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Everything posted by bowshep

  1. Happy Birthday Joey... go fishing... Ken
  2. Dave time to follow your own Dreams... and its about time... Ken
  3. Happy MOTHERS DAY Nancy... sorry about Tman... Ken
  4. l am with Lew on this... how easy is it to blame the company. l don't see anyone working one day a year for free for the betterment of the company they work for. We all drink to much coffee anyhow. Added note: Then you sit in line at the drive through with the car idling. Get your food in the environmentally friendly paper products which goes into the garbage; l hope. We are damaging our environment to make our lives easier. Now the new thing is the gas boycotts it all comes form the same depot. You don't see tanker trucks with the names on them anymore. So where are you going to get the gas, if your going to boycott gas company's leave your car at home. Its always easy to point the finger at someone else but it is us that should be ashamed because we are all hypocrites. We all want to be good for the environment but do we do everything that we can for it. Ken
  5. l hear you have to cook the heck out of them because they are greasy. What vegetables would you have carrots and zucchini. Or just potato's with sour cream. Ken
  6. Flat Fish lures in silver or black. If you can find them the Skunk flat fish is the old timers fav. ... in the rivers keep them small but heavy enough to cast... keeping the drag way down on the reel so you can hand feed it through the Holes and tighten it up when the fish is on. Well so l have heard... lol Ken
  7. Good for you Dave. Ken
  8. Stan l used a double wrap on the wire because l knew the water was faster than normal so it will drop quickly but in slower water you just need a single wrap. l also have added a bit of white Marabou under the wire to add more action with the tail. but don't let the Marabou extend past the tail. Peace Ken
  9. Yes it is with a double wrap wire, gold tinsel with brown and white deer tail on a #10 3x wire. It is really nice that l was able to reproduce a copy from the book but l have already started modifying. Thats the part that is so addicting. What if l did this. l already have 5 variations of the Thunder Creek and l was listening to ACDC at the time lol. Peace Ken
  10. Your Welcome. Thank you for getting me hooked on tieing but my friends are mad because l don't get out much any more what an addiction. Peace Ken
  11. l will be going for trout this weekend... Just broke the skunk feast only 34 trips this time the numbers are getting smaller... lol Everyone be safe and everyone have a great time. Peace Ken
  12. l can Never have the things l want.... been skunked sooooo much and my friends around me tells me to get over it... but l cant.... l want some things so bad... l guess l have to work harder... because l just dont give up ... skunk streak...54, 56 outtings and l am now at 37 outings for this round. Ken
  13. TroutGuy thanks for the info... Ken
  14. Would it not be better to use a cradle instead of a net. All most all my fishing is along the river banks and nets just get in the way when walking trough the bush... use a glove and no net right now but some times they do wiggle loose and drop... l think the cradle will limit the movement one the fish... l release almost everything so l want to cause as little damage to the fish as possible and no l will not stop fishing. Everyone has their preference but what would be the best for the fish. Ken
  15. Hone onto the real Target... Torpedo Divers Ken
  16. Great Job ... Ken
  17. Look right now everyone will be out their... and when opener happens there will be more... you cant do anything about it... get into the flow and do the float dance... yes some times the line gets tangled... but get over it... its not intentional... and its funny how you see the people that complain about the crowds fishing in the same places that l do... so many people and not enough shore line... catch and release and we will have fish for tomorrow. Ken
  18. Last year l noticed that it was always difficult to get all the colours around the rainbows Head. On the side shots because of the way the light reflects off the fish.. but making the Rainbows head be the focal point you are able to get all of the colours. Yes Mikes fish looks bigger than Daves but l did nottake that pic... Daves fish looked just as good as Mikes and was even bigger... Ken
  19. Great work TJ... and thank you... l will be viewing this often... Ken
  20. Nice Job Roy... looks great Ken
  21. Had a great time today... and you should know Dave l dont give up... l can be beaten like a dog lol Ken
  22. Happy Dog happy dog... Ken
  23. Great Times... Nice catch Cliff... Ken
  24. Good News...Thats one for the good guys. Ken
  25. He must be looking for the can... Ken
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