Call me old school if you's like , but after reading this i hear you loud and clear . I've allways been a fixer and can sort out just about any thing but these new vehicles with all their bells and whistles to me are getting more like potential death traps in certian situations including my new truck which i hate for many reasons but we wont go there . Take Abs brakes when they first showed up were wow some thing we all needed ... NO! , but it was'nt long we old schools found out just like you just did with your traction controll when coming up to a stop sign with abs brakes on a road full of pot hole the brakes would fail as the abs was unable to ajust its self quick enough and you would'nt get stoped til will after the stop sign , i am sure many of you here at one time or another experinced the same thing , if your not sure thats when the brake peddel is jumping under your foot and the sound of a little motor under the dash is growling and your not stopping when you want to . Well i know of many vehicles and maybe ones more so owned by us fixer types had their abs permanitly disconected so we could feel safe and in controll again . Any how to me the problem with traction controll sounds to be simmular and some one needs to go to work and disconect the sensors that monitor the wheel speed , at one time these would have been mounted at each hub but who knows where they have them hid now . If it was mine i'd find them and they would be gone ...... lol .