD , but I always seem to end up here when searching youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtd3iTnNL8o...feature=related
  13. I agree
  14. YES IT IS. THose are some nice Reds you got there. Bill Glad to here the trip worked out for you.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL5F-k64Nr4...feature=related
  16. Welcome aboard , I fish for carp part time as well .
  17. Here are some nice DIY plug storeage systems . I didn't male these I found them on the surf fishing site I go to. frist one is a bit complicated but still pretty cool . Empty Loaded up And the next one is actually my favorite I have more detailed pics on the last ones construction just pm me and I'll send them off to you .
  18. A hypodermic needle works the best it is important to make as small as possible hole. There are debates like anything else to the effectiveness of fizzing but I tend to agree with GCD that if the fish is already in trouble an attempt save the fish is warranted. The best solution would be to bring the fish up slower and yes you may lose a few on the way up but you wouldn't lose as many on the release.
  19. Here you go lets see how we do with these
  20. Makes one very poular with the ladies!
  21. The scary thing is that our world and lawyers look out and protect these people. Allowing them to breed and pass on the stupid gene to their offspring. I 've done some really dumb things but I've learned from the pain and don't repeat them .
  22. Cliff I'm wondering if we shouldn't put this up on your front door !!!
  23. weather models is what he is talking aboot
  24. Man that just made my day !!
  25. I not sure why I love fishing , as early as I can remember and according to my Mother I was play fishing ever since I could walk . She tells a story of me filling my child's size swimming pool with leaves and sticks so I could fish for them at the age of 3 . However the one person that I can remeber always fishing with is my younger sister , Bly
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