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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Heres one more then i am out of here , three of those small white box's of moth balls make a real good coating on the floor in an area of 40x40 feet . Have fun every one ....
  2. I found way back when that the smell stayed in things longer then i liked and switched to doing some thing else , then we had a real problem with mice and rodents , so i went back to the moth ball thing and placed them underneth every thing instead of inside and we have'nt had any problems ever again . Its funny the first time i done this , days later i went back to check how things were working , i could see where the coons had tryed to come back but their tracs never crossed over into the moth balls that were spread around on the ground in the sand . We have'nt had a problem ever since .
  3. You put them in the boat LEW or on the ground ?
  4. Paul i think it would depend on the look your after , hi boy or low rider ........
  5. I have been storring equipment like my two combines which mice just love and can make one hec of a mess if they get into the wiring , our campers , and a few motor homes over the years with perfect success . I don't like the smell of the moth balls either , all thease things have gotten stored under a roof of a building i have that has the four sides open , for years now i'v been placing the moth ball all around on the floor underneth them instead off in them , its been working for me realy well so far , it takes most of the winter before the moth balls desovle and its easy to thro out more if you think it needs it ....... The machinery dealer was always impressed with my trade in's over the years as they show no signs of mice ever in them , What else can i say ........ it works best that way for us .....
  6. Got ya Brian . Been here for twenty four years and never heard it before . I found out today where it is , Three roads over to the east of us , amazing how far the sound travels . Probably be another 24 years before i ever notice it again .
  7. The only thing we have here is bush all around us , no rivers or lakes that close . But it did sound the same as opening day for duck on the St Lawrence River .......... lol .
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all and here's some thing speacial for my friend Bil'wii , go buy your self some thing nice and don't say i never gave you nuf'fen ........ happy thanksgiving Harold .
  9. Brian i'am not sure what season opened up north of Barrie this week , but off in the distance thru out the day you can hear hundreds of shots going off at differant times , about every fifthteen minutes it seems . What ever it is that there shooting at must be awfull hard to take down cause one shot dose'nt seem to be doing it . I was laughing to my self after a while thinking that what ever it is must look like they took a paper punch to it by now . The only thing i could come up with is some one has to be out target practicing .
  10. Some way before that i am afraid . On the other hand we have one here that just hit 300 , hoping it makes that much again .............
  11. Spent this after noon working in the shop , wished every minute i could get done quick and go do you know what , O' well theres all next year , boys that was a nice day . Did any one make it out on Simcoe today ?
  12. I know Lew , i had a mess of snow equipment to get ready and i kept putting off and off and with that snow here last week i had to give in . There is another boat out back that i bought this summer ...... aw for get it ............lol .
  13. Is awsome , since i put the boat away . Today and tomorrow realy looks good for any one wanting to give it a try ........ darn it !
  14. To the freedom of this great counrty and for respect , i give my salute .
  15. It is very sad and i feel for your connection to him Bruce . I think also of how hard it is in todays society to keep our young people safe .
  16. How young was he Bruce ?
  17. Thanks for summing it up for me GBW , its the way i should have .
  18. If we can't keep it clean , they will help us .
  19. I hear you Lew , still have the card but don't pay
  20. How dose that work Lew , no card at all ? or still a card ?
  21. We all walk with you .
  22. "watch this"....... lol ... lol , good one Cliff .
  23. I am not trying to be smart by no means , but i am laughing when i think of the snorkle , ten feet of water , and how nice it would be to drive the atv around on the bottom of a river looking at the differant kinds of fish you might see on a trip like that ......
  24. Don't be surprized if you don't see such a thing on lake simcoe this spring , also with bait and tackle .................. maybe a hole fleet . Chuck wagon poontoon & Tackle , i'll keep you's posted .
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