There seems to be a slight difference in the two lines. Is one stiffer or firmer than the other?. Secondly if there is a difference which would you use as a leader on a pin/float set up?.
From what I've read one comes in a smaller amount(leader)and the other in the hundreds of yards.(main).
Is this a float rod?,if so i personally use a micro swivel under the float and than use a clinch knot for the leader from that to the hook.I'm sure you'll get a lot of great ideas.
You do not need any where near that price for walleye gear as you will find out soon.A lot of people prefer lighter set ups.Some a little heavier for trolling.
I use a Okuma Aventa. Still will cost you more than $100 bucks,but it is good quality for the money (lower end). Stay away from cheaper reels.Go with Okuma no matter which model you choose. You will not be disapointed!!!.