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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. wow.. some amazing action before the storm.. great stuff.. kevin
  2. thats awfully nice of them! and i just got my ice hut today from tinbanger! thanks a load and nice meeting you. sorry Maureen, i'll try to send out that check tonight/tomorrow, i just got some envelopes today. kevin
  3. i've heard good things of down east ones and scotty ones.. i got 6 scotty powerlock rod holders myself...
  4. dang snag.. im jealous of the fish/fishing but not so much of the blood... now that makes me want to head out too...dang..
  5. lol... second round yesterday....i already held back a bit.. dang,..
  6. oh, btw, got the tickets(for the walleye one), thanks TJ!
  7. gilford was pretty good, didn't need cleats, thickest patch of snow was at about shin high... ice there was about 1.5 ft thick. not sure about the whitey grounds
  8. and off i goooooooo
  9. curado 201DHSV with 20lb stren super braid on a mh cruical
  10. some beauty slabs there dawg!
  11. Hey all, I wanted to head out tomorrow after doing a quick stop at bps.. but I was wondering, and i'm sure.. that the ice is going to be as smooth as a ice rink.. cleats are a must i assume? anyone out today? thanks kevin
  12. wtg cliff
  13. congrats on quitting.. way too many reasons not to smoke.. smoke free all my life
  14. i dont think the colours matter all too much, it is more of the pattern on the lure and the action of it.. that matters to the fish.. the colours on the bait IS to attract the fisherpeople.. hahhaha
  15. i missed the list. darn.
  16. you see the motor go flying, almost breaking off when the 'boat' finally got out of the water... http://www.snow-boat.com/sb/movies/snowboat_sagbay.mpg don't want to sound negative... just some criticism so they may improve their product...
  17. im sorry, i dont really like it... u gots a snowmobile with a tub around it.. then when you get into the water, you gotta go put down and start up your outboard, once you pop out of the water(even more of a pain if the pond/water is only a small area) you gotta shut off your outboard and tilt it back up so the skeg won't hit the floor...? im confused...
  18. lunch? how about a fishing trip?? eh G? lol kevin
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