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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. all you can eat BB
  2. There's nothing better then awarness that hepls in the saving assets Boys , and cornering to the market on empty Highliner box's don't stand a chance if you get what i mean . The numbers are the numbers .
  3. To look in our freezer you'd think we had more , Beverly makes them up in packages big enough for a meal for two also . I'd like to start catching some thing other then perch , i hate trial and air , would much rather learn it first hand from some one all tho i 'am notr bad at fly fishing , find it to be very relaxing , some bigger lake fish would be nice one day .
  4. How many pounds put away Bob? I have thirty six filets so far , my wife says we probably ate that much this summer also . I was hoping when i started fishing this year i could put away a hundred filets , i still might if i can stay at it .
  5. Mostly every one here saw thease pic's on my other thread over the weekend , but there ya go .
  6. Feel better ?
  7. You got that right , the best perch fish'n i had all year ,
  8. Roy you must be in cahutz with La La ... lol
  9. Hey ! thanks RC...lol. It is the best i agree , so much coming at you , its hard to take it all in .
  10. What ta hec is going on in here ......lol .
  11. Bad enough when its in the finger is all i'll say
  12. My fishing buddy on week end thought he would pull a fast one on me while i was bringing one in and shoved a jumbo into my back pocket . I did'nt catch on right away what was going on til i felt my skin getting wet and reached back to feel a dam tail sticking out my pocket and him roaring his head off , you know you just can't pull a fish out of your hip pocket when its in there head first , its not that easy , when he saw me getting a bit ticked when i was'nt able to pull it out with my hands he offered to help and pulled his plyers out of the tackle box and gave it a pull till i stoped him , the dam points on the back fin stuck right in to the skin . Well theres only one way to take it out if you ever have it happen and thats drop your pants . With him being a bit nevus while out in big water and not likeing it i gave him a good ride back to the launch and i had the last laugh listning to him beg for me to slow down and stop jumping the wakes . Dam kid brothers .
  13. I never did like any thing with St Croix writen on it . Hope that makes you feel a little bit better MM .......
  14. I was out early Sunday morning and came back in just after one in the afternoon to see the line up at tiffen as long coming in as it was going out , it was crazy alright , they should have one side of the launch for people getting out and the other side for people going in , it dose'nt seem to work like that there but i think that would help big time .
  15. Could'nt asked for a better day yesterday , ner glass clam day , had no more the 3"'s of chop off and on , made twenty nots all the way , burnt around 150 gallons and brought it thru the islands then from light house to light house and down then into Midland , the big tub is parked safe and sound and no sore butt cheeks on this ride .Thanks Wayne & Rick for the wise advice .
  16. Bouy the sun rise took its time this morning , so much for early any more . Guess we're going to make the best of it and get on the water in the next few minutes , if any one needs to find us we'll be in between a couple of islands doing the Perching thing . Good luck to every one else out there today .
  17. If it comes down to that , buying a new one , i'll have to look into them .
  18. Hope when the day comes when i know how to us things like that your still making them , real nice Roy .
  19. Two empty plates in Gods eyes will be filled for you's . Ron & Beverly D .
  20. The cable is fine , not cut or any thing like that , it took a couple of real good hits on the transducer before it landed , i belive its the transducer thats pooched .
  21. Thank a million there Lew , yours looks pretty big , the ends on mind are the size of a phone jack but i keep them in mind tho . Never know what i''l find before i'am done with this ........ Ron
  22. Ibetter buy a computer to , the thing just came back on . sorry . Where abouts Terry , minds just a cheaper humming bird i belive .
  23. When we were out last making our way to the hole we heard a noise in the back of the boat , turned to see the transducer wing off the prop and land in the boat , needless to say thats the end of that finder . Like to pick up another if some one had one on here that they wanted to sell rather then buying a new one
  24. Maybe you should take us with you in the morning Brian , we promise we not to make you laugh........
  25. Heres what you get when you cross a Townsend fish skinner with a electric can opener and a sewing machine foot peddle....We thank La La for this one .
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