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Everything posted by grimsbylander

  1. I think the mouth method is a bit trickier. The bladder is longer than it is round in diameter. I'd rather try to hit it along it's length vs. head on. The side system is so easy because you have physical markers to line up the exact location of the bladder. I've fizzed a mountain of bass and I don't feel comfortable with gullet method. Just personal opinion I guess.
  2. Geezz I'll bet the little guy feels horrible. Hope someone posts it "FOUND" somewhere.
  3. Looks really good! Be careful man!! You're a wee bit remote there!!!
  4. ^^^ good information.
  5. Thought I'd refresh this. Positive thoughts folks.
  6. This is painful. Missing on the water for 24 hours is very, very bad. I feel especially bad for his family too. Must be excruciating to endure the waiting.
  7. Sounds like you're competing with the over abundance of baitfish in that area. At a certain time of the year they seem to ball up making the hunt easier for smallies. I would have guessed a little later but it is September now...though it doesn't feel like it. If that's the case and you're seeing a lot of bait, you can either slow right down and become the easiest target or move off. I was up around Killbear one year and couldn't catch a thing worth mentioning...hit the smelt run perfectly lol.
  8. I hate hearing about this kind of thing. I hope they find him very soon safe and sound.
  9. I've picked up my needles(that doesn't sound great does it?) at TSC Stores for years. I don't use the ones with a reamer inside, just a 10 pack of disposable agriculture needles. Easy peasy. PS, I may be able to dig up a new one and get a pic of the info if needed. gauge, length, etc.
  10. Ah...good point. Someone did mention condo's but no lawn care would be nice.
  11. Enjoy!! I will respectively pass on eating fish from there ? lol
  12. Nice looking area! Question about the stumpy area with pads....what was on the bottom? Water depth? Was it a dark mud bottom? I guessing yes because you could see the stumps? These areas will hold fish but not with any consistency. Unless there's abundant healthy weed growth, it's pretty hit and miss. I've seen miles of great looking water that just doesn't hold fish. I didn't see it so I'm guessing at this point.
  13. I have a question that's kind of related...maybe. As an alternative to the whole storing gas debate, has anyone had first hand experience with the cordless lithium powered string trimmers? My neighbour has had one for about a year and loves it. Just not sure what to buy and what will handle a 90'x130' lot. Sorry if I'm highjacking your thread Brian, I just thought it may be a good alternative for condo's etc.?
  14. Glad to hear it's working out so well.
  15. Yup! The I see it with the bass boat, electronics, trolling motor, etc.....we owe YOU money haha Looks like your getting great use out of it though. Since we talked about bass boats before your purchase, one day you'll have to let me know if you're enjoying the whole bass boat experience or not.
  16. I'm not sure sure it's a good thing!! $$$$$$$$ lol This forum should have it's own Go Fund Me section
  17. That's not bad but I suspect the temp drops real fast down 2, 5 10 feet?
  18. You sir, are a poop stirrer. Nice fish btw, you've got them dialed in!!
  19. Very impressive.
  20. Funny, without seeing the reel , I was thinking the same thing. Maybe back it right off, tighten down the side plate and then try it?
  21. Woohoo!! Haha
  22. That makes perfect sense. Thanks Brian.
  23. Did you soak the chips Brian? When I smoke on my Napoleon I usually soak the chips for half an hour. It's not a real smoker though, just a gas bbq with a smoker box. I use water with a healthy dose of Jack Daniels and for ribs, the flavour is fantastic.
  24. That should give him some good options. All I would advise is he should research brands while he's shopping. There's good info right on this site if he uses the search function. Lots of great info on the reliability, ride and comfort of the major brands. Good luck!!
  25. Lol one of life's strange confidences.
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