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Everything posted by Paulus

  1. No kidding.... and it looks like the Fall season is my next stop... it seems soooo far away... sooo #^%## far away! p.-
  2. N'importe quelle soirée d'ici la fin de mai... ca vaut toujours une petite excursion! p.- p.s. for those who don't understand French, I just told him to [censored] !!! hehe
  3. Thanks for the compliments Although I do try, my old standby camera is starting to get senile and I have to start thinking about a replacement. Hopefully, I won't be dropping cameras into the water anymore... There are still lots of fish to be had, so get out if you can! And please practice C & R. Your (grand-)kids will thank you! p.-
  4. Well, the responsibilities of parenthood trump pretty much everything else. One of my little guys is very sick and staying home and, since I'm on vacation until Thursday, well... you know the drill. This will teach me to book vacation for the trout opener! I'm worried about my son, since his bout with the flu has lasted too long IMO, but hopefully things will turn around soon. Anyway, I figured out what the steelies were rising for today. Got a few, but here are the two best pics. Unless lady luck calls my numbers next weekend, I guess that's it till the fall. Enjoy! same fish, different angle... p.-
  5. Just a couple of pics to share from this year's opener. Enjoy! All fish released in the hopes that they'll spawn again next year. p.-
  6. yep, hot days tend to do that. The lower the water, the fewer the fish. Nice pic and vid. p.-
  7. I agree 100%. It's not only fact in the Ganny, but in most east lake O tribs that can support trout populations. Thanks for posting the article! p.-
  8. Very nice, as usual. I didn't know that there were steelhead in the Don........ :rolleyes: p.-
  9. Absolutely love this pic. Awesome post, excellent pics and great trip as usual, Mike. Thanks for sharing & allowing us to fish vicariously through both of you p.-
  10. 1) Orion 2) For Whom the Bell Tolls 3) The Day that Never Comes I saw them first in 86 or 87, during the Master of Puppets tour. When they did "An Evening with Metallica" to follow up the Black album (which is a hilarious reference to Spinal Tap, btw) it was a double show. During the first show, they played Orion - which I'd never heard them play live til then - so I went out and bought a ticket for the second show just to see them play it again. I agree with the person who posted that the latest album is good. Let's say it doesn't suck as badly as Load and ... was it "Re Load"? I've been listening to The Day that Never Comes basically non-stop for a couple of months now... still not tired of the guitar work in that tune (i.e. full version, not solo-less, de-cojonified radio version). I think it made me feel.... young again. p.-
  11. I agree with every point except the atlantics. I share some of your skepticism, but the "hundreds" you're talking about are just a preliminary figure and comprised mostly of jacks, or "grilse." You won't see much more than that for at least a couple years, and wouldn't even if they stocked 4 million: most of the fish just haven't reached maturity yet. If we planted 1,000,000 steelhead in the Don right now, just because there would be no fish next year or the year after doesn't mean the experiment failed. You'd be waiting til about 2012/2013 before there was a significant run. So, to be fair, it's way too early to really be able to say that the Atlantic Salmon project failed. My own opinion is that it will work, BUT ( ) with a population that is not self-sustaining (such as steelhead) & will require stocking to be kept up. I hope I'm wrong! p.-
  12. Best way to side-cast: 1) don't hold your centrepin sideways (spool facing up or down). The spool should always be perpendicular to your free hand. 2) Thumb out. The line should run between your index finger and your thumb. Don't make a circle or loop with your digits, but rather point your thumb out, a little bit away and down from your reel spool after you cast. This prevents your fingers from accidentally getting in the way of your line as it runs over your hand. If you picture your line, from the spool of your reel to the first guide, as one giant loop, you basically want to poke your thumb through this loop and pinch your line. When you cast, you let go of the line and keep your thumb straight, pointed out, hand open, palm outward. 3) balanced rig. If your rig is unbalanced, it will be much harder to cast. At first, you want a balanced rig and as HEAVY as the conditions you are fishing will permit. Weight is a huge factor in castability, especially when you're first learning. good luck! p.-
  13. Nice fishie... Try Redwing fluoro. Seriously. I was shocked. It's tough as nails. p.-
  14. Awesome report, thanks for posting! You guys are giving me ideas... p.-
  15. Thanks for the report, dude. Glad you got into some Looks like lots of rain in the forecast, beyond last nights mini deluge... we might be waiting for a while! p.-
  16. epic as usual, dood! the substitute kitty is always good at times like these p.-
  17. The pics are epic . Well the Islander has a 4.5" diameter right? juxtaposed, it looks small against that fish. Well done! thanks for sharing. p.-
  18. That river IS doomed, because I'm going there tomorrow with other eminent anglers from this board, and we gonna clean her OUT! p.- p.s. bravo fidel, tu me bottes le c u l !
  19. i wouldn't know that trib if it came up and bit me in the ... OUCH!!! p.-
  20. I like that Yeah, I wish we could be as open here as you are in PA. Lots of reality interferes with this, like BillM said, we don't stock our steelies (or like 5% are stocked altogether on N shore Lake O), the golden horseshoe has something like 7,000,000 people (as pointed out by that alaskan rube , Drifter016) and most rivers east of the GTA are very small and delicate. They are excellent nurseries, which is why they have wild steelhead in them, but they are tiny and wilt easily under pressure. As Silvio pointed out, the number of returning fish in the Ganny used to be closer to 20,000 than 3,000 (which it is today), and much of that can be attributed to less stocking and more fishing pressure. C & R is of the utmost importance nowadays. Part of the distrust you see is also born of the fact that not all of us who read the information posted on these boards are C & R anglers, and everyone - even poachers (not singling anyone out...) - can access the info with a click of a button. If I go to that river tomorrow, I can talk to anyone there and get all kinds of information the old way, through friendly chatting and sharing of experiences. The difference is that I made the effort to go, and I showed my good will. On the net there is no way to prove the existence of either. So when your creeks are little ditches, it's just natural to want to protect them from the huge readership that exists on the web. .02 cents canadian = .015 cents US... sheeeet! p.-
  21. Like it or not, the internet is defintely shaping this fishery. How, in 1989 could anyone (even living in the area) have known a) about the river or that there are fish there or c) that there are fish there now? Maybe a local yokel from there would call you and let you know, or maybe you happened to be driving by on your way to somewhere else & decided to take a look... Nowadays, you can google the spot, and you can google earth it. You can hop on a forum and check out not only pics of fish caught there, but the exact location the fish were caught, what the water was like etc.. bare hours after the fishermen were there. Whereas yesterday people might have known about that trib, today they know for a fact that it's brimming with chrome. There's a fine balance between reporting where and reporting when. For example, can you tell me where this was taken (last Saturday)? The best part about this post is that it shows that you - and a lot of other younger fishermen - are excited about the sport and the fishery, and you want to help take care of it. Silvio is on 100% when he says that we have to respect eachother. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are doing the fish and the fishermen a bigger favour by being discreet in your pics (i.e. avoid showing backgrounds) than by showing it so clearly. IMO it's just plain respect, for everyone involved, to employ discretion. Awesome fish, btw p.-
  22. I could've told you that HD is a cool guy. We've already had a "man date" and he was a perfect gentleman. ...speaking of which, we should have a repeat, soon... with a river to go with the beer this time . p.-
  23. Awesome teamwork! Let us know how you did, ok? p.-
  24. Yeah, I think Guelph is Grand! p.-
  25. All is also right with the universe, with Bly and Cliff in their rightful domains ... Glad you got into one, Bly. First of many! p.-
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