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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I can't help but remember the site 41 epsiode here in Simcoe county a short while back , and wonder if the same thing could happen with this but with our rolls reversed this time . For those readers that don't know what i am talking about , site 41 was to be the site of a new mega dump being built on top of one of the worlds largest Aqua furs here in our county . Land had been expropreated and construction was well under way with no stopping this mega goverment project . All hopes were gone til our native friends showed up , set up camp and held thier ground for the summer . My wife and i spent time with them in our spare time in thier plite to get it shut down and expireanced our share along with them the harasment to get every one to leave by the OPP . Story in short , the site is no more thanks to our native friends . If the tent folks in Toronto wanted to make a differance hu .
  2. The thing seems to be well built , reels really smooth , the only thing i find a bit odd is the wind that comes off the spool across the fingers when reeling , other then that i will probably keep using it til it wears out .
  3. Junk , the dam guy paid me with junk , the .................... . It came to me this summer in a dedt of gradutude from a neigbour , i spooled it up with 10pd test and used it all summer after the one i had been using broke . I was skeptic at first but as it turned out i like the darn thing and was wanting to find another one
  4. Has any one heard of a ADIA 20/30 SPINNING REEL , -10+1 bearings , high speed gear ratio 5.0:1 , brass gear , aluminium machine cut spool with holes , machine cut aluminium handle . If so are they any good .
  5. Earlyer today i was going to ask this question after Drifter posted the link "Housing story" , Does Habitat for Humanity reach out as well to the first nations people ?? , and if not do you think Mike Holmes can fill that roll ?
  6. Taken back home .
  7. No , i am trying to be very careful .
  8. lol if you give it time Roy my actions will explain them selfs , just pay no attention to what i am saying .
  9. I for one would stand beside the first nations people any day,just like my forefathers did in the last four hundred and twelve years , in my french family up bringing this was taught to us to never forget how they helped us to survive and for what i owe just my generations time just to mention , remember site 41 , we owe them our drinking water which only they could have saved for us . I strongly feel for thease people , May be the answers are simple but who see's it :
  10. Ihave some thing i need to go and find and bring back here to post that may sum things up in a good way , be right back if i find it .
  11. Yes Lew he sure does , did you know it is also his way of saying , Red Skys in the morning Sailors & fisherman better take warning .
  12. Am done .
  13. Ok! Ok ! i got it , i got , just let me take one more stab at folks , Ok watch this ... Ok here go's .................... "Theres nothing wrong with the picture" ................its perfect right ... right
  14. Make ya wish you could do some thing to help .
  15. All the spacings on the board have 10 holes , five for each player , but one space has twenty holes before a black space bar ? i now nothing about crib .......
  16. Awsome job , the little guy looks quit pleased as well , well done .
  17. That sounds like me twenty five years ago ....lol , "if i fail" . Back in my mid 30's i had an idea and ran it by a local buisness guy i worked for and he told me to go for it and i said to him my great'ess fear was what if i failed , then he told me i was cheatting my self thinking that way and asked me if i would feel better knowing i tryed and failed then never having tryed at all . I left him and pondered what he said for a few days til it made sence , why cheat my self , i was a hard worker , nobody ever had to tell me what to do , i made the companies i worked for lots of money , then thought what if i worked that hard for my self , i could'nt go wrong , so i dove in with both feet , walked in and asked for a fifty thousand dollar loan and the stupid buggers gave it to me and i went out and bought my first peice equipment , then went home and said to my self what ta hell did i just go and do , scared to death . Now my friend 25 years later i have assets worth over 1.2 and i am just getting started at knowing what i am doing and loving it more and more each day and what i can achive . But thru it all i forgot one thing , i forgot to add in ones health and the old age that was coming . At 48 i got sick with heart trouble , the kind they can't fix , i am know 56 and i am tired like an old man and with no medication i'd be gone in a few days and i am still putting my employees to bed every day . My only regreet is that i did'nt get off my ass sooner , if i had off i could of had all i wanted by the time i reached 40 , you know they say it all starts after 40 where you health is consern , just ask any of the older one's here . Don't wait to long my friend if you think you have what it takes .
  18. All the more reason why you can'nt , are real reasons why you should , they will be what drives you . I started with a wife and two kids in public school and 200 $ from my laid off paycheck . Don't kid your self , if you think you have what it takes , go use it and if all go's well you will ask your self in the end why did'nt i do it sooner . Never wait to long because before you know it there is not enought time left . Good luck ..........Ron
  19. Dad ! give me the keys , iam driving
  20. Awsome way to go , I took the plunge in 88 and never looked back . Congratulations .
  21. I am another one with no reason to post ...lol. Welcome and enjoy your stay .
  22. PauL , try re'setting your status to VIP .......
  23. Meeley , if you became a picker then you could just drive in to places , i am sure that would help to keep you busy most of the winter til soft water fishing came back around ..........lol
  24. Did you come up with an answer MJL ....
  25. I think so ......... lol .
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