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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. So ya, another pie. Caramelized onions, sun dried tomatoes and Anchovies. No tomato sauce, just fine Olive Oil and a wee bit of fresh Mozz I needed to use up atop home made pizza dough. Bon Appetite.
  2. Yep, I'm liking this home made pizza thing. Deli sliced sausage, pepperoni and ham with onions and home pickled jalapenos.
  3. Hamilton dodged the bullet Lew, we were at the very southern edge of the storm. It was a non event here.
  4. I'm happy that you and the Diane were prepared and of course both well in the afterwards Lew.
  5. I know, I know.....it's not Friday but when you're retired Friday comes around whenever you feel like it. Cheers
  6. In honour of consuming my last serving of homemade Lobster Bisque from the freezer I opted to make my first loaf of white bread. No complaints. I'm really starting to enjoy this bread making thing. 🤩
  7. That's awesome Simon. Look at the mop on that young'n, I'm envious, waaaaay envious! 😉
  8. Pizza night. Up'ing my game with a new pizza pan. Pepperoni, Ham, Onion, Sun Dried Tomatoes and Onion. 🙂
  9. I need this again, twice was not enough! https://www.facebook.com/TooLarmymembers/videos/765681551065684/?extid=NS-UNK-UNK-UNK-UNK_GK0T-GK1C
  10. So this arrives in my inbound mail today. I'm really digging it for the tenth time already! Thanks Pal (you know who you are).
  11. Can anyone point me to an Southern Ontario source to purchase something like this? I'm getting to old to climb down off the bow to the trailer tongue. 😁
  12. I should drag old Farmer up there for a day of Whities, it's been a few years since he and I were last there.
  13. Thanks Phil. I've sadly and regrettably not been using the Lund as much as she deserves to be used, I've even toyed with selling it a few times and I've had amazing offers on it. However, my daughter Madison informed me a few years back I'm not allowed to sell it, she has laid claim to it. I will concur with you whole heartedly, it is a really nice ride.
  14. LOL......I'm a Fly Tyer, I know what the grinder is for.
  15. That's beauty Brian. I always wanted one for my fly tying but I never did get one so mark me envious. I'm not sure I want to know but I'm gonna ask. What's the TP for? 😄
  16. I finally had a window of decent weather to take my daughter, her pup as well as my pup. This was my boys first time in the boat and he enjoyed it thoroughly. The target, big Channel Cats. Sadly the big girls didn't come out to play. We weren't fishing 5 minutes when we were into a double header, my daughter's was a Cat and mine a was Bowfin. The next 30 minutes was constant action but few fish over the gunnels. The end result for a few hours of fishing was, 1 Cat, 2 Bowfin, 1 Pumpkinseed and a scruffy Northern.
  17. So this happened today. The recipe has been in my book marked folder for sometime and I decided to give it a go. It turned out pretty gosh darn good. However next time I would pre toast the flour or perhaps bake the empty potato pastry shell without filling. I also did a small loaf of bread as well since the oven was hot. I served it with a local grocery store rotisserie chicken and steamed Broccoli. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4leNJoIi-Q
  18. Last evening, Artisan Barese Sausage (a gift) done on the BBQ that will be plated soon on my home made sausage buns along with my home made Macaroni and Tuna salad. No plated pictures, sausage was stellar, the sausage buns could use some improvement. Over all not a bad first effort.
  19. It's been two and half years since I was at a concert and it was back to back nights of Tool in TO. I need this in my life again! FYI.....dinner was stellar.
  20. Happy May 1st. A little musical interlude while my dinner is cooking. 😎
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