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davey buoy

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Status Replies posted by davey buoy

  1. Just got home and my cat is going nuts. I smell like fish and the sink is full of 10-12 inch pertch. Missed another whity dammit....

  2. Well, i did it. Saved up, pack by pack, and Just picked up my new Calcutta 400.Mounted on my 7.5'' Compre, and ready for Musky.

  3. Habs and leafs tonight, GO HABS GO

  4. 1 month smoke free.It's a done deal this time.Amazing what can be achieved, with the love of a good woman.

  5. -29 with the wind chill. I didnt last long out in the open.

  6. Woohoo......going to see The Who on Tuesday!

  7. Time to push the button and go fishing....Here fishy fishy....Going back to the shmourguhsborg.../??

  8. Woohoo......going to see The Who on Tuesday!

  9. Days like today, 4 wheel drive pays.

  10. Please share some of your positive energy for Simons(Pikeslayers) son, who is in a comma in Edmonton after a horrendous accident :-(

  11. Say an extra prayer tonight. I don't care if you're an Atheist .. up or down to what ever denomination you may be... Jen has a date for a craniotomy / craniectomy in the morning.

  12. Surgery apparently went well. Wife should be OK in 6 months?

  13. 7 days without fish makes one week

  14. What a waste of a great day working,when ice fishing would of been so much more fun.

  15. You don't know how much you miss your own backyard till you try somewhere else .lol.

  16. You don't know how much you miss your own backyard till you try somewhere else .lol.

  17. You don't know how much you miss your own backyard till you try somewhere else .lol.

  18. In my 10th day smoke free.As much as i loved to smoke, I LOVE being weedless.

  19. God Speed to Bob, Mike and Perry. No closure for your families sure sucks! October is going to be a long wait...

  20. Day 8 smoke free!!! Wake up refreshed and no more Wheezing. Yippee !!!

  21. 28 days smoke free here, feeling better everyday!

  22. Having my 1st Ice bungalow experiance today on Nipissings South Shore. My buddies caught 35 walleye yesterday.

  23. Few guys at the marina today,two with portable huts,guessing there not getting the new message?. Fines!!!

  24. Few guys at the marina today,two with portable huts,guessing there not getting the new message?. Fines!!!

  25. 5 days smoke free. I can do it !!!!!

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