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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Same knot that keeps is running shoes on Roy........
  2. I'll let you know Kelvin, shoot me a PM with your phone number.
  3. Ahhhhhhh, not likely. Some days yes, even earlier but I can't guarantee it. But most any time before that will work if it works for you and you're in the area.
  4. Oh I get it (and little of it is rock), it's just not for the timid or those stuck in the spoon fed radio commercial stuff. I've never been there, likely never will. I suppose I derive more from those who buck the main stream and stay with artistic merit over money and a lot of it is very recent, no where near or nothing to do with the "rock age," which for the most part I abhor! If music credentials are of any value to you this might surprise you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaz_Coleman
  5. Unfortunately I won't be making it up. I do however have a package I need to delivered to Misfish if anyone in Hamilton has time to pick it up at my house in the lower east end. Kelvin?
  6. This is old considering they've been around since the late 70's. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=qmx-nqMaCYw
  7. Yes! I have a ticket to see these dudes in late April with my buddy at Lee's Palace! http://youtu.be/4DokX4f98yw
  8. Nice to see you finally posting here my friend (stalker), guess I've no where to hide now.
  9. Thanks everyone, very much appreciated. I do use that Roy but not this time, it's blue dyed Box Elder Burl. To note I can't take credit for any of the wood work this time, it was all done by my good friend John Collina.
  10. Been swamped in work lately with many of my customers looking for new rods for the upcoming ice out steelhead season. Thought I'd share a few of the many handles I have on the go.
  11. Where's my whitefish?
  12. No comment on blank choice Kemp but I'll state straight up, foam grips, way wrong! Split grips, again way wrong! Custom means not having to shave off a few dollars and cents to make it look like factory produced crap!
  13. Great Album... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNQAMY8UlOs
  14. Oh my, be very careful and make sure someone is close by.....
  15. Looks beautiful Lew and labour free, a real bonus for us old guys.
  16. Well Live2fish85 (Chris) came by yesterday afternoon to apply the final coat of finish to his rod and it's now done. A job well done I must say for a first ever go at it. He hasn't seen the end results yet, well he has if he's reading this. I've no doubt he's itching to get out and break it in. Here you go Chris, congratulations, it has been fun.
  17. From the man who coined the phrase "Winternet."
  18. The bigger and more important question is where you are planning on fishing is legal within the confines of open seasons for angling with respect to the potential species available.
  19. I've noticed it since I came up from the shop 20 minutes ago and if it doesn't stop, well......
  20. 28 days smoke free here, feeling better everyday!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. woodenboater
    3. Spiel


      Thanks everyone, day 30 today and I'll make it!

    4. DaveRoach


      Great going! 4 years not missing them.....

  21. Awesome! Pepper steak is almost ready to pour over a bed of rice, the tunes playing as I often play, more so now than in my youth..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVrmwJbnK5w&feature=related
  22. Go Ted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN2VNFpiGWo&list=AL94UKMTqg-9AaZ961_VkohoVcoqDOFqmM
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