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Everything posted by Broker

  1. X2 on the fish finder, if not pick up a lake depth map at the algonquin offices.
  2. Those are some monsters ! Great job
  3. That frog looked like it wouldve been a struggle to get that out of his mouth! Wow
  4. In AP last 2 weeks where they had a "fire restriction" where you could only have it between 7-10 pm. I thought it was kind of silly to have it partially banned imo. On the last day we were there they fully banned fires.
  5. Seen those at algonquin park last week
  6. Rock point isnt your best bet. Most days have giant waves where its impossible to fish.
  7. Nice report , aswell as some nicefish. I dunno if it's just me or not but that walleye looks more yellowish then usual, its kinda cool
  8. Wow those are some nice pictures of the moose. He sure let ya get close to him! Heading up tommorow , hopefully I'll see a moose too! Great report
  9. I'm hoping the habs will bounce back this year , they look good on paper to me , with the added gritty players like prust and armstrong. I wouldnt wanna play a fourth line of white moen and prust.. that new draft pick should help out there smaller fowards if he can crack the line up!
  10. Or you could come fish the grand and catch eyes in 4 feet of water, on a 30 degree sunny day!
  11. wheres the picture of this fish of a lifetime!?
  12. I find long point PP isn't usually that busy if you go early in the morning or a night, id just avoid being there mid day
  13. Brookies seem to be one of the best looking fish out there. 3 more days and I'll be surrounded by brookies in algonquin, hopefully to complete my year long quest to catch one ! LOL nice fish!
  14. Those are some monster smallies ! Good going!
  15. Those perch got some meat to them! Good on ya
  16. Sweet report , good job huntin' down them lakers!
  17. [quote name='funfishing' date='02 July 2012 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1341284388' post=crankbait. Dollarama has crankbaits, they aren't Rapalas but they work. If you're unsure about a spot, you can run a one dollar crankbait through it first.Dollarama also has Mepps-like spinners which also work. .. Hey, I'm not the only one who buys out dollarams stock of fishing lures when it comes in LOL
  18. Great pictures
  19. Always entertaining to catch bass after bass. Good report
  20. Depending on where you are, you might be better off to either wade in if its shallow and find the holes, or if its deep use a canoe, you'd be able to cover more productive water that way.
  21. Hey Brian , got bored so I tried to do some editing on that dark photo, its a bit lighter..
  22. Haha i know a few people like that..
  23. I got 3 today , all 2 pounds +. I dont have much luck with them on lures, im sure some people do but i just throw a big worm
  24. You can find smallies basically all over the river but even more populated in the southern part. Walleye fishing can be great if ya know where to go aswell. Pike are in there but have never had much luck, just one to show for it.
  25. great fish dude! hope the move goes smoothly and your July fishing treats ya well !
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