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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Wally you need to market them.A buck or two to be made maybe?
  2. Tried rack and reel a while back,didn't have them than.
  3. You know those pull and release looped ties when collapsing your two or three piece rods,keeps them tight together. After looking at BPS,Sail,and a few stores in the city,also a couple of the local shops,ended up finding them at Fish Ontario on the 400. Two in a pack for $5.00. I see as well as myself people using elastic bands,twist ties etc.Just thought I'd pass it on to all. davey.
  4. Should check a few posts down.This has been a ongoing topic for a few days.
  5. If he increases the motor pulley diameter,look out!,gives you more rpm's to the drive wheels.
  6. I wonder if you laminate it ,it would last longer?.
  7. Maybe that's what there thinking,but sticking a extra card size paper behind your card is really not a big deal. Give the people a price incentive for three years and watch the 3 year cards sell.
  8. I have done that myself,found a early copy,bought it at reg price,took the receipt in when the sale came out.You have 30 days for a lower price advertised in the flyer.
  9. Met up with a couple fellows there this morning for a bit.Looks like you had a good day Guys. Wish I would of seen your"buggy".looks great.You have given a lot of people some good ideas. Maybe a patent first?:whistling:LoL.
  10. I also like using the Marine and Trailer wheel bearing grease in the tube for your grease gun. They say it holds in place longer and keeps water from penetrating.
  11. Ever since they put that meter in a year or two ago my bill is about $40-$50 more a month. Even changed the bulbs over ,drying and dishwasher after 9pm/now 7pm when possible. Rec'd my water bill a couple months ago and my waste water was$8 more than my water coming in ,how is that possible now? Getting back to the meter, I think there is something going on! in" Hydro's favour."
  12. Your right Rob V, it's not like you change them every year .
  13. Lol, as far as I'm concerned(leaf fan),unless they do make a trade they will be lucky to make the playoffs.I think we all no the few players that wouldn't be traded but to make a stronger team there are still a few that could go.Veteran goalie,a defenceman,maybe a little more up front?.C'mon leafs let's go!
  14. Yes that I somewhat agree with, leafs have shown they can be a better team than they often show. The younger team they have put together has not shown consistency.Any good team will tell you, you need a goalie to steal a couple games here and there for you.It's been a while since I have seen that. Again IMO.
  15. Leafs need a goalie,that is where it has to start Imo.
  16. Make sure Rod,It is obviously a mistake:wallbash:
  17. Your right,it could be the selector switch itself,check that if you can skip.
  18. The actual connector causes half the problem,not only the resistors,they recommend changing both.
  19. Skip I don't know about yours but my explorer has a resister block for lack of a better word and it was common to have that burn out or the connector. Mine it allowed you to still use the highest setting as that bypassed the resistors and was wired directly to the battery. It was located right at the fan motor connection. Hope this may give you a idea. Dave.
  20. Swung by this afternoon,saw a couple of huts out,it may be finally time:clapping:
  21. Picked up mine yesterday,$27.76 is the 2012 price for a 1 year sport license.
  22. Great trip!,one day I will get south and try some salt water fishing as well. Having that good of a time is a bonus.
  23. When I went to CT today,all went well because they say,my postal code hasn't changed in the last 3 years. But really, gave me a sticker copy for $27.76 if I'm correct, and it is the same size as the outdoor card. Can't just put a sticker as previously said as my card only had one on it. Two other people were still waiting as I left because they had moved in the last year. What was wrong with the sticker program? Any way I stuck it behind my card and as they say we need two pieces now.Who is re-thinking the rules. Just another rant,but now I'm ready to go for the year..Go.od 2012 for everyone I hope. davey
  24. An accident I was involved in some years ago was not my fault. my insurance rates never increased and my truck was repaired. About 8 mths later I get a letter from the women suing me for injury and damage to her car in the area of $6,000.00.I immediately called my insurance company asking how can I be sued when I had proof of insurance and up to date. They looked into it, called me back the next day and said they had forgot about the court case and didn't show up so the woman was awarded $6,000.00 . My insurance quickly told me not to worry and paid the claim right away. I guess what I'm trying to say is who knows what these companies are doing and we should at least follow up and make sure things are properly taken care of. Good luck with this Gerritt.
  25. Doesn't feel bad at all does it.No hangover,being tired etc. There was a time not so long ago I wouldn't even think about being a DD.Times sure change don't they.
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