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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. The sum up from yours truly , young and old we all know what we know and never will thease two mix because they never happened at the same time .. lol . The horse and buggy was unsafe because the horse had a mind of his own and was done away with but gave the best gas milage todate , having a mind of his own this lead to what figured would be a safe'r & better mod of transprtation ..the money gussoline automobile . So then on we were made to hand out what we had cash wise to ride our butts in style . For the first while or so you got what you paid for and new ment new no kidding , theres some on here who can remember when that was so , new ment no more problems . Then starting around the seventy's it all went out the window . My first toys were all made out of steel , just about unbreakable and now my new truck what ever it maybe be costing 70.000.00 is made out of pie plates and plastic , don't kid you selves we all are getting it right where you know where thease days when we purchase what ever we need no mater how smart we think we are . Its to bad .
  2. Aw but gone are the days when we had controll of our money when it came to the repairs , i miss the days when every thing was rebuildable un like today where its replace and thro away .
  3. YES! Bang on statement .... The way i wanted to put it earyer but was afraid i'd be boo'ed ,so my 2 cents the biggest thing with the colapse of the world economy is that we don't have the yonger generation stepping up to the plate like we did and the others before us . We have no new consumers coming along to keep the cycle going that sustains each and every one of us .
  4. Thank you , the first thing thats made me feel good all day , there awsome .
  5. I think i'd like to go join a forum that talks about fishing and shows fish porn.
  6. The worlds mad , KNOW WHY ? To many people in it . Every bodys right and your wrong . I can't wait to get off .
  7. Its best to stick with things that have proven them selves and those are the one's that have been around for the longest genrealy . The imports that came to this country thirty and fourty years a go are still trying to do just that except for two or three models , if your old enough you know which one's they are . The other thing you must be wise to are the screw ups that have come along over the years that are still here trying to be perfected with still no success , But what do i know .
  8. who can remember the first deisel GM built ?
  9. Come on oldfart , i did'nt get to fish this weekend either ,take it easy on your self , the weather will change , just wait you'll see .......lol ... lol ...lol .
  10. Hot dog!!! Looks like a fishing day today for any one who wants to get out on Lake Simcoe , Barrie web cam looks good and so dose the windfinder . To bad i have to go up to Wasaga Beach and excavate a new water line in for a customer right now . BUT WHEN I GET BACK .... am going Fish'n . Have a good one out there today every body and fish safe .
  11. If you don't mine Zeeter , i'd like to show off mine . Its what i call after hours legal with this load thats no problem , every thing other then this is so simple for a Ram.
  12. Call 705-728-2376 for any one of our services , check us out on line at www.landscapebarrie.ca
  13. Sorry i just have to ........... that was'nt nieve at its best was it . Good morning every one .
  14. Well put 1090...........
  15. We need a bit of bad weather to go thru with a bit of wet snow before indian summer can start , at lest thats the way it suppose to work . hope that was'nt it last week and it over .............
  16. Sorry to hear you 'r suffering over that way too . This sucks
  17. But , but , but the big one's are out around the bend tho Cudz ....lol
  18. Hey there Bucktail , hows it going , lousy day hu..........
  19. how you's liking the new Compass ?
  20. there is also a 100% chance the 16" rim wont fit where the 18" came off , 16"rim wont clear the brake calpier and rotors .
  21. Paul . 55's are a wide tire , not good for winter , stay narrow in winter with lower numbers like 65 , 78 , 70 .
  22. Thank you for the info , good stuff
  23. I don't think so ............no , wont work .
  24. GBW , Do you think this would work , empty out a tube of silicon , mix in your colors and christmas sparkles , then put it all in a cake iceing bag , squ'ezz then out to the leght you need and let dry , the fish don't care what they look like do they ........... lol ... lol . Just keeping it simple for ya .
  25. You should have come and picked me up there 1090.........lol .
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