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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Thanks again guys. It does appear Mike as though it'll scuff easily. I made the owner aware of this before putting it all together. He's not worried as he travels with a pouch over rod and reel at all times with of course the exception of when he's fishing. As for treating scuffs and scratches, I have a few ideas to try if needed.
  2. Thanks again all. The goal with custom obviously is to provide to the customer with what the customer desires. This time I moved way out of my comfort zone but I along with the customer are pleased with the results. I through some research believe this to be a first ever (near) seamless marrying of the handle and reel seat in these materials. I previously did do the same in wood and cork for this customer and I believe that was also a first(?).
  3. Thanks guys. No worries, it's not for you!
  4. Exactly. I've said it here before and I'll say it again. I'll gladly pay a months worth of hydro and live in the dark if they use my paid share to electrocute the witch!
  5. I don't mind paying for the real cost of electricity, it's the paying of exorbitant salaries to the undeserving upper echelon by an already over burdened populace that burns my ass!
  6. Thanks guys. One would think so Brian but I've wet tested it in house and it's not slippery. Mind you I didn't add any roe goo to my hands. I weighed the entire rod at 200 grams, with the tip section coming in at a whopping 22 grams.
  7. A friend of mine approached me over a year ago with a vision. He had an idea for a rod to play up the beauty of his custom RSG Vyper reel. We discussed many things and I agreed to take on the project though it had me working in 2 new mediums, that being carbon fiber grips and acrylic components. There were issues sourcing all the needed components but I finally had all in hand this past August and set about practicing and destroying some of the new materials. In the end I'm happy with the results, it's not perfect but it was a most enjoyable adventure from routine. Roughing out the acrylic seat.... Checking the now fitted hood/grip to the seat for a perfect fit.... All dry fit on a threaded mandrel for a first look at the concept.... Now almost ready to battle Steelhead. The tip section still needs winding finish. The details..... 11' 6" CTS in clear gloss Carbon Fiber/foam core grips Acrylic reel seat/butt cap and trim pieces Lemke LC24 black hardware Liquid black winding check Black nylon windings with metallic black trim bands (visible in sunlight) Fuji BYAG guides chosen for being all black....
  8. It was only a week or so ago that I learned that Wynne had jsut approved a salary increase for the CEO of hydro one, somewhere over and above the tune of 4 million per year. Now I see where the money is coming from.
  9. LOL....Yes but the dogs have to eat as well. Shouldn't spend more on them than the children.
  10. I'd feed that head to your dogs Rick, not your children.
  11. A friend gifted me a bag full of garden onions. The soup was from three Vidalias and two Spanish, each as large as soft ball.
  12. It was so good and so filling Gerrit we have put the rest of the evening meal on hold while we *burp* digest a bit.
  13. You got it Cliff. Serving me and my daughters now with enough left over for another three servings. It'll be followed with twice baked cheese stuffed taters, brined and smoked chicken breasts, fresh carrots in butter and corn on the cob.
  14. What is it? Well it'll become part of tonight's dinner.....yum!
  15. That can't possibly be tasty I says while wiping the drool off my chin.
  16. That doesn't even rate as a legitimate argument.
  17. I've said it for over 30 years, get rid of the salmon!
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