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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Good work man thats a beauty fish. So it begins for another year....
  2. Thanks for the replies. I have a portable graph and have had nothing but problems this winter with freezeup of the lcd display renedering it useless. I dont fish from a hut so Im looking to have some more reliability in cold weather. Cant wait to see what the lakers are doing tomorrow under the ice. Im heading back to the spot where I got a big one and the girlfriend had a reel burnt out/rod snapped Cheers
  3. A speck over 10lbs on a canoe trip in the middle of nowhere... Then systematically every species of salmonid in the world.
  4. If youre gonna be portaging get a couple of those nylon/mesh laundry bags. Double them up then toss some rocks in and scoff at carrying extra weight on the trail.
  5. Hey folks just in time for the end of ice season I found a deal I couldnt pass up on an Fl20. I have little experience with these units but have witnessed those with them outfish me on a number of occasions... Any tips on settings, transporting and reading the display? I'd like to accelerate the learning curve on this. Thanks in advance
  6. On the other hand you could try to race bass boats for pinks....
  7. Ive passed by obatanga many times heading to the white lake/regan area but never stopped to fish it. I hear both PPs offer good walleye fishing. I'd be interested to hear how you make out. Best of luck.
  8. Urbanization --> increased runoff --> nutrient loading, contaminants, bacteria, sedimentation--> altered community composition, stress on once "native" species ---> reduced reproductive success --> degraded populations habitat loss, pollution of sediments and h2o, increased exotics, air pollution, increaes in nutrients from anthropogenic factors is driving blue green algae booms Look into Environment Canada and USEPA "Great Lakes Areas of Concern" tons and tons of info on the web.
  9. I actually worked at work. Thanks for the work to get things back online
  10. Thats a tank man. Sweet fish through the ice for sure. Might I inquire the lure you enticed it with?
  11. Hilarious pics from the archives! Its been a wihle we should reaquinte ourselves with creek portage and lost stringer lakes
  12. Just a thought about camo motors. Why not get the motor you want for performance purposes and if camo is a neccessity use tape to cover the cowling etc.... An ideal multi purpose craft though, Im sure you'll enjoy it. my 2 pesos
  13. Im on McCarrels just a bit up the road from Lonely. I only fished Lonely once and got a solid skunking for my efforts.
  14. Thats serious fishing right there. Good work!
  15. Thanks for the replys. I can't wait to get back out there. Camp is just north of echo bay (east of the Soo).
  16. I thank you. However my boss does not.
  17. Last weekend I headed out to camp for a few nights. Saturday we never got on the water til 1 or so do to some technical difficulties encountered the previous evening. Fished without action until about 4pm. All the sudden there was a frenzy of hits on set lines...a few hook ups and losses. Seemed like a school of smaller fish nibbling on the minnow tails. This kept up for about an hour. Packing up I saw my gad pop and at a speed only coors can provoke I was off. Took almost 10mins to handline this fish in on 6lb test. It took a solid group effort with people holding the line off the ice to keep it untangled and an excellent arm down the hole landing job. 9lb 14oz on the digi Funny thing is went back to the same spot the next evening and the girlfriend hooked into one the same size or bigger that we never got in. Plus it broke my rod. Good weekend with some mild weather to be out on the ice.
  18. a good session for sure. Wouldve been nice to see the ol' hook straightener on the ice. This weekend should prove to be an epic journey. Cant wait til you and winger argue about how to gps. On another note I just got another route mapped at western. that different topo software they have shows some different trails than topo canada and toporama....plus I got the "must have" lure tip. SPECKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. The soo rapids have open water year round. problem in feb. is -20....I miss steelheading can't wait til the open water. For now I have to fish em through the ice. Put some miles on walking legal areas of the rivers. theres always a place to fish. and it wouldnt be any fun if you didnt tangle up in trees anyways. it makes hitting a fish much sweeter
  20. I was hoping for the inclusion of the tarpus maximus in this report! Some fish is always better than none....unless they're whistling trout.
  21. Ya OW or maybe the peppers??? Im in the market for an adventure.
  22. are you in town on the 21/22? I've got ideas...
  23. beauty trip man. sure is enough snow up there this year. west side of the hwy?? looks familiar...
  24. winger should lead with those freakin huge shoes! im ready for a good snowshoe/navigation lesson dr. compass salvelinus
  25. Probably not the whole way in. Theres some day trips i was looking at but it would make things easier if there were tracks thats for sure. Some time Im gonan make it in for a winter camp at the cabin. Why??? the log at the cabin tells of big fish caught in the winter....id like to catch some too.
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