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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. What brutes!!!,they sure build them well out west!!! .
  2. PM sent lol.You were only the second one,surprisingly lol.
  3. Not there Brian lol.Probably a reduced price as well?
  4. That's it,just under a $100,today,usually goes $3-$400 or so I believe ?
  5. Looks nice to me , ,no idea.
  6. Not color,that was what I took for granted,can get it for almost half that Brian.Already have a gray scale humming bird in the 3-$400 price range.Deciding if the built in GPS and North America chip would still be worth it?
  7. Think so,looks awful close to it with same color front.
  8. Definitely not color Terry,my mistake I think ,looked at it on the bench ,had a color front on it I'm now thinking.Too bad,was ready to jump on it for the price if any good.
  9. Comes with built in gps,not color,and chip.Are they worth a look at?.On sale for less than half price. May need to jump on this fast,but would appreciate your input first.It's up to you guys lol.Could make a nice Christmas gift to myself lol.
  10. Definitely not well lol.Go giver Dave
  11. Joey if you have been with them a long time,after customer service,ask for loyalty.They have the power that CS does not have.They do not want to loose you within reason. I think you may be surprised.
  12. Had both,prefer Rogers but not really lol..Did you try calling?,maybe some thing wrong with the cable box? Did you do the plug out for 20 secs?.
  13. Hopefully fixed the problem,glad to hear they did what they did.
  14. Never understood that,as a side note a friend told me a few days back,that when he renewed his divers license,he noticed it was only a G now,not GM.He asked why his motor cycle license was not on it.They said after 20 years if it's inactive and you do not request to keep it before renewal they get rid of it.What do I do now he asked.She said rewrite it again,(START FROM SCRATCH}. Very upset he was with no notification, and I would agree.I'm coming up to that point.I will be dropping in soon. Anyone believe that is right?,I'm thinking not.
  15. My wife said when her mom was alive "that would be a nice man for you mom".Have to agree,Pat was married,but the only coach she/mom liked..Have to agree,Pat YOU WERE A CLASS ACT SIR. Will miss you!!!!!
  16. Still not getting the no fishing Bernie on your time off,but do have to add glad things are working out well.You have now been there a while. .
  17. Hot water tank gone again!!!!!!!!Why can't they make one that lasts for more than 4Years.Flooded again

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. nancur373


      I rent from reliance. Gas fired. Acton has some of the hardest water around. Tank is 1989.

    3. woodenboater


      after our last blackout, resolved to never go high efficiency /on demand. did the drain valve go or was it internal ? good luck


    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Input pipe leaking,going inside,repaired as well as glass safety vile.No air,blows.Changed and fixed,happy,happy lol.

  18. Once your rims are 15 years old Lew ,you will lose some air over a month .
  19. Pretty cool Mike!!!!!!!!
  20. MTL @ Boston should be a great game as well. Looks like I'll be viewing split screen tonight lol.
  21. Looking good,would love to have the clearance in the suv for something like that. My tools fill her up pretty good lol.What's the overall weight Brian?
  22. The sno treck 60 ice fishing sleigh an sale at CT for $47.5' long,nice deal.

    1. misfish


      Oh I got something better then that.LOL

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      But you have a pickup now.Lots of room for the smitty!I'd love to build one,but no way really to transport it.

    3. BillM


      I like the little small ones if I'm walking, the longer ones behind the machine.

  23. Winning circle?,I guess you have seen the merry go round ?lol. Detroit tomorrow, Can they repeat?,history says ?????????.Sure hope they can get something going.As Bill says,so hard being a leafs fan. Who knows which team will show up?
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