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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. thanks man, that's good to know. You haven't been down it this year, so I take it you've driven it in the past? Is it like a gravel road?
  2. thanks man, that's good to know. You haven't been down it this year, so I take it you've driven it in the past? Is it like a gravel road?
  3. Hey, just wondering if anyone has driven the Spruce Lake Trail up near Bancroft. Was thinking about heading up that way, wondering if it's like a 4x4 trail or car accessible. Looks like a beautiful area to wet a line.
  4. Right on! I'm booked for a full day with Lloyd on the 22nd, hopefully the bite is on!
  5. Hmm that is sad to hear about the dam and the worsening condition of the lake itself. Did the dam restrict the water flowing into Rush Lake? And if so, does that mean Rush Lake has unusually high water levels? With this news, we may opt for a different lake instead. But any generic tips for walleye are always welcomed. Will try to do some research into which lake to try out.
  6. Hey fellas, headin up to Head Lake this Saturday with my buddy. Wondering what sort of structure or water depths I should be checking out for walleye this time of year. River mouths? Drop offs? The Head river looks interesting as well... My buddy's never caught one, and I'm not much a walleye angler... more into bass, pike and whatever wants to take my lure. Mostly any walleye I get are accidental catches. Any tips you wish to share with me would be much appreciated, and hopefully my buddy can land himself a wally. I'll post some pics, if we can manage to hook into any.
  7. Beauty Jack caught by Jack!
  8. We headed down to the other bridge for a bit, and then headed our way to mitchell lake. No luck at either, saw a couple pike sunning themselves but weren't interested. The guys in the little boat were probably the guys who caught the muskie
  9. Hey guys, thanks for the input. We had no boat or canoe, only landed a few small smallmouths and some bluegills. I thought I saw a pickered swing and miss at my lure. Some older guys on a boat caught a smaller muskie about 100ft from us, lucky barstards lol. Seems like a good river to have a small boat to troll with... seemed quite deep.
  10. Cool, thanks for sharing some info! Much appreciated, hopefully we can hook into something decent. What's the water clarity like?
  11. Right on, looking at the maps, it's the northern 44/121 intersection? Looks like there's a dirt parking lot on the south side, is that the one you speak of? Is there much space to hike around before hitting private property? Thanks again man
  12. My pops has asked me to take him out for a day of fishing on a river somewhere. I'm thinking somewhere between 1-2 hr drive from Whitby. I was thinking about the Burnt River, I've heard good things about it. Is there any quiet, fairly easily accessible shore fishing locations along it? I don't really want to be stuck between two cottages or something, I'd like to be able to hike around along the banks and find some decent spots. Also, any ideas on what kind of fish I could expect to catch from shore in the Burnt? I've heard muskies, bass and walleye all cruise the waters... Any other recommendations in the area? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  13. The Tiger is a beauty fish! But... where are the pike? Are they in Rice Lake now? Or is that up near Stoney?
  14. Thanks guys, just had the service for my gramps today. Was glad to see everyone who showed up to pay respect and the side of the family I don't normally see at family junctions. It was less of a funeral and mourning and more of a celebration of life and tales of yesteryear.
  15. I'm back now, and ctdd2006, I didn't see your message til now. Unfortunately. I appreciate the offer though buddy! I was camped on Semiwhite lake. On my way up on Thursday evening, my car broke down outside of Espanola... where I had to wait for a tow to Elliot Lake. Turns out I blew my head gasket, so I left it at Canadian Tire until yesterday where I sold it for $100. That was a crappy start to the weekend, but I was glad when my buddy picked me up at Crappy Tire and got me to camp. We fished semiwhite with no luck on Friday... then fished Elliot Lake on Saturday after trying to find out if I could get my car fixed... which I couldn't. Caught loads of smallies and 1 little pikey. Beautiful lake and great weather. On Sunday our plan was to drive north to find a pickerel lake, but come the morning we decided against it and tried Semiwhite again. Went to about 40ft depth and jigged near the bottom, and I finally got myself a lake trout, my very first. It wasn't very big, but it was a first and nice to see. Shortly after I caught that fish, my buddy realizes he got signal on the lake and my family had been trying to get a hold of me. Turns out my grandpa passed away right around the same time as I was catching that fish. RIP Grandpa, he was a great man and had a bigger influence in my life than he ever realized. So, all in all, the camping was great, the beers were delicious, and the fishing was fairly decent. The car issue sucks, but not nearly as much as my Grandpa passing.
  16. Thanks guys, I got a few different spoons, some deep divers in silver and blue, a big bucktail jig in white and some bigger white paddle tail jigs... hopefully we catch something? Bringing my fly rod along as well in case I see a nice river or creek.
  17. Hey guys, my buddy has invited me to go camping and fishing in Elliot Lake this long weekend. I have done a little research about the lake we're on and a couple of the nearby lakes... and it seems they're mostly lake trout, brook trout or rainbow trout lakes. We are both looking to search for lake trout, and seeing that I've never had any luck trying for them in the winter... I'm definitely not sure we'll find one this weekend... Is there any tips or techniques you could recommend? Lure choices? I'm sure I can figure out the Rainbows and Smallies in some of the other lakes.
  18. I caught the laziest carp ever last week. It was a fair size, about 30" and probably 12lbs, and didn't go for a single run. Just some lazy meandering and half assed swimming around. I was wondering if they've started spawning and it was tired? Or if it was an unhealthy fish? All the other carps I've caught in the same spot have been brawlers.
  19. Congrats buddy! Carp are epic fighters, and a great fish to target nice and close to home
  20. Also, glad you guys enjoyed the photos. Season started off quite well indeed, got out again yesterday for pike. Took my Aussie buddy along, and managed to get a 33"er 7lbs. Aussie got himself this guy... right at the end. But in reality, it was only a baby.
  21. Don't worry boys, it was a zone 17 pike.
  22. On Thursday, I went for carp at a local marsh. Started at one spot, just at the mouth of a small creek... but nadda. No signs of feeding carp, no bites. So I decided to make a short 10 minute walk, which could nearly be called bush whacking... but at the shallow bay, it was windy and "choppy"... well for that body of water. But not long after I chummed a little bit, there were definitely signs of carp. After about 15 minutes I hooked up with the first fish of the day. And from there, I caught another 4 and had 5 missed bites. They were chunkers, not the biggest carps by any means, but great fun. And yesterday, I took a little drive and set out after some pike. Managed to get 4 of em, mostly small... in the low 20"s, with one being 27"... which I took home for supper. Seemed a little slow and small compared to previous years. Could be a little early yet for the masses to pour into that area? Here's a few photos.
  23. I spent a month on Utila island and tried fishing numerous times. Lure colour that seemed to work best was shiny blue and silver. I found that shrimp on bottom was a great way to catch stuff, and you never knew what you were going to get. I liked to have my swim shorts on and some sort of footwear to protect you from Black Sea urchins... And then I'd wade as far out as I could and try to cast to the drop off which worked very well.
  24. Thanks guys! I'll be there in a couple days and will have all month to try and figure out the fish down there.
  25. Nice man! A lot more luck that I had when I was down there at the end of November. All that was caught was a ton of bonito and a couple big needlefish. We did have one tuna (or believed to be) peel out a ton of line just to have not taken the hook. I'd love to catch a sailfish.
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