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Rich Nelson

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Everything posted by Rich Nelson

  1. Sounds like a great trip. I like the Musky Hunter show, and Saric is a great guy.... But its really unfortunate that Tourism Ontario pays him to exploit our water.
  2. Water temps are close to normal, but haven't been stable to concentrate fish. The winter itself doesn't have that much effect on the Salmon cycle. I'm not sure where the fish are, as it has been very slow on both north and south shores, but length of day, moon phase, temps, bait etc all contribute to the location of the fish. ( the fish aren't going to wait until November because the winter ran a few weeks later than normal. )
  3. If there were more COs out there handing out fines, then lots of money could be generated.
  4. . "Rights" and sense of self entitlement these days is getting absolutely ridiculous. Of course every single person on here would break the rules if their family was starving. But that isn't the case, so why pretend. The rules are set in place to protect our country's resources, otherwise many fisheries would be destroyed from over harvest. I don't understand the mentality of having to keep everything that is caught ( within the limit) I enjoy eating fish as much as the next guy, but I am 95% catch and release. Take a look at what native " rights" are doing to Nipissing...
  5. They paid with their lives, and the others have to live with the consequences...
  6. Mistakes happen. No amount of money will buy the years he lost. Crappy deal.
  7. Agreed. I dont have any respect for those that dont abide by the rules and respect our resources. Nice to see the underfunded MNR do their job.
  8. Which models of Live Target did you have crack and take on water? I have beat up a few of mine pretty good, and the bodies and paint hold up very well.
  9. The Golden shiner lipless bait is gold. Catches many different species, and even works great jigging through the ice for Eyes and Lakers. Lipless crappie is great as well.
  10. It wasnt long ago that homosexuality was considered a despicable act as well. What exactly has changed? If there were no prostitutes to begin with, they wouldnt need protection from anything would they? Instead of cracking down and dealing with the source if the problem, they are catering to the rights of criminals.
  11. The anti gays are the last ones that have to worry about being infected...
  12. That same excuse can be used for pedophiles and bestiality. Im sure you will say that their sexual preferences are a choice. I dont see the difference. Feeling a certain way, and acting are two different things. Plain and simple, they are all choices. It wasnt very long ago that bring gay was socially unacceptable, and considered wrong by 90% of the population. Now that it is acceptable by a larger portion, how dare anyone share their opinion on it, unless it is in agreement. Everyones sense of self entitlement and rights these days is absolutely pathetic. Prime example being the Prostitution laws that were just struck down because it violated the rights of the prostitutes... Seriously?
  13. Why does it bother you? Someone can have an opinion on gays, politics, fishing etc, but not religion? If you dont like it, dont read it. This entire post is about Phil, and his comments on what he believes. I suggest you dont read further.
  14. If you have an opinion, share one... Otherwise dont stir the pot. Everyone on here is entitled to their opinion as much as Phil is.
  15. Some great fish there. Congrats on a successful season.
  16. Great report with some awesome fish!
  17. Really. Show me one.
  18. Georgian bay 100% Erie, possible, but not likely
  19. Every year there are stories of huge fish, and many turn out to be Bull. Some nice fish, but for some reason, many guys lie about size, and add inches or pounds to their fish. Not sure what the point of that is, and who they think they are competing with. Not saying this rumoured fish isn't legit, as I really have no idea, but it's understandable if guys are doubtful givin the enormous reported size of this fish. Hopefully some pics are released for us to enjoy, and it would be cool if it is a true giant. Good on them for releasing it, and there is no such thing as a catch and release record...
  20. Speculating about weight is wasting your time. The formulas are not accurate, especially when it come to big fish. A scale is the only way. Is that not Dale Mcnairs claimed 57 by 33 in your avatar?
  21. Nice fish. If you read carefully, this one was 54 as well...
  22. Agreed. Ruger 10/22 is a great gun, with tons of accesories
  23. Awesome beast! Congrats
  24. To say guns arent a major part of the problem is completely dilusional. If they werent the problem, then the knifes, bombs etc. should each be responsible for around the same number of deaths each year. All of the others combined dont even come close to gun murders, so open your eyes. Yes, people kill people ( mostly with guns if you look at facts)
  25. Number of gun murders in Canada last year 173 Number of gun murders in US last year 9146 Nope, the number of guns ( specifically handguns) in the US, and the ease of obtaining them has nothing to do with it.
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