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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Being new here , i can only thank along with you and the site as well as the others for having us .
  2. Happy Birthday from over this way to Lew , i never would of guessed from your avatar picture you were that close , enjoy my friend .
  3. I' now theres a man after me own heart , now you would'nt be want'en to shares some of her woods ya ...............i can just taste her now .
  4. Aha ! as you can see , we all have our answer now . The white stuff. Me scared NAW , only when the equipment is not ready go .....lol
  5. I am afraid we're going to get nail up here tonight .
  7. A friend of mine in Barrie modifide the end of his 8"auger to fit his best cordless drill . He is quit empressed with it now for the pass two years running . But you need to have your self the best cordless drill you can get .
  8. How much do you think it'll cost Lew to put the house back together ......... lol lol lol .
  9. The first boat i bought this year was that way , no papers . He made me out a bill of sale with his name on it with the registered numbers from off the boat , the boat serial number , with that information on the bill of sale i sent it in amd low and behold a new title came back in the mail with my name on it as the new owner , as for the boat trailer , take your last known plate number the trailer had on it with you as long as it was regestered to you , they will make you out a new ownership for $10.00 .The plate number is all you need , Its all pretty easy .
  10. The pleasure up til now has been all mine , best of luck to you out there next year Paul , don't forget to watch out for the new up coming star to invade the waters some where ner ya ............ lol .
  11. also any farm machine dealer , ct store , TSC store ...ect .
  12. Check out the Fishing Adventure show that comes on at differant times today on the Travel channel , the T&E channel is free right now til Jan 31 on Bell express View , just finished watching fishing in Costa Rico for Tuna .................
  13. Ya good one ! thanks also .
  14. Thank you for your advice and i'll give those things a try, i would realy like to get out there and catch some thing other then a perch for a change . Thank you again .....
  15. Some people know how to live alright ......
  16. That would hurt alright ......... no pic .
  17. I hear ya Mike , i wish you luck for tomorrow .
  18. I got home just a while ago from my day of work that was'nt suppose to not happen during my week ends off ........ but it did help out a friend . So here i am eatting supper , answering my messages , and returning phone call and wanting to go chech the wind and weather forcast for tomorrow to see if i could get out at least for one more day . It would be nice to try out the new finder alright and bring home another catch of fish , maybe even get pb ........... lol.
  19. Man that sure was a nice day today. I had to haul equipment out of Milton all day and wished i could have spent the day instead out on the boat fishing . I wondered how many people did get out and had a good day of fishing ?
  20. Was by there this morning and could'nt see any thing for the fog , the water looked clam and wished i had the boat with me, you would have had company . Awsome fish yous caught .Can some one tell me what i need to use to catch some of those ?
  21. Good ! That makes me like my humminbird better Paul .......... now i can sleep in peace...lol .
  22. " Imod "
  23. CT store has the 550 Humminbird fishfinder , reg 199.99 , on sale for 119.99 .
  24. Well thats even more awsome Lew....lol . I'd show ya a picture of my shop but the pictures are on my other computer thats down town getting an over haul .Your shop is over fourty feet right ? maybe some one should start a new thread about shops
  25. you have a door in the end of that shop Lew to bring the boat in ............ looks awsome !
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