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Rich Nelson

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Everything posted by Rich Nelson

  1. There that word again.... "Rights" The general populations sense of self entitlement is very twisted. A country can still be a Democracy without everyone thinking they have the right do do whatever they want. If a desicion has to be made by government that can save lives, and no one suffers because of it... Well then screw the so called "rights" Would he nice if people werent so selfish, and thought about others for once. So you cant go to the range with an AK-47, or shoot deer with an AR-15... Man that would be absolutely terrible! Depressing... BTW, its the same sense of self entitlement that is behind Idle No More. If people would lose the attitude, and ridiculous sense of rights, then our countries could be much nicer places.....
  2. If negativity is a reason to shut down topics, then you are well on your way... Mr Mod
  3. Cargo trailers create a ton of drag. I personally think that a lot of manufactures over rate the towing capacity. I wouldnt make a habit of towing 3000 lbs with an uplander.
  4. Ha ha ha... Havent been there in a while have you....im sur part of it are nice, and many people there are nice, but.... Complain to the Band Office? The band office, and the six nations police are just as corrupt as the those "disturbing the peace". Ever wonder where hundreds upon hundred of pickups and SUVs stolen from the GTA and Niagara end up every year? The police and leaders sit back and watch. Do some more research on the area now. Most people have no clue what the resident of Caledonia have actually gone through.... Read it again Bushart!
  5. Just wanna say thanks to the Mods for letting us discuss an important topic that effects us all. Good on you for letting us respectfully state our opinions!
  6. As far as schooling getting paid... I have a native friend that went to school (fully paid) after graduating, they recieved a check in the mail for $10 000. They thought it must be a mistake, and after looking into it, realized it was a " congratulations" from the government for getting off their butt, and getting an education. Really? Reward them for doing things that are commonplace in this country?
  7. If those in the Idle no More movement themselves actually had any idea why they protesting, then it might be easier for the rest of the country to understand what they are trying to accomplish. Instead, it has turned into a circus
  8. Free money.... Recieving money that isnt in return for work, or not earned. My ancestor were mistreated and killed in WW2. Do I think that entitles me to special priviledges? Absolutley not. Time to start living in the present.
  9. While the leaders drive around in Cadilac Escalades... Clearly caring about the people they lead... So the answer is education so that all can be self sufficient. Then the flow of free money can stop... No?
  10. Canadian government does not deny anyone in this country the right to appropriate housing, food and clean water, education and autonomy. Giving billions of dollars isnt enough now? The natives (that are protesting)dont like the laws and rules of Canadian government, yet they keep holding out their hands and expecting everything handed to them. They are given the money to be able to have the same things as the rest of Canadians concerning quality of life. Idle No More.... Terrible choice of words. Still Idle, and still holding out their hands.
  11. Caledonia set the precedent for Natives all over the country to do pretty much whatever they want... Legal or not. The police and governments lack of action, and double standard is now starting to backfire. In Caledonia, natives got away with everything but murder... Unfortunately, thats what it would have taken for the situation to be properly rectified. The solution there, was for the government to buy the land, and the natives are still there to this day. Police and OPP didnt have the balls to uphold the law, because they didnt want another Ipperwash incident. Im sorry, but regardless of your color or race, if you chooseto break the law, then be prepared to suffer the consequences. Im not saying I disagree with some of the "environmental" points the natives are protesting. But I believe in the end, it boils down to them wanting another handout, and more money. How can you take them seriously when one of their leaders (Theresa Spence) and husband make $300 000 a year, while "her people" live in some of the wost condition in the country. ( and who do you think designated such a high paying "job" to the husband? Thats right, Theresa Spence. Convenient eh? Her " hunger strike" is a joke as well. Guess she just likes being the center of attention. No doubt, natives in this country were badly mistreated in the past, and in some areas, maybe still are today. I dont think anything is owed to them today, other than treaties that havent been fulfilled. Throwing billions of dollars at them doesnt change what happened to their ancestors in the past, and it is obviously is very mismanaged. This is supposedly a free country, where all people have equal opportunities. Well then , a good solution would be some education, so that everyone in the country can be self sufficient, and have the opportunity to work hard and make life what you want it. This is going to get worse before it gets better....
  12. I think the double standard is ridiculous. Government and OPP are deathly afraid that someone might get hurt or killed if they step in and do their job. Its getting out of hand, and its only going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
  13. Turn on a tv, or grab a newspaper....
  14. Im having an issue. Too many post are being locked by certain Mods without a justifiable reason. 1. Just because you dont agree with opinions is no reason to lock it. 2. Just because someone mentions locking a thread , or "see how long this lasts"is not justification for doing it. 3. You cant see into the future, so locking a topic based on the title, or where you think it might be headed is no reason to lock it. Im well aware of rules, and Far too often lately I have seen topics locked when no rules were broken. Lets let people on here speak thier minds, (within the rules) and not continue to let it be the "old boys club" And a suggestion that I think most would agree with... How about making the "fishing forum" and nf forum completly separate. Whether its posted in the title or not, I dont really care to hear about what kind of car you drive, how long ago you quit smoking, or when your dog died.
  15. Anyone have any Musky rods and some tackle stolen recently? I came across a suspicious add, and just thought I would check.
  16. Maybe not the best choice of words on a public forum...
  17. Rent a 3ft wide magnet for picking up roofing nails, and drag it around where you think it might have fallen....
  18. I have to agree with Canuck2fan... Its all personal opinion. There are vehicles that have past recurring issues, and that is something to keep in mind, but when buying new, or something that is a year or two old, well then all three are comparable, but they will all have their own issues. I recently retired a Chev 305 with 600 000 km on it. Doesnt mean Im going to buy a new GM, and expect the same.
  19. What a joke... Lets get over what happened 200 years ago. Nobody is stopping them from becoming tax paying citizens, giving them the same rights as everyone else... Handouts are much easier, and the more they get, the more they want.
  20. Any idea what it cost currently every year? Its ridiculous... Pay it out, and be done with it.
  21. I would suggest reading The book as well (easy way to stop smoking). It is not a crutch... Just points out how we have been brainwashed into thinking that ciggarettes are enjoyable, and that it is so hard to quit. A very high percentage quit for a short time, and start up again. Read the book, and you will be amazed at the simple logic that you just dont hear anywhere else...
  22. Loadman gets it... Although Laz catches lots of huge fish that we never hear about. Theres only so much he can do to keep out of the public eye. As for the record being about money... I dont think so. This isnt bass we are talking about, which could be worth a ton of money. If the record is ever broken ( or established) then the angler might be lucky enough to get on pro staff for some tackle company... It wont be worth a lot of money. I hope someone puts it to rest next season with a legitimate giant. ( and Larry Ramsell doesnt get his hands on it...)
  23. For me its the Ken O Brian fish from Georgian Bay...
  24. So now lets see what guys consider the real World record Musky... ( and I dont mean released fish with stretched proportions)
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