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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Nor do I read or understand French. But plugging it into a translator comes up with this.... R.I.P. dear grandfather loved .. : '( Today you have left us for a better world without suffering .. I hope you're well up there. Because you see me suffer so much heart was breaking. Is not easy to see you in this state, nor to see you go. You were everything to me, I still can not believe you're gone for good. It is so difficult to live without your presence. I'm bored to spend a lot of good times with you. I would like to thank you once again for all the things that thou hast apprisent and the values ​​you gave me transmitted over the years. Someone as special as you do not end up all over the place and I am very proud that you are part of my life. I love you so much my grandfather loved and forever! My sincere apologies Jacques if this is not accurate text. God bless
  2. I have one of those Terry, never could keep the thing lit when it went into the pocket. Lack of oxygen I suppose.
  3. "Just Play" <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2tAE2K3YT_A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. That's pretty dang neat Bernie. Good to hear your voice too Merry Christmas.
  5. Nice pics for sure Brian. That pool just screams steelies, you must have slayed them.
  6. Right back at you Lew and of course to all of your family as well as all of the good folks here. Everyone enjoy and please be safe over the holidays.
  7. One more just for you Albert (HTHM). It's Cherry, not overly exotic but it's real nice and will look sweet on the right fly rod. It came in a box of assorted hard woods from Aplumma (thanks again Art ) and it's the first one I've turned from a very large selection sent.
  8. Have you tried PM'ing "Meegs?"
  9. Thanks Brady, yes Struble on the middle one for effect only.
  10. Bingo, thanks Craig! Back in the late 70's and early 80's my friends and I managed several palomino's including 3 for myself. Also of note was one true albino I saw on Bronte creek, white as snow with red eyes finning in about a foot of water. We tried to catch it for a better look but it spooked and while we we followed for a ways we never did "ahem" catch it. In fact we lost sight of it as odd as that may seem.
  11. Well the glue was dry this morning so I now have the matching butt caps.
  12. Humber River Salmon Poachers Fined $3,500 Three Toronto residents have been fined a total of $3,500 for illegal salmon fishing on the Humber River in the City of Toronto. Ervin Paczok pleaded guilty and was fined $1,500 for attempting to catch salmon with a landing net. This is the second time in 2012 that Paczok has been convicted for salmon poaching offences. The court heard that Ministry of Natural Resources conservation officers conducted patrols along the Humber River in Toronto during the fall migration of spawning salmon. On October 3, 2012, Paczok was seen wading in the Humber River. He was chasing and trying to catch salmon by scooping them up with a fish landing net. Attila Raffael and Zsolt Raffael pleaded guilty and were each fined $500 for fishing less than 22.9 metres (75 feet) downstream from a dam and $500 for attempting to snag salmon with a weighted hook. In addition to the fines, their fishing equipment has been permanently forfeited. On October 11, 2012, conservation officers saw the two men trying to snag salmon in the Humber River immediately below a dam, an area that is closed to fishing. Justice of the Peace Sunny Ng heard the cases in the Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto, on December 13, 2012. Migratory fish, such as salmon and rainbow trout, are vulnerable to poaching when they congregate in shallow water and in the pools at the base of dams while moving upstream to spawn. Illegal fishing methods, such as netting and snagging, damage these fish populations and threaten the economic and social benefits that healthy fisheries provide to the people of Ontario. For further information on fishing regulations, please consult the 2013 Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary, available at ServiceOntario/Government Information Centres, licence issuers and at ontario.ca/fishing. To report a natural resources violation, call 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667) toll-free any time or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS
  13. I'm sure your happy to finally have it home Dave. Looking forward to seeing what comes off it down the road.
  14. Isn't that the one you got several months back or is it another one?
  15. Yes Sir, Titanuim anodized Batson, 8.5.
  16. Still playing on the lathe, much fun.
  17. I see you query has been thoroughly answered, thanks guys. Video(s), no there's plenty up there now, not sure I could add anything of value.
  18. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jCQwwCRiDZQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. I like it Randy! Every man needs a man cave of some sort.
  20. Iron wood no, not yet. Cocobolo yes. Keep in kind most of my wood seats for float rods are done by a good friend. However I do turn some here, this one is for a fly rod, I just finished it moments ago. Orange dyed Padauk finished in 15 coats of CA and fitted with bronze hardware.
  21. Looking good Bud, keep us up to speed on the progress.
  22. No, not to date Albert, though I do have a few pieces here.
  23. Sure it's doable Brian but labour intensive ($).
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