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Everything posted by Vanselena

  1. Out our way we call walleye; gaters/ greens. Gaters because when you are cleaning them they always cut you with their sharp body parts. For certain this summer will be huge in the memory banks as we limited out most times going out, I've never had so many double, triples and quads on. Special thanks to our American brothers for their great stocking program! My wifes family thanks them too since they are Portuguese and are huge fish eaters! My 3 year old son was playing in the bath tub last night. He has a play net and a bunch of those little bath fish. Yesterday we asked him what he was doing as they were all lined up on the outside edge of the bath tub, he said " first I am netting the fish and then I am putting them in the cooler" Makes the heart go all mushy
  2. Was out yesterday with a father and son. Boated 15 Rainbow and 3 Gaters. Tuesday was out with my 3 year old son and limited on the bows. I love taking out people that have little success fishing. This father and son are good friends and own a cottage at Long Point and dock a 33' boat. They spend $200 in gas to get to the point and rarely catch more then one fish. Our trip totalled $32 in gas. The Father was so excited about the fishing he was calling family and friends from the boat to tell them about our success. Of course I let them reel in all the fish
  3. The only place I would recommend is Central Marine on Woodbine Avenue at HWY # 7. They have been fixing OMC motors for 50 years now and it is a family business.
  4. Vinyl but make sure you don't use vinyl with a paper backing.
  5. This is my best recipe so far, Salt fish with sea salt until fish is covered. Leave in the fridge for no more then 12 hours. Rinse fish Mix a brine using 1 ltr of Teriaki sauce, 500ml of soya sauce, 2 cups of packed brown sugar, 1 cup of honey, 1 squeezed large lemon, a bunch of bruised basil. Put fish (I used about 30lbs) into freezer bags and pour mixture in, then burp the bags and seal and put into the fridge for 48 hours. Place on smoker trays right from the brine and let air dry then place in the smoker. I smoke 2 pans of chips until the fish is done.
  6. so far looks like everyone would want one
  7. They show the speed and temp at your cannonball
  8. Still working on the sonar unit. I am thinking about adding this onto the unit as it wouldn't be that difficult and would likely be a $100 option.
  9. Yes that is exactly what I am talking about... Thanks
  10. My joists are 12" apart and I used 5/8" mg ply and there isn't a squeak in the boat.
  11. Would you use these units if they wern't priced so high?
  12. Would you use these units if they wern't priced so high?
  13. I gutted mine and took pics along the way, hope these pics help you! I made a mistake on the end and had to put a metal c-channel on top to bring it right to the boat rib. These beams are simply metal stud reinforcement pieces rivited back to back.
  14. Caught them out of Wheatley. There were two of us fishing
  15. We released a bunch by not getting to the rods fast enough...lol
  16. Went out this evening for a bit and caught a few. Hot colour was Watermelon, caught one fish on antifreeze. Caught a hog walleye and a nice skamania. Downrigger was red hot. http://youtube.com/watch?v=fI99-qe7LpA
  17. I'm looking forward to alot more boat trips with my newest apprentice
  18. When he woke up this morning the first words out of his mouth were " Dad are we going fishing today"
  19. Took my 3 year old out for his first evening fishing trip, he loved it and he personally gave each fish the sleeping bonk. Christopher didn't want to reel any fish in, so caught the limit in 2 hours. Fish were 35 and 55 feet down. Hot colour was Kovorkian. All fish were caught on the riggers.
  20. Every day they post a fishing report, here is the link! http://swoc.ca/smf/index.php?PHPSESSID=511...b&board=3.0
  21. All launch ramps should be like this! Organized launch person tells you where to set up Collects your $10. Tells you the direction, distance, lure colour, depth of water fish are being caught in, how far down to set your lure. Tells you when to launch After you launch and park your vehicle a person picks you up with a golf cart and takes you back to the launching area. When you return from boating. There is a proper line up. You are waved in to the launching area. Someone picks you up in a golf cart and takes you to your vehicle. Friendly chat about your fishing day, of course I told all details to catching fish for the next guy.
  22. Befor you pull your hair out put a volt meter on the power connection and check to see if you have power. If you do have power then you have a problem with the unit.
  23. Personally I am not a fan of any boat that doesn't have a proper backwash, that being said, the Princecraft is built better. Shelly, I saw a boat recently here in London that would be a much better buy. It's a 19.6 foot Starcraft Fishmaster, it has a 100 inch beam (as wide as is allowed to be towed ) and it has a proper backwash. I have a friend with this same boat, lots of room and I have never been on a more stable boat, highly recommended. They have a sticker price of $18900 but I am sure you could get it for around $17500 - $18000. The motor is a 125 merc. You have my email, let me know if you want me to pass by and grab the phone number for you. Matthew
  24. I don't think the rav4 will pull that boat, you certainly won't stop! My friend has the 19 foot and it's a nice boat with a 100 inch beam, great on the water. He bought a trailblazer to pull the boat.
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