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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. ... last cast for me is when i realize i can go home if i want to , genrealy caused by fatigue and hunger.
  2. I have'nt looked at all the posts on this , hope i am not repeating . Once we have our new shop up i plan to build ower new work benchs by useing 2"x2" square tubing light wall , framed and mig welded to the size i need , then painted red , with a 1/8 " one piece sheet metal formed top and polished aluminum checker plate for the shelving and doors .
  3. Thank you Terry for helping us never to forget .
  4. Thanks PL , i know the spot your talking about , its also a nice ride from the Tiffin st boat launch .
  5. Aw thats just some of the joys of living in the country , you have'nt seen it all yet Nick ..... lol .
  6. Well heres how i see it now ....... all the yonge guys store your batterys on the cement floor , and all the old guys store your batterys on a piece of wood , that way no one will have any trouble . Lew , once they went dead they would'nt take a charge .
  7. LOL .......... my question remains tho ?
  8. Not good ..... if it was going to stay nice all this week , i was kinda thinking i might go for one last time as i still have one boat not put away yet .
  9. Don't know Jer if its a wise tale or not . I never questioned it when i was told by a mechanic years ago not to do it , did forget a few times and paid the price . One things for certain , you'll never see them on the floor where you buy them .
  10. Are they still in shallow water ? ,or have they gone to the deep ?
  11. Thats awsome , just like a pro already
  12. Wow! nice catch , take me with you next out ... lol . Thanks for sharing .
  13. It tends to kill them flat and most time after they will never take a charge again .
  14. Make sure not to leave them on cement floor , keep them up on some thing like a board , thick rubber mat , ect .
  15. Hi , its Skip here this morning filling in for our dearly departed Mr Rooney . It dose'nt make any sence to me at all why we have to rush down to the store to buy the latest Gps gadgets then rush home , get them out of the box and go out and try them to see how accurate they are . Then to find out they are incapable of putting us back on the head of a pin every time we want to get back to where we were yesterday . For me i 'd have too say that there is not realy all that many fish in the area the size of the head of a pin would'nt you . Personaly i like fishing a area of about 500'x500' at a time where they can fit in more fish doubling my chances and that i can line up with by useing a tree or a rock seen on shore , gadgets that mother nature put there for free for every one to take advantage of and to which suite my pocket book just fine for now and in the future leaving something left over so i can get myself an icecream cone when i want or for any one in my family as far as that go's . So i strongly suggest boys and girls , keep the money and go back to useing mother nature , its alot easyer on the brain ..... thats how i see it .
  16. Who's gona tell it like it is now .
  17. How ever which way its looked at ,technoligy can be hard on ya and in most case's shorten your life if your not careful , the dam cursed stuff .
  18. I own no GPS units , but can't help but think GPS means on the mark . I'd be upset if i own one such device and it did'nt do what i have come to believe they do do .
  19. Thanks all you guys for your chimes on this , sounds like yous have some great memories spent over that way . For me i have to say that dam i think i have a nak for picking good spots to fish . I'll have to try it then for all of you's , with my mom in Kingston in a retirement home and it being a ways to drive and spend the weekend sitting around just visiting if you know what i mean . I think its time i start taking my boat along and try some of thease spots , maybe even catch a fish to share with mom ... lol . Any way lots to learn this winter so am ready next summer .
  20. Can't be any fish there Roy ... lol .
  21. Now i don't know which way to turn .. lol. Its not funny but for my hole life i always in my head when driving towards th QC boarder looked at that side of Kingston as the south side , stupid ! Then Roy came along . Your right Roy , east of Montreal st , north of the iron bridge and south of the 401 ................. thank you for fixing my compass .
  22. Maybe planning a trip for next year over that way , wondering whats there to be caught south of Montreal st from the 401 back west to the iron bridge ?Now this should be edited to read east of Montreal st , south of the 401 , and north of the iron bridge to be correct .
  23. Watch for my PM Cudz
  24. He is is'nt he ... lol . Ijust had a look at the Stanley boat line up , they'er some thing eles, real nice tho but more money alright , if i went their way i'd have to have the islander and thats never going to happen . Its back to Starcraft for this guy .
  25. i have'nt had time to go check yet.....lol
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