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Everything posted by young_one

  1. Price match at FS or BB? get an additional 10% off the price difference!
  2. $60 Rod vs. DIY 79 cents Spare guides from a broken ice rod. $2 each at your local rod shop. $10 spring bobber, best on the market! Go fishing!
  3. Turn off 3G and data for your iPhones, while out fishing
  4. Beautiful fish, thanks for sharing. Nice setup with the camera! You really is a gear head!
  5. VS825SD, you get what you pay for! PM for any questions regarding this model.
  6. Sorry guys, can't go on Sunday. I'm either working or playing in basketball tournament. Good luck to you all! Find the weed edge, you'll find the fish!
  7. its Marcum
  8. wow trip of a lifetime!
  9. Thanks for sharing!
  10. Will keep my eyes open! For second I almost had a heart attack. I drive an Envoy with a 3HP Jiffy as well, getting stuff stolen really sucks, wish you can reunite with your auger soon.
  11. Small clips of me trying to trick a few small panfish. Try full screen for better quality, I don't know why some of my videos are not in landscape view. Any solutions? I was using my iPhone 4
  12. Top notch videos as always! Congrad on the PB walleye!
  13. Next yr... "Tomorrow starts today"
  14. Beautiful colours! Nice quality zoom on the camera. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Thanks for the warning on multi-hole. Always thought the water would freeze quickly over night, I'll reduce to a pair next time.
  16. Ice perch! Are those the smallest size of Salmo darters? How did you fish them? Tip or no?
  17. Went out to Scugog in the afternoon, didn't land anything significant. Saw a couple nice walleyes and crappies. I'll be back to redeem myself! What techniques are effective for this time of the year? (I suppose its still early ice?)
  18. Thanks for sharing, I doubt I'd be doing ever in my life
  19. Skeeter... If Master CC can't get you a fish on the line, I'll pass the opportunity this time of the year for steelheads. I can almost guarantee some kind of fish when we go ice fishing at Scugog. better yet, 100% promise next spring for trout, bugle trout!
  20. Fished this morning, caught one palm size rainbow. The section of the river I was fishing, many places were frozen. Good luck tomorrow!
  21. Thanks for the video! I spotted what I think to be smallies and rockbass. Which model is that Aqua View? I'm considering a new investment for ice fishing.
  22. Dan... its not me either But then again, my first Steelheading on the river was with CC. I didn't catch anything but a cold, Scott was putting a show! When I left around noon, later he told me he was slamming them when I was gone. Don't worry about the caps, at my work place, the manager tells us to do any reports and written down notes in capital letters. I think its neat and easier to read. I'll try to get up Friday morning for some steelheading, may the force be with me.
  23. Hope to see you on the water soon! I just might get to fly fishing this coming, definitely need a good teacher!
  24. Thanks CC, saved me a trip for Thursday morning. I'll be out quite often after the 16th, my last finals. Hope to see you on the water.
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