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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I stood on a dock there yesterday watching a school of good size minnows moving a round and wondered which kind they were . I thought this was a good sign for that lake , i wonder if it ever receive any restocking . I have seen jet skis going wild on it , now at this time of year its pretty quit out there .
  2. They gone and done something new again , its been since the late eightys since i worked on that stuff , glad you found them . Are they located in the cut outs on the brass shafts Lew ?
  3. Dose any one here have the new 2011 Starcraft 176 Superfisherman boat ? Iam looking at one and wondering if others like theirs .
  4. you might have to lift up the grill to find it ,
  5. Iam not certified any more , but where are you looking Lew , you have to locate the ventury , the ajustment screw is in it . Not sure on your but its a pipe about 1 inch in diameter 6 to 8 inchs long , the ajustment screw cuts back the amount of air to the flame.........
  6. Thank GBW , been working there all week two feet away from the water , awfull tempting to bring the fish rod . I asked the same question there but no one had an answer .
  7. Dose any one know if theres any thing worth fishing in this lake ?
  8. Sorry Paul , i was over soaking on my thread . Yes i know , thats a tough neibourhood over that way too and you never know , some are not to bright .
  9. Cool , makes you wounder what there thinking .
  10. Me too ......... lol
  11. I am never going to get all this , no way .
  12. Mike maybe you should try getting close to him like he's trying to get close to you if all else fails ..kinda like fire with fire .
  13. Thank you , your 2 cents is worth more then you know...... Thank you .
  14. Awsome , we make two and three trips a year over your way , I'll be the one honored to be fishing with a fellow country man , we'll get it done .
  15. .. multi quote is slow when your on dail up ...lol .Thanks Geoff , this ones going thru my printer for future referance , by the looks of all that tackle i think i am going to like christmas this year .
  16. Thank you very much Art .
  17. Thats called , just checking to see if i still have a worm sweet heart .......... , you can't fish with out one ....lol
  18. Once i've masterd some of thease things i'd like to go fishing with you Mercman over in your neck of the woods and perhapes some thing north west of the big ski hill ...lol
  19. You guys are the PRO's , awsome big fish , looking into the pictures i see some awsome equipment too . Thank you for sharing ........
  20. To Big mac Joey Cudz , its as green here as green gets here when it comes to me and fishing . ???????? slammers,white spinner baits,top water lures , tube jigs , texas rigs , jerk baits ??????? all new stuff to me but don't be quick to give up here , i am living proof of the fast learner and in a bit of time i'll shine and share it back with each and every one . It dose'nt matter to me about all the differant opions that will show up on this thread , i've learnt in my life that you can learn some thing from just about every person you talk to and what i can make from that when i put it all together . All ready with the last three post there is so much good information to get soaked in and i hope it keeps coming by others here as well , am not wanting any one to give up thier secrets by no means , just share the basics with me and for others to see as well on here who are just getting started . I know there is a wealth knowlage right here on this board and if a book was ever wrote taking from here it would be the number one seller around the world . The only thing i ever fished for were perch , i grew up on the banks of the St Lawrence River and as kids we were all taught to fish for theaes babies , even tho i never fished much in my life i knew every thing there was to know about perch fishing and for me to share with others right here and now the best thing that worked down home and is working for me on Lake Simcoe is a perch set up with the green ball , its the only thing i use . I thank each one of you for posting on my thread and please keep it coming , i love it and can't get enough and trust me i well learn what your saying as well as all the other new fisher people here hidding in the wings wanting to know and learn as well .
  21. If i was going to fish bass which would be the best type of rod to use , how many pound test . which is the best lure to use ?
  22. Very artsy Dan nice job, bet ya the fillets look good too .
  23. Per hapes i worded my post incorrect but i am serious about what i asked , i would like to hear from yous first hand rather then check out web sites or go buy books right now to learn about catching some thing othter then perch , i have all winter to listen and by spring i'd like to try your ideas , i'll leave it up to yous to share your paticular favorite choice to talk about , i may not answer yous back right away but i well each time i come back on , Thank you ........Ron ... Skipper .
  24. But am a newbie and i know nothing ..........can some one talk about every thing you would need to know about lets catching Bass for starters from start to finish , am all ears .
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