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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Same here (40/40). Totally agree with the juvenile/parr comment. That would definitely toughen it up.
  2. Thanks everyone, truly appreciated. I'm not out of ideas yet and have some new designs in the making, I'll update when I think I've got a worthy result.
  3. Welcome aboard Dave nice to have you with us.
  4. Ahhhhh, so this is what Ron was talking about yesterday. Perhaps I should listen to him more closely.... Nicely done guys, I do remember the report.
  5. Thanks PN. I know of a few blade models that will fit unfortunately none are 7" which is of course what I desire. 8" will work (6" won't). Perhaps buying the 8" and machining them down will be my only option. The search continues.
  6. Hello all First off Happy New Year to all. I've not been around too much as of late due to being quite busy. But I have a few minutes and wanted to share with you all what has kept me away...... In no particular order some of my custom rod work over the last few months. Best wishes to all in the coming year.
  7. Hi FG, welcome to OFC. We have some of the best steelheaders here for sure, stay tuned!
  8. Here's a few pictures of mine from this morning showing the markings. It was purchased in the late 80's and still has the original blades. Though if anyone knows where I can find new ones (blades) I'd appreciate it.
  9. I have the exact auger, had it for over 30 years now. It's a 7" Normark Fin-Bore III As for your wing nut issue, have you considered swapping it out for a steel one?
  10. Saw them in the spring and hope to see them again this coming year....? Can't keep me out of the mosh pit.
  11. This is from last Monday with Hugh Cornwell (The Stranglers) . Saw him in TO the night before then again the following night here in Hamilton at a private venue owned by a friend (200 people) . Sitting and chatting with him and the band members after both shows was way cool. Props to my good friend who got me there and back for both shows. Yes if you know my voice you'll hear me.
  12. I'll be seeing this tonight at Lee's Palace and again tomorrow night at a small 200 seat venue in Hamilton... Party on!
  13. You done way good young man, I go through similar hell almost weekly and get "it" entirely! If you ever want to talk fire me a PM and I'll give you my phone number.
  14. I've only had one chance to fish one of my two recently and I'm very happy with it. Best centerpin I've fished to date in the last 35 years. Thanks Edwin.
  15. Thanks Bud. Here's a few more shots..... This one from this morning. Two seats for a good friends upcoming projects. Also a few shots of some NRX conversion work. The one in green wood is done the other I'm currently working on. The green was a handle replacement and the other a complete strip and rebuild which should be done any day. Now back to work........!
  16. I'm floored Bud. As one who has sadly been there I offer Rob and all affected by this terrible tragedy my sincerest heartfelt condolences and prayers for their future well being.
  17. The props are well deserved Bud, I wouldn't have said so if it weren't so. I've been wanting to get up some pictures of recent work and since you're asking to see them here I'll add some to keep a good thread going. Thanks for allowing me to piggyback on your post and great work. I won't elaborate too much but it is all recent and why I've been mostly absent. The reel seat I did with T&T hardware for a T&T spey conversion using Birds Eye Maple.. The finished rod showing wraps and feather inlays..... Another T&T conversion.... A couple of recent 4 axis chevrons. The one above in blue was built to compliment a beautiful RSG custom reel with matching wood. I could go on but I'll end it with one more picture of some recent reel seat work with a new to me finish (CA).
  18. Well done my young friend, you've much to be proud of there. I've been wanting to get a post up for weeks of some work but I just can't seem to find the time, hopefully soon.
  19. Children will always find a way to play in the dirt even though they know it will lead to bath time.
  20. Fodder or another forum perhaps.... *big yawn*
  21. I'm not here every day as of late, but if it were entirely up to me there'd be no political threads here, ever!
  22. I'm still trying to figure out at what level I'm most envious. The great fall week away, the great fish or the great pictures. Sign me (way) envious!
  23. I'll second that ten fold or my name isn't Spiel!
  24. I'm sure there's endless forums for political discussion. Google them.
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