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Everything posted by Viscount

  1. Here in Sudbury about 2 months ago Police were called to an incident like this. Witnesses squealed on the guy that slammed on the brakes. The rear-ender was charged with following too close and failure to yield, the rear-endee was charged with "performing a stunt in a motor vehicle"...complete with $2000 fine and 7 days on foot.
  2. I use any grease cutting (sometimes waterless) soap with the grit in it. Like what you'd find in a shop. The stuff I have right now is green but most are orange scented. Works great.
  3. I hold the reel with my free hand when I'm snagged so I can do what I need to do to dislodge the snag. Will have to do until Sept. when I pack everything away. Too far north to have it looked at. Will send it back to Shimano.
  4. My Symetre does the same thing. I've had it for 10 years and it just started doing this since I put braid on it last year. If I get snagged and start whipping it to dislodge the snag, the anti-rev. will give way. I'm sending mine to Peterborough for a look-see this off-season.
  5. Sharp contrast to those who hold their spinning reel upside down and reel them backwards.... We've all seen 'em!
  6. You might find that Chinook Classic rod doesn't have enough backbone...try it and see if you like it. I wouldn't use anything shorter than 8'6'' but that's just me. Depth/Colour depends on lure choice and line choice. 30lb leadcore sinks much faster than 20lb. Trial and error....some say 10' down per colour when using 30lb but i'm thinking more like 8'. I use a heavy flouro leader infront of the leadcore. Usually 18-20yd. of 25lb.
  7. I use a 9 ft. down-rigging outfit spooled with leadcore. You need a bigger trolling reel IMO. Only half a spool of leadcore fits on a PENN 209.
  8. Amen, Brother....Amen.
  9. Can we please refer to them as "Level-winds"? I don't throw "bait" with my Calcutta. And since we're getting personal...the "emphazemic mouse" is better than the buzz of a spinning reel's drag. But I understand your dislike....the level-wind makes noise EVERY cast.... (We need an Emoticon of somone stirring a pot, or flogging a dead horse)
  10. Jocko Point Johnny......WGSF! (World's Greatest Spinning Fan) I own both...I use both...to each his own.
  11. My Dad's boat-trailer is six years and counting on the same set of Bearing Buddies...rear seals are fine, whisper quiet when you spin the wheels... seem fine so we haven't changed them. Lot's of mileage on them too. Anyone else using them long-term or has everyone tried them and given up?
  12. This is funny.. wait til the bears make their way to the south-western farmland or the Niagara vinyards and orchards... all prime habitat.
  13. Nice report and a beauty pike! It's great seeing pictures from home.
  14. Golf courses usually run sprinklers on a nightly basis...but that would be tresspassing.
  15. I was going to try jigging up some lakers too. I was just going to fish in the same places (humps, points etc) that I fish through the ice, and use the same lures. Is this the right idea?
  16. I just realized i've been admiring those pics for almost an hour! Speck of a lifetime!
  17. Easiest way to tell.....every splake I've seen no matter how many times it was back-crossed had a fork tail. They all look the same on the BBQ. I need a new keyboard...this one's soaked
  18. What a Monster! Well Done! Nice Squaretail for sure. Take tons of pictures so they get the colours right on the mount! K
  19. Buddy, their show isn't at the top of my list but its certainly not at the bottom. Know what I mean, Buddy? I like their laid back approach too, Buddy. I would have gone if I lived in the area Bud. Not sure how long I could stand talking to them though! K (Buddy)
  20. My Garmin 76CSx is fantastic. Upload your own maps, waypoints etc. Make your routes on the software and upload to the unit. Very easy to use, lots of buttons... Color screen is a must in my opinion. On a gray screen, a line could be a road, topo-line, shoreline, highway, trail, creek.... I wouldn't buy one without the "S" feature for the electronic compass. Without it, the compass needle won't point the way unless you are moving. Stop and pull it out to take a bearing and it will send you the wrong way everytime. This will drive you INSANE! Start moving and the needle spins the other way, then you have to take a NEW bearing. Then you end up like people Holdfast has seen - blindly following the needle while walking (in circles). The 76CSx recieves full signal while zipped up in the pouch on my belt under my fall hunting clothes. The eTrex hung around my neck. If it was tight to me with my coat half zipped I could walk for hours while it was searching for signal. Made backtracking almost impossible and when you try to save your route, there are sections missing.
  21. A couple years ago I clamped mine in the vice and used some 6/0 fly tying thread because I didn't have any tubing handy. Works great! Haven't had to re-do it yet.
  22. Check out page 10 in the Reg's. I don't see walleye (or pickerel) in the list. Nice try.
  23. Awesome! A BAR-Honda Mechanic made it? I'd buy the extended warrantee! Think Jacques has one?
  24. Fish races are great! Eaves trough works too. Whoever finishes dead-last has to eat their goldfish. Or you can buy fish-insurance at the door for $10 to avoid having to man-up if you lose.
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