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Everything posted by linweir

  1. Plan to cover my 16.5 ft tiller boat after winterizing it. Wonder if I can simply cover tarp on it? Maybe I can keep the trailer "head up" in order to move snow down.
  2. Silver for sure.
  3. 110 is OK. The more importantly, compression # of 3 cylinders are even. I think the motor should be running good.
  4. Does roller number matter? For example, one trailer with 24 rollers can handle a little more weight than one with 20 rollers? My boat weight is 2800 pd dry including everything. Is it safe to use a trailer of 3100 pd capacity?
  5. Totally different lake. They both have good size muskie. This time I probably go the Bog. In Fall I will try Pigeon and Buckhorn.
  6. I believe I know that spot, hihi. Good catch. By the way, anyone still fish whities in 80+ fow?
  7. For a 9.9 HP prop, it costs about $80~100 max. I got a brand new prop for 50 HP Merc on Ebay, it only costs me $50.
  8. My go-to lure is Terminator T3 joint crankbait for casting and trolling. They are so expensive though. Another recommended lure is big tube like tiger tube.
  9. I will vote Starcraft in terms of functionality/price.
  10. Don't need downrigger for QuinteWalleye now. You only need worm Harness rig. Suggest you go lake Simcoe to fish laker using downrigger next weekend. It's probably a good start.
  11. Ya may used boat value from this link http://www.nadaguides.com/Boats Price is basically from US, but gives ya some idea.
  12. Under same model, console type boat can carry bigger motor, of course it's heavy. Max HP of my Tiller boat is 60 HP comparing with 75 HP for Console. Not sure if it affects speed alot since Tiller is much light.
  13. Here is a certified Jiffy service centre. A1 small engine shop 6921 Steeles ave W. # 5 (At hwy 27) 416 748 8411
  14. Alot of good tips. Thx all.
  15. I mean minimum sized car, not SUV or truck.
  16. You guys may suggest a minimum vehicle (car) for towing such a package 16.8 boat (about 830 pd) + 50 HP 4 storke Tiller (230 pd) + trailer plus 3 batteries.
  17. Wilson is OK. I will suggest you go a bit of further to Grand River Outfitters, which is professional. http://www.grandrivertroutfitters.com/
  18. I think Big Cliff still runs Long Beach Resort. Give him a shot. There are alot of nice of OFC'ers around here.
  19. Stoney Lake. Great fishing. Saw groups of people were camping on islands in summer.
  20. Steelers 24~20
  21. Thanks. I will stick with hydraulic.
  22. Wanna rebuild my boat trailer, which has hydralic brakes. Should I change to electric brakes? Don't know how much benefits I can get from electric brakes? It's easier for me to tow boat without plug-in everytime as using Hydralic.
  23. Very good lure. Scugog musky and walleye love them.
  24. It could be a good idea. I even wanna trade one day fishing whitefish or Bass on my boat on Lake Simcoe for Lake O Salmon fishing. Cheers.
  25. Thanx guys. I am think of getting a new one instead of rebuilding. Happy Holiday.
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