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Everything posted by Broker

  1. Yeah, I do agree. When i first started i was avatar-less for while. I can't remember what exactly I did to solve the problem but what i believe i did was went to a picture editing website on the internet and downsxaled te image (because it said the file was to large) then it worked for me! dunno if that is your problem too or not, but i hope it helps!
  2. LOL whatever works !
  3. This is a great thread, getting to know alot more of the members this way, its great! Hello brian, dan, shayne, Paul, and spincast LOL you forgot to mention your name
  4. I'd for sure bring a deck of cards maybe print off some new card games off the internet and try them out well camping. I've learned every card game I know well i was camping, it passes time quickly
  5. As Dan did, I will also introduce myself to those that don't know me. My name is Caleb, I'm a highschool student in Cayuga. I've been fishing with a couple members of this board and it was great, this place is awesome I spend most of my time fishing the grand river for whatever bites but my favourites are the strong river bass & eyes. I do some kayak fishing and do alot of camping. Lately I've tried my luck at fly fishing and what fun it has been! catching bass often now and the odd mooneye. Tommorow I'm going on a hunt for walleye on the fly so watch for a report tommorow Thats all for now, thanks!
  6. Welcome ! Its a nice place
  7. Lucky guy, first he's an NHL star making millions, now an outdoor tv host! Will be interesting how the show turns out
  8. the older lures sometimes work the best! nice fish
  9. The way the tent is layed out looks very roomy. Have yourself a good trip
  10. amazing report! great read, thanks for taking the time to put it together
  11. Use the 3 way rig most of the time for brooks, but sometimes , if you hit the shallows at dusk, they might be munching on the baitfish they chased in. Good luck, also reccomend you bring your fly gear as there is some streams rivers which hold trout, and the bass would be fun on it too !
  12. Big white belly on that first largie, nicely done!
  13. Great work on the new lake ! Looks like tie dye on that papertowel, thats neat!
  14. With it being so hot and dry, id think it would delay the run.. Just my two cents
  15. nice solid fish, looked like you had a great time
  16. Saw some people jigging spoons for lake trout out of a canoe just a couple of weeks ago. I saw them land one laker so it must work
  17. Those are some monster brooks! Greatjob! Also, those floattubes look neat! How much do they usually go for ?
  18. Thanks guys , its been a fun summer so far!
  19. Sometimes we need to get out alone with no one around to get away from everyday life, then other times its all about family and friends
  20. SUMMER SO FAR I didn't start off well, being skunked on my first 3 outings of July, but i did manage to get some good scenery pictures of the river! Headed off to algonquin where i didn't get the fishing I would have enjoyed but it's almost impossible to not have a good time up there! We start off on bass opener on the grand in York.. Algonquin Duck Now on to the FISH! No monster so far this summer, but some decent size! These 2 fish were my dinner on a night that I was by myself, Yummy ! Went down the river in my kayak towards cayuga, and i was trolling a floating rapala through a weedbed when my rod dipped, Bang! a strong 3 pound smalljaw! Went fishing with a buddy of mine and hit my grand river smallie hole and it didn't fail to produce! My buddy even pulled out some nice eyes the last week! As some of you may know, I recently tried to learn fly fishing. I was getting some distance on my casts when my fly rod slipped into a door crack.. end of that rod,doh! well after that I invested in a new rod and have been finally able to get some fish on the end of it! The smallies couldn't resist my wooly bugger yesterday pulling in 8 in only 3 hours ! These are my best two from the day. Sorry for the bad pictures.. hard to get a good self picture standing in the middle of a river LOL! WELL thats it for today, hope you enjoy the rest of your summer! tightlines!
  21. Have heard of many "rock" lakes
  22. Thanks for the suggestion laszlo! Next time I'm at my bass spot and see a big carp lurking around ill try er out
  23. The grand river smallies are some of the strongest bass around , great fun to catch! Thanks for the nice report
  24. have tried throwing flies at carp, they sure dont want anything to do with my wooly bugger !
  25. Unreal report ! Those are some big bellied bass! Keep it up!
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