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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Checked with one MNR occifer, HE said he would accept a Drivers Lic or Pic. ID in lieu of the Birth Cert. Who the Hell carries a Birth Cert with them!!!!
  2. Sorry I'll miss you Gary !After waiting all this time to go, I'd be pretty well ticked off too. Tough luck,but your health comes first EH !!!!!
  3. Good luck this w/end Lew.If ya going near the Bridgenorth Causeway launch, I noticed its badly weeded up this year. Never seen it like that before. As for excess tackle, take it to Lakair and have a 'lea market', Prolly pay for your stay at Lakair G'luck to ya
  4. Seeing the Pic's of Geese on Photoz's thread prompted this post Was at B/cageon Locks looking a few boats over.My wife heard a commotion lower down from a gaggle of geese. One of the goslings had fallen into a space between two large rocks,and [according to my wife] was having trouble getting out, and the parent geese were very agitated.Jackie went closer to see if she could do anything[being a nature lover ]. One of the Geese rose up and ran at her.hissing and flapping its wings.Wifey ran like h*** As I was telling her of the danger's near Geese / goslings, the trapped one got out of the hole and all was quiet once again!!
  5. Lew; so sorry to hear of your loss, I lost a brother last year ,so can empathise with you a little. Please accept our condolences, to you and Eddies family!! Jack
  6. Any one up for a chat? see ya there!
  7. Cant help ya with the repairs, but at least, ya have an excuse when ya tell the wife"I may be late home from fishing Honey ! "
  8. ......Where's "HERE"? In the Kawarthas[ and I think Canada] there must be a LP for every person in the boat. Unfortunately, there is no Law to say it MUST be worn.
  9. Ain't that what this 'Board is all about, Glen? I dont post [m]any fishing escapades as I havent got out too often in the last coupla years, AND I havent mastered the art of taking/posting pic's. Nevertheless, I come on to this 'Board almost every night,and get great enjoyment reading 'bout other people's good times. On this G'damned Dialup it takes most of the evening to get thro' them all, then I dont have time to post To all our Bro's and Sis's; keep the posts coming, it keeps me out of mischief !!!!
  10. S'over Gerritt! get wella sooner, eh !! All the best.
  11. Sorry to hear the sad news Tom, please accept our condolences. Expected or not, its hard to accept. Hang in there Buddy!
  12. Gee1 Thats a sad state of affairs for you guy's up there.I got caught with one on a fishing trip near Temagami years ago, just a bit hair raising to say the least. You were forcasting this all Winter, pity it came true. The weather forcast says rain in your area Tues P.M. All the best.
  13. Welcome aboard Don. With an intro. like that I feel I know you already. Pity your a Sens fan, But I wont hold that against ya.
  14. I did hear once that they hitch a ride on the backs of Geese
  15. And I thought they were a style of boat you were creating
  16. I'm too slow Tom. My old sig. read; Its my age y'knol.
  17. Got our first visit from the Humming Birds this morning. Right on schedule. Usually here by 6 May, had the feeder out since Sat. The warmer weather is a coming !!
  18. J've heard that you cant cross into he US of A with sandwiches now, they take 'em off ya. NOW, we wont have to carry any loose change. Think I'll send my Passport back for a refund
  19. Joe! If ya get hold of any, just toss 'em on garden. !n a few days they will germinate, feed them well, and in a few weeks, you will have all the "happy seeds" you want!
  20. How did that happen. Sorry for the double post!
  21. My first time. Will be arriving 21st at Noon 'til Sun a.m.I'm bringing my tent trailer, and Beans will be riding shotgun on the trip up,so, I guess we wont get lost! . If anyone who happens to have some space in a boat, I dont take up much room.Expenses no problem!
  22. How the H*** did you find that one Wayne?
  23. Be prepared to pay at least $80,000 - $100,000, just for the lot. Then, sit and listen to the PWC zipping up and down all Summer. Then in Winter,you'll have the snow machines screaming by. I'm 10mins from the lake and can still hear them. Lakefront? not for me. The Sunsets just are not worth it. IMHO!
  24. Spent a few very pleasant hours,Crappie fishing with Beans, Meely, The Chin, and a few others who's names escape me.[see my Sig. ] Fishing was at a very low NADA !! but, Mine Host Meely who is a giant of a man, with a heart to match,laid on lunch of Crappie filets,Hamburghers,Fries, with all the trimmings. Thank you Guy's and Meeley for a great day
  25. Rizzo asked a perfectly normal question, Why the corny answer? Rizzo, a worm harness is a piece of line or wire, with 2 or 3 hooks attached at intervals,usually has small spinners at the head.Hang a worm on to the hooks, and drift it over weedbeds. With experience, they can be made quite cheaply, but for first time use, buy or beg a couple
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